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2022-10-19 21:32:34 +08:00
// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package driver
import (
const (
defaultKmsPort = 443
defaultKmsTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// CollectionInfoFn is a callback used to retrieve collection information.
type CollectionInfoFn func(ctx context.Context, db string, filter bsoncore.Document) (bsoncore.Document, error)
// KeyRetrieverFn is a callback used to retrieve keys from the key vault.
type KeyRetrieverFn func(ctx context.Context, filter bsoncore.Document) ([]bsoncore.Document, error)
// MarkCommandFn is a callback used to add encryption markings to a command.
type MarkCommandFn func(ctx context.Context, db string, cmd bsoncore.Document) (bsoncore.Document, error)
// CryptOptions specifies options to configure a Crypt instance.
type CryptOptions struct {
MongoCrypt *mongocrypt.MongoCrypt
CollInfoFn CollectionInfoFn
KeyFn KeyRetrieverFn
MarkFn MarkCommandFn
TLSConfig map[string]*tls.Config
BypassAutoEncryption bool
BypassQueryAnalysis bool
// Crypt is an interface implemented by types that can encrypt and decrypt instances of
// bsoncore.Document.
// Users should rely on the driver's crypt type (used by default) for encryption and decryption
// unless they are perfectly confident in another implementation of Crypt.
type Crypt interface {
// Encrypt encrypts the given command.
Encrypt(ctx context.Context, db string, cmd bsoncore.Document) (bsoncore.Document, error)
// Decrypt decrypts the given command response.
Decrypt(ctx context.Context, cmdResponse bsoncore.Document) (bsoncore.Document, error)
// CreateDataKey creates a data key using the given KMS provider and options.
CreateDataKey(ctx context.Context, kmsProvider string, opts *options.DataKeyOptions) (bsoncore.Document, error)
// EncryptExplicit encrypts the given value with the given options.
EncryptExplicit(ctx context.Context, val bsoncore.Value, opts *options.ExplicitEncryptionOptions) (byte, []byte, error)
// DecryptExplicit decrypts the given encrypted value.
DecryptExplicit(ctx context.Context, subtype byte, data []byte) (bsoncore.Value, error)
// Close cleans up any resources associated with the Crypt instance.
// BypassAutoEncryption returns true if auto-encryption should be bypassed.
BypassAutoEncryption() bool
// RewrapDataKey attempts to rewrap the document data keys matching the filter, preparing the re-wrapped documents
// to be returned as a slice of bsoncore.Document.
RewrapDataKey(ctx context.Context, filter []byte, opts *options.RewrapManyDataKeyOptions) ([]bsoncore.Document, error)
// crypt consumes the libmongocrypt.MongoCrypt type to iterate the mongocrypt state machine and perform encryption
// and decryption.
type crypt struct {
mongoCrypt *mongocrypt.MongoCrypt
collInfoFn CollectionInfoFn
keyFn KeyRetrieverFn
markFn MarkCommandFn
tlsConfig map[string]*tls.Config
bypassAutoEncryption bool
// NewCrypt creates a new Crypt instance configured with the given AutoEncryptionOptions.
func NewCrypt(opts *CryptOptions) Crypt {
return &crypt{
mongoCrypt: opts.MongoCrypt,
collInfoFn: opts.CollInfoFn,
keyFn: opts.KeyFn,
markFn: opts.MarkFn,
tlsConfig: opts.TLSConfig,
bypassAutoEncryption: opts.BypassAutoEncryption,
// Encrypt encrypts the given command.
func (c *crypt) Encrypt(ctx context.Context, db string, cmd bsoncore.Document) (bsoncore.Document, error) {
if c.bypassAutoEncryption {
return cmd, nil
cryptCtx, err := c.mongoCrypt.CreateEncryptionContext(db, cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cryptCtx.Close()
return c.executeStateMachine(ctx, cryptCtx, db)
// Decrypt decrypts the given command response.
func (c *crypt) Decrypt(ctx context.Context, cmdResponse bsoncore.Document) (bsoncore.Document, error) {
cryptCtx, err := c.mongoCrypt.CreateDecryptionContext(cmdResponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cryptCtx.Close()
return c.executeStateMachine(ctx, cryptCtx, "")
// CreateDataKey creates a data key using the given KMS provider and options.
func (c *crypt) CreateDataKey(ctx context.Context, kmsProvider string, opts *options.DataKeyOptions) (bsoncore.Document, error) {
cryptCtx, err := c.mongoCrypt.CreateDataKeyContext(kmsProvider, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cryptCtx.Close()
return c.executeStateMachine(ctx, cryptCtx, "")
// RewrapDataKey attempts to rewrap the document data keys matching the filter, preparing the re-wrapped documents to
// be returned as a slice of bsoncore.Document.
func (c *crypt) RewrapDataKey(ctx context.Context, filter []byte,
opts *options.RewrapManyDataKeyOptions) ([]bsoncore.Document, error) {
cryptCtx, err := c.mongoCrypt.RewrapDataKeyContext(filter, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cryptCtx.Close()
rewrappedBSON, err := c.executeStateMachine(ctx, cryptCtx, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if rewrappedBSON == nil {
return nil, nil
// mongocrypt_ctx_rewrap_many_datakey_init wraps the documents in a BSON of the form { "v": [(BSON document), ...] }
// where each BSON document in the slice is a document containing a rewrapped datakey.
rewrappedDocumentBytes, err := rewrappedBSON.LookupErr("v")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Parse the resulting BSON as individual documents.
rewrappedDocsArray, ok := rewrappedDocumentBytes.ArrayOK()
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected results from mongocrypt_ctx_rewrap_many_datakey_init to be an array")
rewrappedDocumentValues, err := rewrappedDocsArray.Values()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rewrappedDocuments := []bsoncore.Document{}
for _, rewrappedDocumentValue := range rewrappedDocumentValues {
if rewrappedDocumentValue.Type != bsontype.EmbeddedDocument {
// If a value in the document's array returned by mongocrypt is anything other than an embedded document,
// then something is wrong and we should terminate the routine.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected value of type %q, got: %q",
rewrappedDocuments = append(rewrappedDocuments, rewrappedDocumentValue.Document())
return rewrappedDocuments, nil
// EncryptExplicit encrypts the given value with the given options.
func (c *crypt) EncryptExplicit(ctx context.Context, val bsoncore.Value, opts *options.ExplicitEncryptionOptions) (byte, []byte, error) {
idx, doc := bsoncore.AppendDocumentStart(nil)
doc = bsoncore.AppendValueElement(doc, "v", val)
doc, _ = bsoncore.AppendDocumentEnd(doc, idx)
cryptCtx, err := c.mongoCrypt.CreateExplicitEncryptionContext(doc, opts)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
defer cryptCtx.Close()
res, err := c.executeStateMachine(ctx, cryptCtx, "")
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
sub, data := res.Lookup("v").Binary()
return sub, data, nil
// DecryptExplicit decrypts the given encrypted value.
func (c *crypt) DecryptExplicit(ctx context.Context, subtype byte, data []byte) (bsoncore.Value, error) {
idx, doc := bsoncore.AppendDocumentStart(nil)
doc = bsoncore.AppendBinaryElement(doc, "v", subtype, data)
doc, _ = bsoncore.AppendDocumentEnd(doc, idx)
cryptCtx, err := c.mongoCrypt.CreateExplicitDecryptionContext(doc)
if err != nil {
return bsoncore.Value{}, err
defer cryptCtx.Close()
res, err := c.executeStateMachine(ctx, cryptCtx, "")
if err != nil {
return bsoncore.Value{}, err
return res.Lookup("v"), nil
// Close cleans up any resources associated with the Crypt instance.
func (c *crypt) Close() {
func (c *crypt) BypassAutoEncryption() bool {
return c.bypassAutoEncryption
func (c *crypt) executeStateMachine(ctx context.Context, cryptCtx *mongocrypt.Context, db string) (bsoncore.Document, error) {
var err error
for {
state := cryptCtx.State()
switch state {
case mongocrypt.NeedMongoCollInfo:
err = c.collectionInfo(ctx, cryptCtx, db)
case mongocrypt.NeedMongoMarkings:
err = c.markCommand(ctx, cryptCtx, db)
case mongocrypt.NeedMongoKeys:
err = c.retrieveKeys(ctx, cryptCtx)
case mongocrypt.NeedKms:
err = c.decryptKeys(cryptCtx)
case mongocrypt.Ready:
return cryptCtx.Finish()
case mongocrypt.Done:
return nil, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid Crypt state: %v", state)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
func (c *crypt) collectionInfo(ctx context.Context, cryptCtx *mongocrypt.Context, db string) error {
op, err := cryptCtx.NextOperation()
if err != nil {
return err
collInfo, err := c.collInfoFn(ctx, db, op)
if err != nil {
return err
if collInfo != nil {
if err = cryptCtx.AddOperationResult(collInfo); err != nil {
return err
return cryptCtx.CompleteOperation()
func (c *crypt) markCommand(ctx context.Context, cryptCtx *mongocrypt.Context, db string) error {
op, err := cryptCtx.NextOperation()
if err != nil {
return err
markedCmd, err := c.markFn(ctx, db, op)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = cryptCtx.AddOperationResult(markedCmd); err != nil {
return err
return cryptCtx.CompleteOperation()
func (c *crypt) retrieveKeys(ctx context.Context, cryptCtx *mongocrypt.Context) error {
op, err := cryptCtx.NextOperation()
if err != nil {
return err
keys, err := c.keyFn(ctx, op)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, key := range keys {
if err = cryptCtx.AddOperationResult(key); err != nil {
return err
return cryptCtx.CompleteOperation()
func (c *crypt) decryptKeys(cryptCtx *mongocrypt.Context) error {
for {
kmsCtx := cryptCtx.NextKmsContext()
if kmsCtx == nil {
if err := c.decryptKey(kmsCtx); err != nil {
return err
return cryptCtx.FinishKmsContexts()
func (c *crypt) decryptKey(kmsCtx *mongocrypt.KmsContext) error {
host, err := kmsCtx.HostName()
if err != nil {
return err
msg, err := kmsCtx.Message()
if err != nil {
return err
// add a port to the address if it's not already present
addr := host
if idx := strings.IndexByte(host, ':'); idx == -1 {
addr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, defaultKmsPort)
kmsProvider := kmsCtx.KMSProvider()
tlsCfg := c.tlsConfig[kmsProvider]
if tlsCfg == nil {
tlsCfg = &tls.Config{MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12}
conn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", addr, tlsCfg)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
_ = conn.Close()
if err = conn.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(defaultKmsTimeout)); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = conn.Write(msg); err != nil {
return err
for {
bytesNeeded := kmsCtx.BytesNeeded()
if bytesNeeded == 0 {
return nil
res := make([]byte, bytesNeeded)
bytesRead, err := conn.Read(res)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
if err = kmsCtx.FeedResponse(res[:bytesRead]); err != nil {
return err