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2022-10-19 21:32:34 +08:00
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package mongo
import (
mcopts "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/x/mongo/driver/mongocrypt/options"
const (
defaultLocalThreshold = 15 * time.Millisecond
defaultMaxPoolSize uint64 = 100
var (
// keyVaultCollOpts specifies options used to communicate with the key vault collection
keyVaultCollOpts = options.Collection().SetReadConcern(readconcern.Majority()).
endSessionsBatchSize = 10000
// Client is a handle representing a pool of connections to a MongoDB deployment. It is safe for concurrent use by
// multiple goroutines.
// The Client type opens and closes connections automatically and maintains a pool of idle connections. For
// connection pool configuration options, see documentation for the ClientOptions type in the mongo/options package.
type Client struct {
id uuid.UUID
topologyOptions []topology.Option
deployment driver.Deployment
localThreshold time.Duration
retryWrites bool
retryReads bool
clock *session.ClusterClock
readPreference *readpref.ReadPref
readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern
writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern
registry *bsoncodec.Registry
monitor *event.CommandMonitor
serverAPI *driver.ServerAPIOptions
serverMonitor *event.ServerMonitor
sessionPool *session.Pool
timeout *time.Duration
// client-side encryption fields
keyVaultClientFLE *Client
keyVaultCollFLE *Collection
mongocryptdFLE *mongocryptdClient
cryptFLE driver.Crypt
metadataClientFLE *Client
internalClientFLE *Client
encryptedFieldsMap map[string]interface{}
// Connect creates a new Client and then initializes it using the Connect method. This is equivalent to calling
// NewClient followed by Client.Connect.
// When creating an options.ClientOptions, the order the methods are called matters. Later Set*
// methods will overwrite the values from previous Set* method invocations. This includes the
// ApplyURI method. This allows callers to determine the order of precedence for option
// application. For instance, if ApplyURI is called before SetAuth, the Credential from
// SetAuth will overwrite the values from the connection string. If ApplyURI is called
// after SetAuth, then its values will overwrite those from SetAuth.
// The opts parameter is processed using options.MergeClientOptions, which will overwrite entire
// option fields of previous options, there is no partial overwriting. For example, if Username is
// set in the Auth field for the first option, and Password is set for the second but with no
// Username, after the merge the Username field will be empty.
// The NewClient function does not do any I/O and returns an error if the given options are invalid.
// The Client.Connect method starts background goroutines to monitor the state of the deployment and does not do
// any I/O in the main goroutine to prevent the main goroutine from blocking. Therefore, it will not error if the
// deployment is down.
// The Client.Ping method can be used to verify that the deployment is successfully connected and the
// Client was correctly configured.
func Connect(ctx context.Context, opts ...*options.ClientOptions) (*Client, error) {
c, err := NewClient(opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = c.Connect(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
// NewClient creates a new client to connect to a deployment specified by the uri.
// When creating an options.ClientOptions, the order the methods are called matters. Later Set*
// methods will overwrite the values from previous Set* method invocations. This includes the
// ApplyURI method. This allows callers to determine the order of precedence for option
// application. For instance, if ApplyURI is called before SetAuth, the Credential from
// SetAuth will overwrite the values from the connection string. If ApplyURI is called
// after SetAuth, then its values will overwrite those from SetAuth.
// The opts parameter is processed using options.MergeClientOptions, which will overwrite entire
// option fields of previous options, there is no partial overwriting. For example, if Username is
// set in the Auth field for the first option, and Password is set for the second but with no
// Username, after the merge the Username field will be empty.
func NewClient(opts ...*options.ClientOptions) (*Client, error) {
clientOpt := options.MergeClientOptions(opts...)
id, err := uuid.New()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client := &Client{id: id}
err = client.configure(clientOpt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if client.deployment == nil {
client.deployment, err = topology.New(client.topologyOptions...)
if err != nil {
return nil, replaceErrors(err)
return client, nil
// Connect initializes the Client by starting background monitoring goroutines.
// If the Client was created using the NewClient function, this method must be called before a Client can be used.
// Connect starts background goroutines to monitor the state of the deployment and does not do any I/O in the main
// goroutine. The Client.Ping method can be used to verify that the connection was created successfully.
func (c *Client) Connect(ctx context.Context) error {
if connector, ok := c.deployment.(driver.Connector); ok {
err := connector.Connect()
if err != nil {
return replaceErrors(err)
if c.mongocryptdFLE != nil {
if err := c.mongocryptdFLE.connect(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if c.internalClientFLE != nil {
if err := c.internalClientFLE.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if c.keyVaultClientFLE != nil && c.keyVaultClientFLE != c.internalClientFLE && c.keyVaultClientFLE != c {
if err := c.keyVaultClientFLE.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if c.metadataClientFLE != nil && c.metadataClientFLE != c.internalClientFLE && c.metadataClientFLE != c {
if err := c.metadataClientFLE.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
return err
var updateChan <-chan description.Topology
if subscriber, ok := c.deployment.(driver.Subscriber); ok {
sub, err := subscriber.Subscribe()
if err != nil {
return replaceErrors(err)
updateChan = sub.Updates
c.sessionPool = session.NewPool(updateChan)
return nil
// Disconnect closes sockets to the topology referenced by this Client. It will
// shut down any monitoring goroutines, close the idle connection pool, and will
// wait until all the in use connections have been returned to the connection
// pool and closed before returning. If the context expires via cancellation,
// deadline, or timeout before the in use connections have returned, the in use
// connections will be closed, resulting in the failure of any in flight read
// or write operations. If this method returns with no errors, all connections
// associated with this Client have been closed.
func (c *Client) Disconnect(ctx context.Context) error {
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
if c.mongocryptdFLE != nil {
if err := c.mongocryptdFLE.disconnect(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if c.internalClientFLE != nil {
if err := c.internalClientFLE.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if c.keyVaultClientFLE != nil && c.keyVaultClientFLE != c.internalClientFLE && c.keyVaultClientFLE != c {
if err := c.keyVaultClientFLE.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if c.metadataClientFLE != nil && c.metadataClientFLE != c.internalClientFLE && c.metadataClientFLE != c {
if err := c.metadataClientFLE.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if c.cryptFLE != nil {
if disconnector, ok := c.deployment.(driver.Disconnector); ok {
return replaceErrors(disconnector.Disconnect(ctx))
return nil
// Ping sends a ping command to verify that the client can connect to the deployment.
// The rp parameter is used to determine which server is selected for the operation.
// If it is nil, the client's read preference is used.
// If the server is down, Ping will try to select a server until the client's server selection timeout expires.
// This can be configured through the ClientOptions.SetServerSelectionTimeout option when creating a new Client.
// After the timeout expires, a server selection error is returned.
// Using Ping reduces application resilience because applications starting up will error if the server is temporarily
// unavailable or is failing over (e.g. during autoscaling due to a load spike).
func (c *Client) Ping(ctx context.Context, rp *readpref.ReadPref) error {
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
if rp == nil {
rp = c.readPreference
db := c.Database("admin")
res := db.RunCommand(ctx, bson.D{
{"ping", 1},
}, options.RunCmd().SetReadPreference(rp))
return replaceErrors(res.Err())
// StartSession starts a new session configured with the given options.
// StartSession does not actually communicate with the server and will not error if the client is
// disconnected.
// StartSession is safe to call from multiple goroutines concurrently. However, Sessions returned by StartSession are
// not safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
// If the DefaultReadConcern, DefaultWriteConcern, or DefaultReadPreference options are not set, the client's read
// concern, write concern, or read preference will be used, respectively.
func (c *Client) StartSession(opts ...*options.SessionOptions) (Session, error) {
if c.sessionPool == nil {
return nil, ErrClientDisconnected
sopts := options.MergeSessionOptions(opts...)
coreOpts := &session.ClientOptions{
DefaultReadConcern: c.readConcern,
DefaultReadPreference: c.readPreference,
DefaultWriteConcern: c.writeConcern,
if sopts.CausalConsistency != nil {
coreOpts.CausalConsistency = sopts.CausalConsistency
if sopts.DefaultReadConcern != nil {
coreOpts.DefaultReadConcern = sopts.DefaultReadConcern
if sopts.DefaultWriteConcern != nil {
coreOpts.DefaultWriteConcern = sopts.DefaultWriteConcern
if sopts.DefaultReadPreference != nil {
coreOpts.DefaultReadPreference = sopts.DefaultReadPreference
if sopts.DefaultMaxCommitTime != nil {
coreOpts.DefaultMaxCommitTime = sopts.DefaultMaxCommitTime
if sopts.Snapshot != nil {
coreOpts.Snapshot = sopts.Snapshot
sess, err := session.NewClientSession(c.sessionPool, c.id, session.Explicit, coreOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, replaceErrors(err)
// Writes are not retryable on standalones, so let operation determine whether to retry
sess.RetryWrite = false
sess.RetryRead = c.retryReads
return &sessionImpl{
clientSession: sess,
client: c,
deployment: c.deployment,
}, nil
func (c *Client) endSessions(ctx context.Context) {
if c.sessionPool == nil {
sessionIDs := c.sessionPool.IDSlice()
op := operation.NewEndSessions(nil).ClusterClock(c.clock).Deployment(c.deployment).
totalNumIDs := len(sessionIDs)
var currentBatch []bsoncore.Document
for i := 0; i < totalNumIDs; i++ {
currentBatch = append(currentBatch, sessionIDs[i])
// If we are at the end of a batch or the end of the overall IDs array, execute the operation.
if ((i+1)%endSessionsBatchSize) == 0 || i == totalNumIDs-1 {
// Ignore all errors when ending sessions.
_, marshalVal, err := bson.MarshalValue(currentBatch)
if err == nil {
_ = op.SessionIDs(marshalVal).Execute(ctx)
currentBatch = currentBatch[:0]
func (c *Client) configure(opts *options.ClientOptions) error {
var defaultOptions int
// Set default options
if opts.MaxPoolSize == nil {
if err := opts.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
var connOpts []topology.ConnectionOption
var serverOpts []topology.ServerOption
var topologyOpts []topology.Option
// TODO(GODRIVER-814): Add tests for topology, server, and connection related options.
// ServerAPIOptions need to be handled early as other client and server options below reference
// c.serverAPI and serverOpts.serverAPI.
if opts.ServerAPIOptions != nil {
// convert passed in options to driver form for client.
c.serverAPI = convertToDriverAPIOptions(opts.ServerAPIOptions)
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, topology.WithServerAPI(func(*driver.ServerAPIOptions) *driver.ServerAPIOptions {
return c.serverAPI
// ClusterClock
c.clock = new(session.ClusterClock)
// Pass down URI, SRV service name, and SRV max hosts so topology can poll SRV records correctly.
topologyOpts = append(topologyOpts,
topology.WithURI(func(uri string) string { return opts.GetURI() }),
topology.WithSRVServiceName(func(srvName string) string {
if opts.SRVServiceName != nil {
return *opts.SRVServiceName
return ""
topology.WithSRVMaxHosts(func(srvMaxHosts int) int {
if opts.SRVMaxHosts != nil {
return *opts.SRVMaxHosts
return 0
// AppName
var appName string
if opts.AppName != nil {
appName = *opts.AppName
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, topology.WithServerAppName(func(string) string {
return appName
// Compressors & ZlibLevel
var comps []string
if len(opts.Compressors) > 0 {
comps = opts.Compressors
connOpts = append(connOpts, topology.WithCompressors(
func(compressors []string) []string {
return append(compressors, comps...)
for _, comp := range comps {
switch comp {
case "zlib":
connOpts = append(connOpts, topology.WithZlibLevel(func(level *int) *int {
return opts.ZlibLevel
case "zstd":
connOpts = append(connOpts, topology.WithZstdLevel(func(level *int) *int {
return opts.ZstdLevel
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, topology.WithCompressionOptions(
func(opts ...string) []string { return append(opts, comps...) },
var loadBalanced bool
if opts.LoadBalanced != nil {
loadBalanced = *opts.LoadBalanced
// Handshaker
var handshaker = func(driver.Handshaker) driver.Handshaker {
return operation.NewHello().AppName(appName).Compressors(comps).ClusterClock(c.clock).
// Auth & Database & Password & Username
if opts.Auth != nil {
cred := &auth.Cred{
Username: opts.Auth.Username,
Password: opts.Auth.Password,
PasswordSet: opts.Auth.PasswordSet,
Props: opts.Auth.AuthMechanismProperties,
Source: opts.Auth.AuthSource,
mechanism := opts.Auth.AuthMechanism
if len(cred.Source) == 0 {
switch strings.ToUpper(mechanism) {
case auth.MongoDBX509, auth.GSSAPI, auth.PLAIN:
cred.Source = "$external"
cred.Source = "admin"
authenticator, err := auth.CreateAuthenticator(mechanism, cred)
if err != nil {
return err
handshakeOpts := &auth.HandshakeOptions{
AppName: appName,
Authenticator: authenticator,
Compressors: comps,
ClusterClock: c.clock,
ServerAPI: c.serverAPI,
LoadBalanced: loadBalanced,
if mechanism == "" {
// Required for SASL mechanism negotiation during handshake
handshakeOpts.DBUser = cred.Source + "." + cred.Username
if opts.AuthenticateToAnything != nil && *opts.AuthenticateToAnything {
// Authenticate arbiters
handshakeOpts.PerformAuthentication = func(serv description.Server) bool {
return true
handshaker = func(driver.Handshaker) driver.Handshaker {
return auth.Handshaker(nil, handshakeOpts)
connOpts = append(connOpts, topology.WithHandshaker(handshaker))
// ConnectTimeout
if opts.ConnectTimeout != nil {
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, topology.WithHeartbeatTimeout(
func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *opts.ConnectTimeout },
connOpts = append(connOpts, topology.WithConnectTimeout(
func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *opts.ConnectTimeout },
// Dialer
if opts.Dialer != nil {
connOpts = append(connOpts, topology.WithDialer(
func(topology.Dialer) topology.Dialer { return opts.Dialer },
// Direct
if opts.Direct != nil && *opts.Direct {
topologyOpts = append(topologyOpts, topology.WithMode(
func(topology.MonitorMode) topology.MonitorMode { return topology.SingleMode },
// HeartbeatInterval
if opts.HeartbeatInterval != nil {
serverOpts = append(serverOpts, topology.WithHeartbeatInterval(
func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *opts.HeartbeatInterval },
// Hosts
hosts := []string{"localhost:27017"} // default host
if len(opts.Hosts) > 0 {
hosts = opts.Hosts
topologyOpts = append(topologyOpts, topology.WithSeedList(
func(...string) []string { return hosts },
// LocalThreshold
c.localThreshold = defaultLocalThreshold
if opts.LocalThreshold != nil {
c.localThreshold = *opts.LocalThreshold
// MaxConIdleTime
if opts.MaxConnIdleTime != nil {
connOpts = append(connOpts, topology.WithIdleTimeout(
func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *opts.MaxConnIdleTime },
// MaxPoolSize
if opts.MaxPoolSize != nil {
serverOpts = append(
topology.WithMaxConnections(func(uint64) uint64 { return *opts.MaxPoolSize }),
// MinPoolSize
if opts.MinPoolSize != nil {
serverOpts = append(
topology.WithMinConnections(func(uint64) uint64 { return *opts.MinPoolSize }),
// MaxConnecting
if opts.MaxConnecting != nil {
serverOpts = append(
topology.WithMaxConnecting(func(uint64) uint64 { return *opts.MaxConnecting }),
// PoolMonitor
if opts.PoolMonitor != nil {
serverOpts = append(
topology.WithConnectionPoolMonitor(func(*event.PoolMonitor) *event.PoolMonitor { return opts.PoolMonitor }),
// Monitor
if opts.Monitor != nil {
c.monitor = opts.Monitor
connOpts = append(connOpts, topology.WithMonitor(
func(*event.CommandMonitor) *event.CommandMonitor { return opts.Monitor },
// ServerMonitor
if opts.ServerMonitor != nil {
c.serverMonitor = opts.ServerMonitor
serverOpts = append(
topology.WithServerMonitor(func(*event.ServerMonitor) *event.ServerMonitor { return opts.ServerMonitor }),
topologyOpts = append(
topology.WithTopologyServerMonitor(func(*event.ServerMonitor) *event.ServerMonitor { return opts.ServerMonitor }),
// ReadConcern
c.readConcern = readconcern.New()
if opts.ReadConcern != nil {
c.readConcern = opts.ReadConcern
// ReadPreference
c.readPreference = readpref.Primary()
if opts.ReadPreference != nil {
c.readPreference = opts.ReadPreference
// Registry
c.registry = bson.DefaultRegistry
if opts.Registry != nil {
c.registry = opts.Registry
// ReplicaSet
if opts.ReplicaSet != nil {
topologyOpts = append(topologyOpts, topology.WithReplicaSetName(
func(string) string { return *opts.ReplicaSet },
// RetryWrites
c.retryWrites = true // retry writes on by default
if opts.RetryWrites != nil {
c.retryWrites = *opts.RetryWrites
c.retryReads = true
if opts.RetryReads != nil {
c.retryReads = *opts.RetryReads
// ServerSelectionTimeout
if opts.ServerSelectionTimeout != nil {
topologyOpts = append(topologyOpts, topology.WithServerSelectionTimeout(
func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *opts.ServerSelectionTimeout },
// SocketTimeout
if opts.SocketTimeout != nil {
connOpts = append(
topology.WithReadTimeout(func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *opts.SocketTimeout }),
topology.WithWriteTimeout(func(time.Duration) time.Duration { return *opts.SocketTimeout }),
// Timeout
c.timeout = opts.Timeout
// TLSConfig
if opts.TLSConfig != nil {
connOpts = append(connOpts, topology.WithTLSConfig(
func(*tls.Config) *tls.Config {
return opts.TLSConfig
// WriteConcern
if opts.WriteConcern != nil {
c.writeConcern = opts.WriteConcern
// AutoEncryptionOptions
if opts.AutoEncryptionOptions != nil {
if err := c.configureAutoEncryption(opts); err != nil {
return err
} else {
c.cryptFLE = opts.Crypt
// OCSP cache
ocspCache := ocsp.NewCache()
connOpts = append(
topology.WithOCSPCache(func(ocsp.Cache) ocsp.Cache { return ocspCache }),
// Disable communication with external OCSP responders.
if opts.DisableOCSPEndpointCheck != nil {
connOpts = append(
topology.WithDisableOCSPEndpointCheck(func(bool) bool { return *opts.DisableOCSPEndpointCheck }),
// LoadBalanced
if opts.LoadBalanced != nil {
topologyOpts = append(
topology.WithLoadBalanced(func(bool) bool { return *opts.LoadBalanced }),
serverOpts = append(
topology.WithServerLoadBalanced(func(bool) bool { return *opts.LoadBalanced }),
connOpts = append(
topology.WithConnectionLoadBalanced(func(bool) bool { return *opts.LoadBalanced }),
serverOpts = append(
topology.WithClock(func(*session.ClusterClock) *session.ClusterClock { return c.clock }),
topology.WithConnectionOptions(func(...topology.ConnectionOption) []topology.ConnectionOption { return connOpts }),
topologyOpts = append(topologyOpts, topology.WithServerOptions(
func(...topology.ServerOption) []topology.ServerOption { return serverOpts },
c.topologyOptions = topologyOpts
// Deployment
if opts.Deployment != nil {
// topology options: WithSeedlist, WithURI, WithSRVServiceName, WithSRVMaxHosts, and WithServerOptions
// server options: WithClock and WithConnectionOptions + default maxPoolSize
if len(serverOpts) > 2+defaultOptions || len(topologyOpts) > 5 {
return errors.New("cannot specify topology or server options with a deployment")
c.deployment = opts.Deployment
return nil
func (c *Client) configureAutoEncryption(clientOpts *options.ClientOptions) error {
c.encryptedFieldsMap = clientOpts.AutoEncryptionOptions.EncryptedFieldsMap
if err := c.configureKeyVaultClientFLE(clientOpts); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.configureMetadataClientFLE(clientOpts); err != nil {
return err
mc, err := c.newMongoCrypt(clientOpts.AutoEncryptionOptions)
if err != nil {
return err
// If the crypt_shared library was loaded successfully, signal to the mongocryptd client creator
// that it can bypass spawning mongocryptd.
cryptSharedLibAvailable := mc.CryptSharedLibVersionString() != ""
mongocryptdFLE, err := newMongocryptdClient(cryptSharedLibAvailable, clientOpts.AutoEncryptionOptions)
if err != nil {
return err
c.mongocryptdFLE = mongocryptdFLE
c.configureCryptFLE(mc, clientOpts.AutoEncryptionOptions)
return nil
func (c *Client) getOrCreateInternalClient(clientOpts *options.ClientOptions) (*Client, error) {
if c.internalClientFLE != nil {
return c.internalClientFLE, nil
internalClientOpts := options.MergeClientOptions(clientOpts)
internalClientOpts.AutoEncryptionOptions = nil
var err error
c.internalClientFLE, err = NewClient(internalClientOpts)
return c.internalClientFLE, err
func (c *Client) configureKeyVaultClientFLE(clientOpts *options.ClientOptions) error {
// parse key vault options and create new key vault client
var err error
aeOpts := clientOpts.AutoEncryptionOptions
switch {
case aeOpts.KeyVaultClientOptions != nil:
c.keyVaultClientFLE, err = NewClient(aeOpts.KeyVaultClientOptions)
case clientOpts.MaxPoolSize != nil && *clientOpts.MaxPoolSize == 0:
c.keyVaultClientFLE = c
c.keyVaultClientFLE, err = c.getOrCreateInternalClient(clientOpts)
if err != nil {
return err
dbName, collName := splitNamespace(aeOpts.KeyVaultNamespace)
c.keyVaultCollFLE = c.keyVaultClientFLE.Database(dbName).Collection(collName, keyVaultCollOpts)
return nil
func (c *Client) configureMetadataClientFLE(clientOpts *options.ClientOptions) error {
// parse key vault options and create new key vault client
aeOpts := clientOpts.AutoEncryptionOptions
if aeOpts.BypassAutoEncryption != nil && *aeOpts.BypassAutoEncryption {
// no need for a metadata client.
return nil
if clientOpts.MaxPoolSize != nil && *clientOpts.MaxPoolSize == 0 {
c.metadataClientFLE = c
return nil
var err error
c.metadataClientFLE, err = c.getOrCreateInternalClient(clientOpts)
return err
func (c *Client) newMongoCrypt(opts *options.AutoEncryptionOptions) (*mongocrypt.MongoCrypt, error) {
// convert schemas in SchemaMap to bsoncore documents
cryptSchemaMap := make(map[string]bsoncore.Document)
for k, v := range opts.SchemaMap {
schema, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(c.registry, v, true, "schemaMap")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cryptSchemaMap[k] = schema
// convert schemas in EncryptedFieldsMap to bsoncore documents
cryptEncryptedFieldsMap := make(map[string]bsoncore.Document)
for k, v := range opts.EncryptedFieldsMap {
encryptedFields, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(c.registry, v, true, "encryptedFieldsMap")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cryptEncryptedFieldsMap[k] = encryptedFields
kmsProviders, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(c.registry, opts.KmsProviders, true, "kmsProviders")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating KMS providers document: %v", err)
// Set the crypt_shared library override path from the "cryptSharedLibPath" extra option if one
// was set.
cryptSharedLibPath := ""
if val, ok := opts.ExtraOptions["cryptSharedLibPath"]; ok {
str, ok := val.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
`expected AutoEncryption extra option "cryptSharedLibPath" to be a string, but is a %T`, val)
cryptSharedLibPath = str
// Explicitly disable loading the crypt_shared library if requested. Note that this is ONLY
// intended for use from tests; there is no supported public API for explicitly disabling
// loading the crypt_shared library.
cryptSharedLibDisabled := false
if v, ok := opts.ExtraOptions["__cryptSharedLibDisabledForTestOnly"]; ok {
cryptSharedLibDisabled = v.(bool)
bypassAutoEncryption := opts.BypassAutoEncryption != nil && *opts.BypassAutoEncryption
bypassQueryAnalysis := opts.BypassQueryAnalysis != nil && *opts.BypassQueryAnalysis
mc, err := mongocrypt.NewMongoCrypt(mcopts.MongoCrypt().
SetCryptSharedLibDisabled(cryptSharedLibDisabled || bypassAutoEncryption).
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var cryptSharedLibRequired bool
if val, ok := opts.ExtraOptions["cryptSharedLibRequired"]; ok {
b, ok := val.(bool)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
`expected AutoEncryption extra option "cryptSharedLibRequired" to be a bool, but is a %T`, val)
cryptSharedLibRequired = b
// If the "cryptSharedLibRequired" extra option is set to true, check the MongoCrypt version
// string to confirm that the library was successfully loaded. If the version string is empty,
// return an error indicating that we couldn't load the crypt_shared library.
if cryptSharedLibRequired && mc.CryptSharedLibVersionString() == "" {
return nil, errors.New(
`AutoEncryption extra option "cryptSharedLibRequired" is true, but we failed to load the crypt_shared library`)
return mc, nil
//nolint:unused // the unused linter thinks that this function is unreachable because "c.newMongoCrypt" always panics without the "cse" build tag set.
func (c *Client) configureCryptFLE(mc *mongocrypt.MongoCrypt, opts *options.AutoEncryptionOptions) {
bypass := opts.BypassAutoEncryption != nil && *opts.BypassAutoEncryption
kr := keyRetriever{coll: c.keyVaultCollFLE}
var cir collInfoRetriever
// If bypass is true, c.metadataClientFLE is nil and the collInfoRetriever
// will not be used. If bypass is false, to the parent client or the
// internal client.
if !bypass {
cir = collInfoRetriever{client: c.metadataClientFLE}
c.cryptFLE = driver.NewCrypt(&driver.CryptOptions{
MongoCrypt: mc,
CollInfoFn: cir.cryptCollInfo,
KeyFn: kr.cryptKeys,
MarkFn: c.mongocryptdFLE.markCommand,
TLSConfig: opts.TLSConfig,
BypassAutoEncryption: bypass,
// validSession returns an error if the session doesn't belong to the client
func (c *Client) validSession(sess *session.Client) error {
if sess != nil && sess.ClientID != c.id {
return ErrWrongClient
return nil
// convertToDriverAPIOptions converts a options.ServerAPIOptions instance to a driver.ServerAPIOptions.
func convertToDriverAPIOptions(s *options.ServerAPIOptions) *driver.ServerAPIOptions {
driverOpts := driver.NewServerAPIOptions(string(s.ServerAPIVersion))
if s.Strict != nil {
if s.DeprecationErrors != nil {
return driverOpts
// Database returns a handle for a database with the given name configured with the given DatabaseOptions.
func (c *Client) Database(name string, opts ...*options.DatabaseOptions) *Database {
return newDatabase(c, name, opts...)
// ListDatabases executes a listDatabases command and returns the result.
// The filter parameter must be a document containing query operators and can be used to select which
// databases are included in the result. It cannot be nil. An empty document (e.g. bson.D{}) should be used to include
// all databases.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for this operation (see the options.ListDatabasesOptions documentation).
// For more information about the command, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/listDatabases/.
func (c *Client) ListDatabases(ctx context.Context, filter interface{}, opts ...*options.ListDatabasesOptions) (ListDatabasesResult, error) {
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
sess := sessionFromContext(ctx)
err := c.validSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return ListDatabasesResult{}, err
if sess == nil && c.sessionPool != nil {
sess, err = session.NewClientSession(c.sessionPool, c.id, session.Implicit)
if err != nil {
return ListDatabasesResult{}, err
defer sess.EndSession()
err = c.validSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return ListDatabasesResult{}, err
filterDoc, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(c.registry, filter, true, "filter")
if err != nil {
return ListDatabasesResult{}, err
selector := description.CompositeSelector([]description.ServerSelector{
selector = makeReadPrefSelector(sess, selector, c.localThreshold)
ldo := options.MergeListDatabasesOptions(opts...)
op := operation.NewListDatabases(filterDoc).
if ldo.NameOnly != nil {
op = op.NameOnly(*ldo.NameOnly)
if ldo.AuthorizedDatabases != nil {
op = op.AuthorizedDatabases(*ldo.AuthorizedDatabases)
retry := driver.RetryNone
if c.retryReads {
retry = driver.RetryOncePerCommand
err = op.Execute(ctx)
if err != nil {
return ListDatabasesResult{}, replaceErrors(err)
return newListDatabasesResultFromOperation(op.Result()), nil
// ListDatabaseNames executes a listDatabases command and returns a slice containing the names of all of the databases
// on the server.
// The filter parameter must be a document containing query operators and can be used to select which databases
// are included in the result. It cannot be nil. An empty document (e.g. bson.D{}) should be used to include all
// databases.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for this operation (see the options.ListDatabasesOptions
// documentation.)
// For more information about the command, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/listDatabases/.
func (c *Client) ListDatabaseNames(ctx context.Context, filter interface{}, opts ...*options.ListDatabasesOptions) ([]string, error) {
opts = append(opts, options.ListDatabases().SetNameOnly(true))
res, err := c.ListDatabases(ctx, filter, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
names := make([]string, 0)
for _, spec := range res.Databases {
names = append(names, spec.Name)
return names, nil
// WithSession creates a new SessionContext from the ctx and sess parameters and uses it to call the fn callback. The
// SessionContext must be used as the Context parameter for any operations in the fn callback that should be executed
// under the session.
// WithSession is safe to call from multiple goroutines concurrently. However, the SessionContext passed to the
// WithSession callback function is not safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
// If the ctx parameter already contains a Session, that Session will be replaced with the one provided.
// Any error returned by the fn callback will be returned without any modifications.
func WithSession(ctx context.Context, sess Session, fn func(SessionContext) error) error {
return fn(NewSessionContext(ctx, sess))
// UseSession creates a new Session and uses it to create a new SessionContext, which is used to call the fn callback.
// The SessionContext parameter must be used as the Context parameter for any operations in the fn callback that should
// be executed under a session. After the callback returns, the created Session is ended, meaning that any in-progress
// transactions started by fn will be aborted even if fn returns an error.
// UseSession is safe to call from multiple goroutines concurrently. However, the SessionContext passed to the
// UseSession callback function is not safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
// If the ctx parameter already contains a Session, that Session will be replaced with the newly created one.
// Any error returned by the fn callback will be returned without any modifications.
func (c *Client) UseSession(ctx context.Context, fn func(SessionContext) error) error {
return c.UseSessionWithOptions(ctx, options.Session(), fn)
// UseSessionWithOptions operates like UseSession but uses the given SessionOptions to create the Session.
// UseSessionWithOptions is safe to call from multiple goroutines concurrently. However, the SessionContext passed to
// the UseSessionWithOptions callback function is not safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
func (c *Client) UseSessionWithOptions(ctx context.Context, opts *options.SessionOptions, fn func(SessionContext) error) error {
defaultSess, err := c.StartSession(opts)
if err != nil {
return err
defer defaultSess.EndSession(ctx)
return fn(NewSessionContext(ctx, defaultSess))
// Watch returns a change stream for all changes on the deployment. See
// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/changeStreams/ for more information about change streams.
// The client must be configured with read concern majority or no read concern for a change stream to be created
// successfully.
// The pipeline parameter must be an array of documents, each representing a pipeline stage. The pipeline cannot be
// nil or empty. The stage documents must all be non-nil. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/changeStreams/ for a list
// of pipeline stages that can be used with change streams. For a pipeline of bson.D documents, the mongo.Pipeline{}
// type can be used.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for change stream creation (see the options.ChangeStreamOptions
// documentation).
func (c *Client) Watch(ctx context.Context, pipeline interface{},
opts ...*options.ChangeStreamOptions) (*ChangeStream, error) {
if c.sessionPool == nil {
return nil, ErrClientDisconnected
csConfig := changeStreamConfig{
readConcern: c.readConcern,
readPreference: c.readPreference,
client: c,
registry: c.registry,
streamType: ClientStream,
crypt: c.cryptFLE,
return newChangeStream(ctx, csConfig, pipeline, opts...)
// NumberSessionsInProgress returns the number of sessions that have been started for this client but have not been
// closed (i.e. EndSession has not been called).
func (c *Client) NumberSessionsInProgress() int {
return c.sessionPool.CheckedOut()
func (c *Client) createBaseCursorOptions() driver.CursorOptions {
return driver.CursorOptions{
CommandMonitor: c.monitor,
Crypt: c.cryptFLE,
ServerAPI: c.serverAPI,