This commit is contained in:
hoteas 2017-08-04 08:20:59 +00:00
commit 5e9e1418a2
22 changed files with 3315 additions and 0 deletions

.idea/hotime.iml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<orderEntry type="library" name="GOPATH &lt;hotime&gt;" level="project" />

.idea/libraries/GOPATH__hotime_.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<component name="libraryTable">
<library name="GOPATH &lt;hotime&gt;">
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<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/test" />
<root url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/../../" />
<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/" />
<root url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.." />
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<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/" />
<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/" />
<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/" />
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<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/test" />
<root url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/../../" />
<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/" />
<root url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.." />
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<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/" />
<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/" />
<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/" />
<root url="file://E:/gopath/src/hotime" />
<root url="file://$PROJECT_DIR$" />

.idea/misc.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<option value="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/../../.." />
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<option name="myConfigurationMap">
<entry key="$PROJECT_DIR$">
<option name="branchUrls">
<option value="" />
<option value="" />
<option name="trunkUrl" value="" />
<option name="mySupportsUserInfoFilter" value="true" />

.idea/modules.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<component name="ProjectModuleManager">
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.idea/preferred-vcs.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<component name="PreferredVcsStorage">

.idea/vcs.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$" vcs="svn" />

.idea/workspace.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
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app.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
package hotime
import (
type App struct {
Port int //端口号
connectListener func(context Context) bool //所有的访问监听,true按原计划继续使用false表示有监听器处理
connectDbFunc func(err ...*Error) *sql.DB
configPath string
Config Map
Db HoTimeDB
sessionLong CacheIns
sessionShort CacheIns
func (this *App) Run(router Router, port int) {
this.Router = router
this.Port = port
if this.connectDbFunc != nil {
if this.CacheIns == nil {
this.CacheIns = CacheIns(&CacheMemory{Map: Map{}, Time: this.Config.GetInt64("cacheShortTime")})
http.HandleFunc("/", this.handler)
http.ListenAndServe(":"+ObjToStr(port), nil)
func (this *App) SetConnectDB(connect func(err ...*Error) *sql.DB) {
this.connectDbFunc = connect
func (this *App) SetSession(short CacheIns, Long CacheIns) {
this.sessionLong = Long
this.sessionShort = short
func (this *App) SetDefault(connect func(err ...*Error) *sql.DB) {
this.connectDbFunc = connect
if this.CacheIns == nil {
if this.sessionShort == nil && this.sessionLong == nil {
if this.connectDbFunc == nil {
this.SetSession(CacheIns(&CacheMemory{}), nil)
} else {
this.SetSession(CacheIns(&CacheMemory{}), CacheIns(&CacheDb{Db: &this.Db, Time: this.Config.GetInt64("cacheLongTime")}))
func (this *App) SetCache(cache CacheIns) {
this.CacheIns = cache
func (this *App) SetConfig(configPath ...string) {
if len(configPath) != 0 {
this.configPath = configPath[0]
if this.configPath == "" {
this.configPath = "config/config.json"
btes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(this.configPath)
this.Config = DeepCopyMap(Config).(Map)
if err == nil {
cmap := Map{}
cmap.JsonToMap(string(btes), &this.Error)
for k, v := range cmap {
this.Config.Put(k, v)
if this.Error.GetError() == nil {
var out bytes.Buffer
err = json.Indent(&out, []byte(this.Config.ToJsonString()), "", "\t")
err = ioutil.WriteFile(this.configPath, out.Bytes(), os.ModeAppend)
if err != nil {
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(this.configPath), os.ModeDir)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(this.configPath, out.Bytes(), os.ModeAppend)
if err != nil {
} else {
func (this *App) SetConnectListener(lis func(context Context) bool) {
this.connectListener = lis
func (this *App) session(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
func (this *App) handler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
q := strings.Index(req.RequestURI, "?")
if q == -1 {
q = len(req.RequestURI)
o := Substr(req.RequestURI, 0, q)
r := strings.SplitN(o, "/", -1)
var s = make([]string, 0)
for i := 0; i < len(r); i++ {
if !strings.EqualFold("", r[i]) {
s = append(s, r[i])
if len(s) == 3 {
if this.Router[s[0]] != nil && this.Router[s[0]][s[1]] != nil && this.Router[s[0]][s[1]][s[2]] != nil {
// 如果cookie存在直接将sessionId赋值为cookie.Value
// 如果cookie不存在就查找传入的参数中是否有token
// 如果token不存在就生成随机的sessionId
// 如果token存在就判断token是否在Session中有保存
// 如果有取出token并复制给cookie
// 没有保存就生成随机的session
cookie, err := req.Cookie((Config["sessionName"]).(string))
sessionId := Md5(strconv.Itoa(Rand(10)))
token := req.FormValue("token")
if err != nil || (len(token) == 32 && cookie.Value != token) {
if len(token) == 32 {
sessionId = token
// isFirst=true;
http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{Name: Config["sessionName"].(string), Value: sessionId, Path: "/"})
} else {
sessionId = cookie.Value
context := Context{SessionIns: SessionIns{SessionId: sessionId,
LongCache: this.sessionLong,
ShortCache: this.sessionShort,
CacheIns: this.CacheIns,
Resp: w, Req: req, App: this, RouterString: s, Config: this.Config, Db: &this.Db}
if this.connectListener != nil {
if !this.connectListener(context) {
path := Config.GetString("tpt") + o
if path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
defFile := Config["defFile"].([]string)
for i := 0; i < len(defFile); i++ {
temp := path + defFile[i]
_, err := os.Stat(temp)
if err == nil {
path = temp
if path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
if strings.Contains(path, "/.") {
header := w.Header()
if strings.Contains(path, ".css") {
header.Set("Content-Type", "text/css")
header.Set("Cache-Control", "public")
http.ServeFile(w, req, path)

cachedb.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package hotime
import (
type CacheDb struct {
Time int64
Db *HoTimeDB
isInit bool
func (this *CacheDb) initDbTable() {
if this.isInit {
dbNames := this.Db.Query("SELECT DATABASE()")
if len(dbNames) == 0 {
dbName := dbNames[0].GetString("DATABASE()")
if len(res) == 0 {
this.Db.Exec("CREATE TABLE `cached` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ckey` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, `cvalue` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL, `time` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `endtime` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=198740 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")
this.isInit = true
func (this *CacheDb) get(key string) interface{} {
cached := this.Db.Get("cached", "*", Map{"ckey": key})
if cached == nil {
return nil
if cached.GetInt64("endtime") <= time.Now().Unix() {
this.Db.Delete("cached", Map{"id": cached.GetString("id")})
return nil
data := Map{}
return data.Get("data")
//key value ,时间为时间戳
func (this *CacheDb) set(key string, value interface{}, tim int64) {
bte, _ := json.Marshal(Map{"data": value})
num := this.Db.Update("cached", Map{"cvalue": string(bte), "time": time.Now().UnixNano(), "endtime": tim}, Map{"ckey": key})
if num == int64(0) {
this.Db.Insert("cached", Map{"cvalue": string(bte), "time": time.Now().UnixNano(), "endtime": tim, "ckey": key})
if Rand(1000) > 950 {
this.Db.Delete("cached", Map{"endtime[<]": time.Now().Unix()})
func (this *CacheDb) delete(key string) {
this.Db.Delete("cached", Map{"ckey": key})
func (this *CacheDb) Cache(key string, data ...interface{}) *Obj {
if len(data) == 0 {
return &Obj{Data: this.get(key)}
tim := time.Now().Unix()
if len(data) == 1 && data[0] == nil {
return &Obj{Data: nil}
if len(data) == 1 {
if this.Time == 0 {
this.Time = Config.GetInt64("cacheLongTime")
tim += this.Time
if len(data) == 2 {
tempt := ObjToInt64(data[1], &this.Error)
if this.GetError() == nil {
tim = tim + tempt
this.set(key, data[0], tim)
return &Obj{Data: nil}

cachememory.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
package hotime
import (
type CacheMemory struct {
Time int64
func (this *CacheMemory) get(key string) interface{} {
if this.Map[key]==nil{
return nil
data := this.Map.Get(key, &this.Error).(cacheData)
if this.GetError() != nil {
return nil
if data.time <= time.Now().Unix() {
delete(this.Map, key)
return nil
//key value ,时间为时间戳
func (this *CacheMemory) set(key string, value interface{}, time int64) {
var data cacheData
dd := this.Map.Get(key, &this.Error)
if dd == nil {
data = cacheData{}
} else {
data = dd.(cacheData)
data.time = time = value
if this.Map==nil{
func (this *CacheMemory) delete(key string) {
delete(this.Map, key)
func (this *CacheMemory) Cache(key string, data ...interface{}) *Obj {
return SafeMutex(MUTEX_MEMORY_CACHE, func() interface{} {
if len(data) == 0 {
return &Obj{Data: this.get(key)}
tim := time.Now().Unix()
if len(data) == 1 && data[0] == nil {
return &Obj{Data: nil}
if len(data) == 1 {
if this.Time == 0 {
this.Time = Config.GetInt64("cacheShortTime")
tim += this.Time
if len(data) == 2 {
tempt := ObjToInt64(data[1], &this.Error)
if this.GetError() == nil {
tim = tim + tempt
this.set(key, data[0], tim)
return &Obj{Data: nil}

const.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package hotime
const (
const (
const (

context.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package hotime
import (
type Context struct {
LastErr Error
tag int64
Resp http.ResponseWriter
Req *http.Request
App *App
RouterString []string
Config Map
Db *HoTimeDB
resp Map
func (this *Context) GetTag() int64 {
if this.tag == int64(0) {
this.tag = time.Now().UnixNano()
return this.tag
func (this *Context) Mtd(router [3]string) Map {
d := this.resp
this.resp = nil
return d
func (this *Context) Display(statu int, data interface{}) {
resp := Map{"statu": statu}
if statu != 0 {
temp := Map{}
temp["type"] = 0
temp["msg"] = data
resp["result"] = temp
} else {
resp["result"] = data
this.resp = resp
func (this *Context) View() {
if this.resp == nil {
d, err := json.Marshal(this.resp)
if err != nil {
this.resp = nil

db.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
package hotime
import (
type HoTimeDB struct {
Cached bool
LastQuery string
LastData []interface{}
ConnectFunc func(err ...*Error) *sql.DB
//LastErr Error
limit Slice
func (this *HoTimeDB) SetConnect(connect func(err ...*Error) *sql.DB, err ...*Error) {
this.ConnectFunc = connect
func (this *HoTimeDB) InitDb(err ...*Error) Error {
if len(err) != 0 {
this.LastErr = *(err[0])
this.DB = this.ConnectFunc(&this.LastErr)
if this.DB == nil {
return this.LastErr
e := this.DB.Ping()
return this.LastErr
func (this *HoTimeDB) Page(page, pageRow int) *HoTimeDB {
page = (page - 1) * pageRow
if page < 0 {
page = 1
this.limit = Slice{page, pageRow}
return this
func (this *HoTimeDB) PageSelect(table string, qu ...interface{}) []Map {
if len(qu) == 1 {
qu = append(qu, Map{"LIMIT": this.limit})
if len(qu) == 2 {
temp := qu[1].(Map)
temp["LIMIT"] = this.limit
qu[1] = temp
if len(qu) == 3 {
temp := qu[2].(Map)
temp["LIMIT"] = this.limit
qu[2] = temp
data := this.Select(table, qu...)
return data
func (this *HoTimeDB) Row(resl *sql.Rows) []Map {
dest := make([]Map, 0)
strs, _ := resl.Columns()
for i := 0; resl.Next(); i++ {
lis := make(Map, 0)
a := make([]interface{}, len(strs))
b := make([]interface{}, len(a))
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
b[j] = &a[j]
for j := 0; j < len(a); j++ {
if a[j] != nil && reflect.ValueOf(a[j]).Type().String() == "[]uint8" {
lis[strs[j]] = string(a[j].([]byte))
} else {
lis[strs[j]] = a[j]
dest = append(dest, lis)
return dest
////code=0,1,2 0 backup all,1 backup data,2 backup ddl
//func (this *HoTimeDB) Backup(path string, code int) {
// var cmd *exec.Cmd
// switch code {
// case 0:cmd= exec.Command("mysqldump","-h"+ObjToStr(Config["dbHost"]), "-P"+ObjToStr(Config["dbPort"]),"-u"+ObjToStr(Config["dbUser"]), "-p"+ObjToStr(Config["dbPwd"]),ObjToStr(Config["dbName"]))
// case 1:cmd= exec.Command("mysqldump","-h"+ObjToStr(Config["dbHost"]), "-P"+ObjToStr(Config["dbPort"]),"-u"+ObjToStr(Config["dbUser"]), "-p"+ObjToStr(Config["dbPwd"]), ObjToStr(Config["dbName"]))
// case 2:cmd= exec.Command("mysqldump","--no-data","-h"+ObjToStr(Config["dbHost"]), "-P"+ObjToStr(Config["dbPort"]),"-u"+ObjToStr(Config["dbUser"]), "-p"+ObjToStr(Config["dbPwd"]),ObjToStr(Config["dbName"]))
// }
// stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stdout)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, bytes, 0644)
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// return ;
// //
// //db := ``
// //fmt.Println(db)
// //
// //tables := this.Query("show tables")
// //lth := len(tables)
// //if lth == 0 {
// // return
// //}
// //for k, _ := range tables[0] {
// // db = Substr(k, 10, len(k))
// //}
// //
// //fd, _ := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
// //fd.Write([]byte("/*datetime " + time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") + " */ \r\n"))
// //fd.Close()
// //
// //for i := 0; i < lth; i++ {
// // tt := tables[i]["Tables_in_"+db].(string)
// // this.backupSave(path, tt, code)
// // debug.FreeOSMemory()
// //}
func (this *HoTimeDB) backupSave(path string, tt string, code int) {
fd, _ := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644)
defer fd.Close()
str := "\r\n"
if code == 0 || code == 2 {
str += this.backupDdl(tt)
if code == 0 || code == 1 {
str += "insert into `" + tt + "`\r\n\r\n("
str += this.backupCol(tt)
func (this *HoTimeDB) backupDdl(tt string) string {
data := this.Query("show create table " + tt)
if len(data) == 0 {
return ""
return ObjToStr(data[0]["Create Table"]) + ";\r\n\r\n"
func (this *HoTimeDB) backupCol(tt string) string {
str := ""
data := this.Select(tt, "*")
lthData := len(data)
if lthData == 0 {
return str
lthCol := len(data[0])
col := make([]string, lthCol)
tempLthData := 0
for k, _ := range data[0] {
if tempLthData == lthCol-1 {
str += "`" + k + "`)"
} else {
str += "`" + k + "`,"
col[tempLthData] = k
str += " values"
for j := 0; j < lthData; j++ {
for m := 0; m < lthCol; m++ {
if m == 0 {
str += "("
v := "NULL"
if data[j][col[m]] != nil {
v = "'" + strings.Replace(ObjToStr(data[j][col[m]]), "'", `\'`, -1) + "'"
if m == lthCol-1 {
str += v + ")"
} else {
str += v + ","
if j == lthData-1 {
str += ";\r\n\r\n"
} else {
str += ",\r\n\r\n"
return str
func (this *HoTimeDB) md5(query string, args ...interface{}) string {
strByte, _ := json.Marshal(args)
str := Md5(query + ":" + string(strByte))
return str
func (this *HoTimeDB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) []Map {
var err error
var resl *sql.Rows
this.LastQuery = query
this.LastData = args
if this.DB == nil {
err = errors.New("没有初始化数据库")
return nil
resl, err = this.DB.Query(query, args...)
if err != nil {
if err = this.DB.Ping(); err != nil {
if this.LastErr.GetError() != nil {
return nil
return this.Query(query, args...)
return nil
return this.Row(resl)
func (this *HoTimeDB) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, Error) {
this.LastQuery = query
this.LastData = args
if this.DB == nil {
err := errors.New("没有初始化数据库")
return nil, this.LastErr
resl, e := this.DB.Exec(query, args...)
if e != nil {
if e = this.DB.Ping(); e != nil {
if this.LastErr.GetError() != nil {
return resl, this.LastErr
return this.Exec(query, args...)
return resl, this.LastErr
//func (this *HoTimeDB)copy(data []Map)[]Map{
// if data==nil{
// return nil
// }
// lth:=len(data)
// res:=make([]Map,lth)
// for i:=0;i<lth;i++{
// res[i]=DeepCopy(data[i]).(Map)
// }
// return res
func (this *HoTimeDB) Select(table string, qu ...interface{}) []Map {
query := "SELECT"
where := Map{}
qs := make([]interface{}, 0)
intQs, intWhere := 0, 1
join := false
if len(qu) == 3 {
intQs = 1
intWhere = 2
join = true
if len(qu) > 0 {
if reflect.ValueOf(qu[intQs]).Type().String() == "string" {
query += " " + qu[intQs].(string)
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(qu[intQs].(Slice)); i++ {
if i+1 != len(qu[intQs].(Slice)) {
query += " `" + qu[intQs].(Slice)[i].(string) + "`,"
} else {
query += " `" + qu[intQs].(Slice)[i].(string) + "`"
} else {
query += " *"
query += " FROM " + table
if join {
for k, v := range qu[0].(Map) {
switch Substr(k, 0, 3) {
case "[>]":
query += " LEFT JOIN " + Substr(k, 3, len(k)-3) + " ON " + v.(string)
case "[<]":
query += " RIGHT JOIN " + Substr(k, 3, len(k)-3) + " ON " + v.(string)
switch Substr(k, 0, 4) {
case "[<>]":
query += " FULL JOIN " + Substr(k, 4, len(k)-4) + " ON " + v.(string)
case "[><]":
query += " INNER JOIN " + Substr(k, 4, len(k)-4) + " ON " + v.(string)
if len(qu) > 1 {
where = qu[intWhere].(Map)
temp, resWhere := this.where(where)
query += temp
qs = append(qs, resWhere...)
res := this.Query(query, qs...)
return res
func (this *HoTimeDB) Get(table string, qu ...interface{}) Map {
if len(qu) == 1 {
qu = append(qu, Map{"LIMIT": 1})
if len(qu) == 2 {
temp := qu[1].(Map)
temp["LIMIT"] = 1
qu[1] = temp
if len(qu) == 3 {
temp := qu[2].(Map)
temp["LIMIT"] = 1
qu[2] = temp
data := this.Select(table, qu...)
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
return data[0]
** 计数
func (this *HoTimeDB) Count(table string, qu ...interface{}) int {
req := []interface{}{}
if len(qu) == 2 {
req = append(req, qu[0])
req = append(req, "COUNT(*)")
req = append(req, qu[1])
} else {
req = append(req, "COUNT(*)")
req = append(req, qu...)
data := this.Select(table, req...)
if len(data) == 0 {
return 0
res := ObjToStr(data[0]["COUNT(*)"])
count, _ := StrToInt(res)
return count
var condition = []string{"AND", "OR"}
var vcond = []string{"GROUP", "ORDER", "LIMIT"}
func (this *HoTimeDB) where(data Map) (string, []interface{}) {
where := ""
res := make([]interface{}, 0)
//AND OR判断
for k, v := range data {
x := 0
for i := 0; i < len(condition); i++ {
if condition[i] == k {
tw, ts := this.cond(k, v.(Map))
where += tw
res = append(res, ts...)
y := 0
for j := 0; j < len(vcond); j++ {
if vcond[j] == k {
if x == len(condition) && y == len(vcond) {
tv, vv := this.varCond(k, v)
where += tv
res = append(res, vv...)
if len(where) != 0 {
where = " WHERE " + where
for j := 0; j < len(vcond); j++ {
for k, v := range data {
if vcond[j] == k {
if k == "ORDER" {
where += " " + k + " BY "
} else if k == "GROUP" {
where += " " + k + " BY "
} else {
where += " " + k
if reflect.ValueOf(v).Type().String() == "hotime.Slice" {
for i := 0; i < len(v.(Slice)); i++ {
where += " " + ObjToStr(v.(Slice)[i])
if len(v.(Slice)) != i+1 {
where += ","
} else {
where += " " + ObjToStr(v)
return where, res
func (this *HoTimeDB) varCond(k string, v interface{}) (string, []interface{}) {
where := ""
res := make([]interface{}, 0)
length := len(k)
if length > 4 {
def := false
switch Substr(k, length-3, 3) {
case "[>]":
k = strings.Replace(k, "[>]", "", -1)
where += "`" + k + "`>? "
res = append(res, v)
case "[<]":
k = strings.Replace(k, "[<]", "", -1)
where += "`" + k + "`<? "
res = append(res, v)
case "[!]":
k = strings.Replace(k, "[!]", "", -1)
where, res = this.notIn(k, v, where, res)
case "[#]":
k = strings.Replace(k, "[#]", "", -1)
where += "`" + k + "`=" + ObjToStr(v)
case "[~]":
k = strings.Replace(k, "[~]", "", -1)
where += "`" + k + "` LIKE ? "
v = "%" + v.(string) + "%"
res = append(res, v)
def = true
if def {
switch Substr(k, length-4, 4) {
case "[>=]":
k = strings.Replace(k, "[>=]", "", -1)
where += "`" + k + "`>=? "
res = append(res, v)
case "[<=]":
k = strings.Replace(k, "[<]", "", -1)
where += "`" + k + "`<=? "
res = append(res, v)
case "[><]":
k = strings.Replace(k, "[><]", "", -1)
where += "`" + k + "` NOT BETWEEN ? AND ? "
res = append(res, v.(Slice)[0])
res = append(res, v.(Slice)[1])
case "[<>]":
k = strings.Replace(k, "[<>]", "", -1)
where += "`" + k + "` BETWEEN ? AND ? "
res = append(res, v.(Slice)[0])
res = append(res, v.(Slice)[1])
if reflect.ValueOf(v).Type().String() == "hotime.Slice" {
where += "`" + k + "` IN ("
res = append(res, (v.(Slice))...)
for i := 0; i < len(v.(Slice)); i++ {
if i+1 != len(v.(Slice)) {
where += "?,"
} else {
where += "?) "
} else {
where += "`" + k + "`=? "
res = append(res, v)
} else {
if reflect.ValueOf(v).Type().String() == "hotime.Slice" {
where += "`" + k + "` IN ("
res = append(res, (v.(Slice))...)
for i := 0; i < len(v.(Slice)); i++ {
if i+1 != len(v.(Slice)) {
where += "?,"
} else {
where += "?) "
} else if reflect.ValueOf(v).Type().String() == "[]interface {}" {
where += "`" + k + "` IN ("
res = append(res, (v.([]interface{}))...)
for i := 0; i < len(v.([]interface{})); i++ {
if i+1 != len(v.([]interface{})) {
where += "?,"
} else {
where += "?) "
} else {
where += "`" + k + "`=? "
res = append(res, v)
return where, res
// this.Db.Update("user",hotime.Map{"ustate":"1"},hotime.Map{"AND":hotime.Map{"OR":hotime.Map{"uid":4,"uname":"dasda"}},"ustate":1})
func (this *HoTimeDB) notIn(k string, v interface{}, where string, res []interface{}) (string, []interface{}) {
if reflect.ValueOf(v).Type().String() == "hotime.Slice" {
where += "`" + k + "` NOT IN ("
res = append(res, (v.(Slice))...)
for i := 0; i < len(v.(Slice)); i++ {
if i+1 != len(v.(Slice)) {
where += "?,"
} else {
where += "?) "
} else if reflect.ValueOf(v).Type().String() == "[]interface {}" {
where += "`" + k + "` NOT IN ("
res = append(res, (v.([]interface{}))...)
for i := 0; i < len(v.([]interface{})); i++ {
if i+1 != len(v.([]interface{})) {
where += "?,"
} else {
where += "?) "
} else {
where += "`" + k + "` !=? "
res = append(res, v)
return where, res
func (this *HoTimeDB) cond(tag string, data Map) (string, []interface{}) {
where := " "
res := make([]interface{}, 0)
lens := len(data)
for k, v := range data {
x := 0
for i := 0; i < len(condition); i++ {
if condition[i] == k {
tw, ts := this.cond(k, v.(Map))
if lens--; lens <= 0 {
where += "(" + tw + ") "
} else {
where += "(" + tw + ") " + tag + " "
res = append(res, ts...)
if x == len(condition) {
tv, vv := this.varCond(k, v)
res = append(res, vv...)
if lens--; lens <= 0 {
where += tv + ""
} else {
where += tv + " " + tag + " "
return where, res
func (this *HoTimeDB) Update(table string, data Map, where Map) int64 {
query := "UPDATE " + table + " SET "
//UPDATE Person SET Address = 'Zhongshan 23', City = 'Nanjing' WHERE LastName = 'Wilson'
qs := make([]interface{}, 0)
tp := len(data)
for k, v := range data {
vstr := "?"
if Substr(k, len(k)-3, 3) == "[#]" {
k = strings.Replace(k, "[#]", "", -1)
vstr = ObjToStr(v)
} else {
qs = append(qs, v)
query += "`" + k + "`=" + vstr + ""
if tp--; tp != 0 {
query += ", "
temp, resWhere := this.where(where)
query += temp
qs = append(qs, resWhere...)
res, err := this.Exec(query, qs...)
if err.GetError() != nil {
return 0
//return 0
rows, _ := res.RowsAffected()
return rows
func (this *HoTimeDB) Delete(table string, data map[string]interface{}) int64 {
query := "DELETE FROM " + table + " "
temp, resWhere := this.where(data)
query += temp
res, err := this.Exec(query, resWhere...)
if err.GetError() != nil {
return 0
//return 0
rows, _ := res.RowsAffected()
return rows
func (this *HoTimeDB) Insert(table string, data map[string]interface{}) int64 {
values := make([]interface{}, 0)
queryString := " ("
valueString := " ("
lens := len(data)
tempLen := 0
for k, v := range data {
values = append(values, v)
if tempLen < lens {
queryString += "`" + k + "`,"
valueString += "?,"
} else {
queryString += "`" + k + "`) "
valueString += "?);"
query := "INSERT INTO " + table + queryString + "VALUES" + valueString
res, err := this.Exec(query, values...)
if err.GetError() != nil {
return 0
id, e := res.LastInsertId()
if e != nil {
return 0
return id

error.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package hotime
import "fmt"
type Error struct {
err error
func(this *Error)GetError()error{
return this.err
func(this *Error)SetError(err error,loglevel... int){
SafeMutex("HOTIME-SYSTEM-ERR", func() interface{} {
if err==nil{
return nil
if len(loglevel)!=0{
if lev==LOG_FMT{
return nil

func.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
package hotime
import (
func SafeMutex(tag string, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if mutex[tag] == nil {
mutex[tag] = &sync.RWMutex{}
res := f()
return res
func StrFirstToUpper(str string) string {
if len(str) == 0 {
return str
first := Substr(str, 0, 1)
other := Substr(str, 1, len(str)-1)
return strings.ToUpper(first) + other
func Substr(str string, start int, length int) string {
rs := []rune(str)
rl := len(rs)
end := 0
if start < 0 {
start = rl - 1 + start
end = start + length
if start > end {
start, end = end, start
if start < 0 {
start = 0
if start > rl {
start = rl
if end < 0 {
end = 0
if end > rl {
end = rl
return string(rs[start:end])
//return 找不到返回 -1
func IndexLastStr(str, sep string) int {
sepSlice := []rune(sep)
strSlice := []rune(str)
if len(sepSlice) > len(strSlice) {
return -1
v := sepSlice[len(sepSlice)-1]
for i := len(strSlice) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
vs := strSlice[i]
if v == vs {
j := len(sepSlice) - 2
for ; j >= 0; j-- {
vj := sepSlice[j]
vsj := strSlice[i-(len(sepSlice)-j-1)]
if vj != vsj {
if j < 0 {
return i - len(sepSlice) + 1
return -1
func Md5(req string) string {
md5Ctx := md5.New()
cipherStr := md5Ctx.Sum(nil)
return hex.EncodeToString(cipherStr)
func Rand(count int) int {
var R = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
res := 0
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
res = res * 10
res = res + R.Intn(10)
if i == 0 && res == 0 {
for {
res = res + R.Intn(10)
if res != 0 {
return res
func RandX(small int, max int) int {
res := 0
var R = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
if small == max {
return small
for {
res = R.Intn(max)
if res >= small {
return res
//func Router(ctr CtrInterface) {
// str := reflect.ValueOf(ctr).Type().String()
// a := strings.IndexByte(str, '.')
// c := len(str) - len("Ctr") - 1
// app := Substr(str, 0, a) //属于哪个app
// ct := Substr(str, a+1, c-a) //属于哪个控制器
// var x = map[string]CtrInterface{}
// if _, ok := Proj[app]; ok {
// //存在APP
// x = Proj[app]
// } else {
// x = map[string]CtrInterface{}
// }
// x[ct] = ctr //将控制器存入APP
// // fmt.Println(c)
// Proj[app] = x //将APP存入测试
//func RunMethodListener(test func(app []string)) {
// RunMethodListenerFunc = test
//func SetDb(db *sql.DB) {
// db.SetMaxOpenConns(2000)
// db.SetMaxIdleConns(1000)
// db.Ping()
// SqlDB = &*db
// GetDb()
func DeepCopyMap(value interface{}) interface{} {
if valueMap, ok := value.(Map); ok {
newMap := make(Map)
for k, v := range valueMap {
newMap[k] = DeepCopyMap(v)
return newMap
} else if valueSlice, ok := value.([]interface{}); ok {
newSlice := make([]interface{}, len(valueSlice))
for k, v := range valueSlice {
newSlice[k] = DeepCopyMap(v)
return newSlice
} else if valueMap, ok := value.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
newMap := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range valueMap {
newMap[k] = DeepCopyMap(v)
return newMap
} else if valueSlice, ok := value.(Slice); ok {
newSlice := make(Slice, len(valueSlice))
for k, v := range valueSlice {
newSlice[k] = DeepCopyMap(v)
return newSlice
return value
//func GetDb() (HoTimeDB, error) {
// Db.DB = &*SqlDB
// Db.Cached = true
// return Db, nil
//func Init() {
// http.HandleFunc("/", PublicCore.myHandler)
// InitCache()
// http.ListenAndServe(":"+Config["port"].(string), nil)
//func SetCfg(tData Map) {
// for k, v := range tData {
// Config[k] = v
// }
func Round(f float64, n int) float64 {
pow10_n := math.Pow10(n)
return math.Trunc((f+0.5/pow10_n)*pow10_n) / pow10_n
//func InitDbCache(tim int64) {
// if len(res) == 0 {
// Db.Exec("CREATE TABLE `cached` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ckey` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL, `cvalue` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL, `time` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `endtime` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=198740 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")
// }
// cacheConfig := Config.GetMap("cacheConfig").GetObj("db").(CacheConfg)
// cacheConfig.Used = true
// if tim != 0 {
// cacheConfig.Time = tim
// }
// Config.GetMap("cacheConfig")["db"] = cacheConfig
//func Cache(key interface{}, data ...interface{}) interface{} {
// cachePRI := Config["cachePRI"].([]string)
// var res interface{}
// for i := 0; i < len(cachePRI); i++ {
// if cachePRI[i] == "ridis" && Config["cacheConfig"].(Map)["ridis"].(CacheConfg).Used {
// res = CacheMemIns.Cache(ObjToStr(key), data...)
// }
// if cachePRI[i] == "db" && Config["cacheConfig"].(Map)["db"].(CacheConfg).Used {
// res = CacheDBIns.Cache(ObjToStr(key), data...)
// }
// if cachePRI[i] == "memory" && Config["cacheConfig"].(Map)["memory"].(CacheConfg).Used {
// res = CacheMemIns.Cache(ObjToStr(key), data...)
// }
// //将缓存送到前面的可缓存仓库去
// if res != nil {
// for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
// if cachePRI[j] == "ridis" && Config["cacheConfig"].(Map)["ridis"].(CacheConfg).Used {
// CacheMemIns.Cache(ObjToStr(key), res)
// }
// if cachePRI[j] == "db" && Config["cacheConfig"].(Map)["db"].(CacheConfg).Used {
// CacheDBIns.Cache(ObjToStr(key), res)
// }
// if cachePRI[j] == "memory" && Config["cacheConfig"].(Map)["memory"].(CacheConfg).Used {
// CacheMemIns.Cache(ObjToStr(key), res)
// }
// }
// break
// }
// }
// return res
//func InitCache() {
// CacheMemIns.Init(Config["cacheConfig"].(Map)["memory"].(CacheConfg).Time)
// CacheDBIns.Init(Config["cacheConfig"].(Map)["db"].(CacheConfg).Time)

map.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
package hotime
import (
type Map map[string]interface{}
func (this Map) GetString(key string, err ...*Error) string {
if len(err) != 0 {
return ObjToStr((this)[key])
func (this *Map) Pointer() *Map{
return this
func (this Map) Put(key string, value interface{}) {
//if this==nil{
// this=Map{}
this[key] = value
func (this Map) Delete(key string) {
delete(this, key)
func (this Map) GetInt(key string, err ...*Error) int {
v := ObjToInt((this)[key], err...)
return v
func (this Map) GetInt64(key string, err ...*Error) int64 {
v := ObjToInt64((this)[key], err...)
return v
func (this Map) GetFloat64(key string, err ...*Error) float64 {
v := ObjToFloat64((this)[key], err...)
return v
func (this Map) GetSlice(key string, err ...*Error) Slice {
//var v Slice
v := ObjToSlice((this)[key], err...)
return v
func (this Map) GetMap(key string, err ...*Error) Map {
//var data Slice
v := ObjToMap((this)[key], err...)
return v
func (this Map) Get(key string, err ...*Error) interface{} {
if v, ok := (this)[key]; ok {
return v
e := errors.New("没有存储key及对应的数据")
if len(err) != 0 {
return nil
func (this Map) ToStruct(stct interface{}) {
data := reflect.ValueOf(stct).Elem()
for k, v := range this {
ks := StrFirstToUpper(k)
dkey := data.FieldByName(ks)
if !dkey.IsValid() {
switch dkey.Type().String() {
case "int":
case "int64":
case "float64":
case "string":
case "interface{}":
func (this Map) ToJsonString() string {
return ObjToStr(this)
func (this Map) JsonToMap(jsonStr string,err... *Error) {
e:=json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonStr), &this)
if e!=nil&&len(err)!=0{

obj.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package hotime
type Obj struct {
Data interface{}
func (this *Obj) Put(data interface{}) {
this.Data = data
func (this *Obj) ToInt(err ...Error) int {
if len(err) != 0 {
this.Error = err[0]
return ObjToInt(this.Data, &this.Error)
func (this *Obj) ToInt64(err ...Error) int64 {
if len(err) != 0 {
this.Error = err[0]
return ObjToInt64(this.Data, &this.Error)
func (this *Obj) ToFloat64(err ...Error) float64 {
if len(err) != 0 {
this.Error = err[0]
return ObjToFloat64(this.Data, &this.Error)
func (this *Obj) ToStr() string {
return ObjToStr(this.Data)
func (this *Obj) ToMap(err ...Error) Map {
if len(err) != 0 {
this.Error = err[0]
return ObjToMap(this.Data, &this.Error)
func (this *Obj) ToSlice(err ...Error) Slice {
if len(err) != 0 {
this.Error = err[0]
return ObjToSlice(this.Data, &this.Error)
func (this *Obj) ToObj() interface{} {
return this.Data

objtoobj.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
package hotime
import (
func ObjToMap(obj interface{},e... *Error) Map {
var err error
var v Map
if obj == nil {
v = nil
err = errors.New("没有合适的转换对象!")
} else {
switch obj.(type){
case Map:v = obj.(Map)
case map[string]interface {}:v=obj.(map[string]interface{})
v = nil
err = errors.New("没有合适的转换对象!")
return v
func ObjToSlice(obj interface{},e... *Error) Slice{
var err error
var v Slice
if obj == nil {
v = nil
err = errors.New("没有合适的转换对象!")
} else {
switch obj.(type) {
case Slice:
v = obj.(Slice)
case []interface {}:v=obj.([]interface{})
v = nil
err = errors.New("没有合适的转换对象!")
return v
func ObjToFloat64(obj interface{},e... *Error) float64 {
var err error
v := float64(0)
if obj == nil {
err = errors.New("没有合适的转换对象!")
} else {
switch obj.(type) {
case int:
v = float64(obj.(int))
case int64:
v = float64(obj.(int64))
case string:
value, e := strconv.ParseFloat(obj.(string), 64)
if e != nil {
v = float64(0)
err = e
} else {
v = value
case float64:
v = obj.(float64)
case float32:
v = float64(obj.(float32))
case uint8:
value, e := strconv.ParseFloat(obj.(string), 64)
if e != nil {
v = float64(0)
err = e
} else {
v = value
v = float64(0)
err = errors.New("没有合适的转换对象!")
return v
func ObjToInt64(obj interface{},e... *Error) int64 {
var err error
v := int64(0)
if obj == nil {
err = errors.New("没有合适的转换对象!")
} else {
switch obj.(type) {
case int:
v = int64(obj.(int))
case int64:
v = obj.(int64)
case string:
value, e := StrToInt(obj.(string))
if e != nil {
v = int64(0)
err = e
} else {
v = int64(value)
case uint8:
value, e := StrToInt(obj.(string))
if e != nil {
v = int64(0)
err = e
} else {
v = int64(value)
case float64:
v = int64(obj.(float64))
case float32:
v = int64(obj.(float32))
v = int64(0)
err = errors.New("没有合适的转换对象!")
return v
func ObjToInt(obj interface{},e... *Error) int {
var err error
v := 0
if obj == nil {
err = errors.New("没有合适的转换对象!")
} else {
switch obj.(type) {
case int:
v = obj.(int)
case int64:
v = int(obj.(int64))
case string:
value, e := StrToInt(obj.(string))
if e != nil {
v = 0
err = e
} else {
v = value
case uint8:
value, e := StrToInt(obj.(string))
if e != nil {
v = 0
err = e
} else {
v = value
case float64:
v = int(obj.(float64))
case float32:
v = int(obj.(float32))
v = 0
err = errors.New("没有合适的转换对象!")
return v
func ObjToStr(obj interface{}) string {
// fmt.Println(reflect.ValueOf(obj).Type().String() )
str := ""
if obj==nil{
return str
switch obj.(type) {
case int:
str = strconv.Itoa(obj.(int))
case uint8:
str = obj.(string)
case int64:
str = strconv.FormatInt(obj.(int64), 10)
case []byte:
str = string(obj.([]byte))
case string:
str = obj.(string)
case float64:
str = strconv.FormatFloat(obj.(float64), 'f', 6, 64)
if err==nil{
return str
func StrToInt(s string) (int, error) {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
return i, err

session.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package hotime
type SessionIns struct {
ShortCache CacheIns
LongCache CacheIns
SessionId string
func (this *SessionIns)set(){
if this.ShortCache!=nil{
if this.LongCache!=nil{
func(this *SessionIns)Session(key string,data ...interface{})*Obj{
if this.Map==nil{
if len(data)!=0{
if data[0]==nil{
return &Obj{Data:nil}
return &Obj{Data:this.Map.Get(key)}
func (this *SessionIns)get(){
if this.ShortCache!=nil{
if this.Map!=nil{
if this.LongCache!=nil{
if this.Map!=nil{
if this.ShortCache!=nil{
func (this *SessionIns)Init(short CacheIns, long CacheIns){

slice.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package hotime
import ("encoding/json"
type Slice []interface{}
func (this Slice) GetString(key int,err... *Error) string {
return ObjToStr((this)[key])
func (this Slice) GetInt(key int,err... *Error) int {
v := ObjToInt((this)[key],err...)
return v
func (this Slice) GetInt64(key int,err... *Error) int64 {
v:= ObjToInt64((this)[key],err...)
return v
func (this Slice) GetFloat64(key int,err... *Error) (float64) {
v:= ObjToFloat64((this)[key],err...)
return v
func (this Slice) GetSlice(key int,err... *Error) Slice {
v := ObjToSlice((this)[key],err...)
return v
func (this Slice) GetMap(key int,err... *Error) Map {
//var v Map
v:= ObjToMap((this)[key],err...)
return v
func (this Slice) Get(key int,err... *Error) interface{} {
return this[key]
return nil
func (this Slice)Put(key int,value interface{}){
func (this Slice)Append(value interface{}){
func (this Slice) GetJsonString() string {
return ObjToStr(this)
func (this Slice)JsonToSlice(jsonStr string){

type.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package hotime
type Ctr map[string]func(*Context)
type Proj map[string]Ctr
type Router map[string]Proj
type CacheIns interface {
set(key string, value interface{}, time int64)
get(key string) interface{}
delete(key string)
Cache(key string, data ...interface{}) *Obj
type cacheData struct {
time int64
data interface{}

var.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package hotime
import "sync"
//var Config = struct {
// LogLevel int
// LogLevel: LOG_FMT, //日志等级处理LogFmt显示所有错误到控制台LogNil不记录任何错误
var mutex = map[interface{}]*sync.RWMutex{} //安全锁
var mutexer = sync.RWMutex{} //读写锁
//var Db = HoTimeDB{} //数据库实例
var Config = Map{
"tpt": "tpt",
"logLevel": LOG_FMT,
"defFile": []string{"index.html", "index.htm"},
"dbHost": "",
"dbName": "test",
"dbUser": "root",
"dbPwd": "root",
"dbPort": "3306",
"port": "80",
"cacheShortTime": 60 * 60 * 2,
"cacheLongTime": 60 * 60 * 24*30,