package hotime import ( . "" "fmt" "" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "sort" "strings" "time" ) // Project 管理端项目 var TptProject = Proj{ //"user": UserCtr, "hotimeCommon": Ctr{ "info": func(that *Context) { hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig tableName := that.RouterString[1] data := that.Db.Get(fileConfig.GetString("table"), "*", Map{"id": that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table") + "_id").ToCeilInt()}) //str, inData := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].Info(tableName, data, that.Db) str, _ := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].Info(tableName, data, that.Db) where := Map{"id": that.RouterString[2]} //权限控制,暂时取消 //if len(inData) == 1 { // inData["id"] = where["id"] // where = Map{"AND": inData} //} else if len(inData) > 1 { // where["OR"] = inData // where = Map{"AND": where} //} re := that.Db.Get(tableName, str, where) if re == nil { that.Display(4, "找不到对应信息") return } for k, v := range re { column := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[tableName][k] if column == nil { continue } if (column["info"] == nil || column.GetBool("info")) && column.GetString("link") != "" { seStr := "id," + column.GetString("value") if that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[column.GetString("link")]["phone"] != nil { seStr = seStr + ",phone" } link := strings.Replace(column.GetString("name"), "_id", "", -1) if link == "parent" { link = tableName } re[link] = that.Db.Get(column.GetString("link"), seStr, Map{"id": v}) } } //如果有table字段则代为link if re["table"] != nil && re["table_id"] != nil { column := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[tableName][re.GetString("table")] v := re.GetCeilInt64("table_id") seStr := "id," + column.GetString("value") if that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[column.GetString("link")]["phone"] != nil { seStr = seStr + ",phone" } link := strings.Replace(column.GetString("name"), "_id", "", -1) if link == "parent" { link = tableName } re[link] = that.Db.Get(column.GetString("link"), seStr, Map{"id": v}) } that.Display(0, re) }, "add": func(that *Context) { tableName := that.RouterString[1] that.Log = Map{"table": tableName, "type": 1} hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig data := that.Db.Get(fileConfig.GetString("table"), "*", Map{"id": that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table") + "_id").ToCeilInt()}) inData := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].Add(tableName, data, that.Req) if inData == nil { that.Display(3, "请求参数不足") return } for _, v := range that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[fileConfig.GetString("table")] { if v.GetString("link") != "" { //与用户信息有关联的parent_id自填充 if v.GetString("link") == tableName && that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[v.GetString("link")]["parent_id"] != nil { if inData["parent_id"] == nil && data[v.GetString("name")] != nil { inData["parent_id"] = data.GetCeilInt64(v.GetString("name")) //pre := that.Db.Get(v.GetString("link"), "parent_ids", Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt64(v.GetString("name"))}) //inData["parent_ids"] = pre.GetString("parent_ids")+ObjToStr(data.GetCeilInt64(v.GetString("name")))+"," } } } if v.GetString("link") == tableName && that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[v.GetString("link")]["auth"] != nil { linkAuthMap := that.Db.Get(v.GetString("link"), "auth", Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt(v.GetString("name"))}) linkAuth := linkAuthMap.GetMap("auth") if linkAuth == nil { btes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileConfig.GetString("config")) if err != nil { that.Display(4, "找不到配置文件") return } linkAuth = Map{} conf := ObjToMap(string(btes)) menus := conf.GetSlice("menus") for k1, _ := range menus { v1 := menus.GetMap(k1) name := v1.GetString("name") if name == "" { name = v1.GetString("table") } if v1["auth"] != nil { if linkAuth[name] == nil { linkAuth[name] = v1["auth"] } else { newAuth := Slice{} for k2, _ := range linkAuth.GetSlice(name) { v2 := linkAuth.GetSlice(name).GetString(k2) if strings.Contains(v1.GetString("auth"), v2) { newAuth = append(newAuth, v2) } } linkAuth[name] = newAuth } } menusChild := v1.GetSlice("menus") for k2, _ := range menusChild { v2 := menusChild.GetMap(k2) name := v2.GetString("name") if name == "" { name = v2.GetString("table") } if v2["auth"] != nil { if linkAuth[name] == nil { linkAuth[name] = v2["auth"] } else { newAuth := Slice{} for k3, _ := range linkAuth.GetSlice(name) { v3 := linkAuth.GetSlice(name).GetString(k3) if strings.Contains(v2.GetString("auth"), v3) { newAuth = append(newAuth, v3) } } linkAuth[name] = newAuth continue } } } } } toDB := Map{} newAuth := inData.GetMap("auth") if newAuth == nil { inData["auth"] = linkAuth.ToJsonString() continue } for k1, _ := range newAuth { v1 := newAuth.GetSlice(k1) if linkAuth.GetString(k1) == "" { continue } toDbli := Slice{} for k2, _ := range v1 { v2 := v1.GetString(k2) if !strings.Contains(linkAuth.GetString(k1), `"`+v2+`"`) { continue } toDbli = append(toDbli, v2) } toDB[k1] = toDbli } inData["auth"] = toDB.ToJsonString() //break } } re := that.Db.Insert(tableName, inData) if re == 0 { that.Display(4, "无法插入对应数据") return } //索引管理,便于检索以及权限 if inData.Get("parent_id") != nil { index := that.Db.Get(tableName, "`parent_ids`", Map{"id": inData.Get("parent_id")}) parent_ids := index.GetString("parent_ids") if parent_ids == "" { parent_ids = "," } inData["parent_ids"] = parent_ids + ObjToStr(re) + "," that.Db.Update(tableName, Map{"parent_ids": inData["parent_ids"]}, Map{"id": re}) } else { inData["parent_ids"] = "," + ObjToStr(re) + "," that.Db.Update(tableName, Map{"parent_ids": inData["parent_ids"]}, Map{"id": re}) } that.Log["table_id"] = re that.Display(0, re) }, "update": func(that *Context) { tableName := that.RouterString[1] that.Log = Map{"table": tableName, "type": 2, "table_id": that.RouterString[2]} hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig inData := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].Edit(tableName, that.Req) if inData == nil { that.Display(3, "没有找到要更新的数据") return } data := that.Db.Get(fileConfig.GetString("table"), "*", Map{"id": that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table") + "_id").ToCeilInt()}) //树状结构不允许修改自身的属性,修改别人的可以 btes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileConfig.GetString("config")) if err != nil { that.Display(4, "找不到权限配置文件") return } conf := ObjToMap(string(btes)) //相同则 if tableName == fileConfig.GetString("table") { flows := conf.GetMap("flow") for k, _ := range flows { v := flows.GetMap(k) if v.GetBool("stop") { //不能改自身对应的数据 if inData[k+"_id"] != nil { //fmt.Println(inData[k+"_id"]) delete(inData, k+"_id") //fmt.Println(inData[k+"_id"]) } } } } else { flow := conf.GetMap("flow").GetMap(tableName) if flow != nil && flow.GetBool("stop") { if data.GetCeilInt64(tableName+"_id") == ObjToCeilInt64(that.RouterString[2]) { that.Display(4, "你没有权限修改当前数据") return } } } if inData["auth"] != nil { menus := conf.GetSlice("menus") for _, v := range that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[fileConfig.GetString("table")] { if v.GetString("link") != "" && that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[v.GetString("link")]["auth"] != nil { linkAuthMap := that.Db.Get(v.GetString("link"), "auth", Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt(v.GetString("name"))}) linkAuth := linkAuthMap.GetMap("auth") //conf := ObjToMap(string(btes)) //menus := conf.GetSlice("menus") if linkAuth == nil { linkAuth = Map{} } for k1, _ := range menus { v1 := menus.GetMap(k1) name := v1.GetString("name") if name == "" { name = v1.GetString("table") } if v1["auth"] != nil { if linkAuth[name] == nil { linkAuth[name] = v1["auth"] } else { newAuth := Slice{} for k2, _ := range linkAuth.GetSlice(name) { v2 := linkAuth.GetSlice(name).GetString(k2) if strings.Contains(v1.GetString("auth"), v2) { newAuth = append(newAuth, v2) } } linkAuth[name] = newAuth } } menusChild := v1.GetSlice("menus") for k2, _ := range menusChild { v2 := menusChild.GetMap(k2) name := v2.GetString("name") if name == "" { name = v2.GetString("table") } if v2["auth"] != nil { if linkAuth[name] == nil { linkAuth[name] = v2["auth"] } else { newAuth := Slice{} for k3, _ := range linkAuth.GetSlice(name) { v3 := linkAuth.GetSlice(name).GetString(k3) if strings.Contains(v2.GetString("auth"), v3) { newAuth = append(newAuth, v3) } } linkAuth[name] = newAuth continue } } } } toDB := Map{} newAuth := inData.GetMap("auth") if newAuth == nil || len(newAuth) == 0 { inData["auth"] = linkAuth.ToJsonString() break } //不可超出用户权限 for k1, _ := range newAuth { v1 := newAuth.GetSlice(k1) if linkAuth.GetString(k1) == "" { continue } toDbli := Slice{} for k2, _ := range v1 { v2 := v1.GetString(k2) if !strings.Contains(linkAuth.GetString(k1), `"`+v2+`"`) { continue } toDbli = append(toDbli, v2) } toDB[k1] = toDbli } inData["auth"] = toDB.ToJsonString() break } } } if _, ok := inData["parent_id"]; ok { //1 //12 62 //123 623 if inData.GetCeilInt64("parent_id") == 0 { that.Db.Update(tableName, Map{"parent_ids": "," + that.RouterString[2] + ","}, Map{"id": that.RouterString[2]}) } else { Index := that.Db.Get(tableName, "parent_id,`parent_ids`", Map{"id": that.RouterString[2]}) if inData.GetCeilInt64("parent_id") != Index.GetCeilInt64("parent_id") { parentIndex := that.Db.Get(tableName, "`parent_ids`", Map{"id": inData.Get("parent_id")}) if strings.Contains(parentIndex.GetString("parent_ids"), ","+that.RouterString[2]+",") { that.Display(4, "不能将子级设置为父级") return } parent_ids := parentIndex.GetString("parent_ids") + that.RouterString[2] + "," childNodes := that.Db.Select(tableName, "id,`parent_ids`", Map{"parent_ids[~]": "," + that.RouterString[2] + ","}) for _, v := range childNodes { v["parent_ids"] = strings.Replace(v.GetString("parent_ids"), Index.GetString("parent_ids"), parent_ids, -1) that.Db.Update(tableName, Map{"parent_ids": v["parent_ids"]}, Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("id")}) } } } } re := that.Db.Update(tableName, inData, Map{"id": that.RouterString[2]}) if re == 0 { that.Display(4, "更新数据失败") return } //索引管理,便于检索以及权限 that.Display(0, re) }, "remove": func(that *Context) { tableName := that.RouterString[1] that.Log = Map{"table": tableName, "type": 3, "table_id": that.RouterString[2]} hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig //树状结构不允许修改自身的属性,修改别人的可以 btes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileConfig.GetString("config")) if err != nil { that.Display(4, "找不到权限配置文件") return } conf := ObjToMap(string(btes)) data := that.Db.Get(fileConfig.GetString("table"), "*", Map{"id": that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table") + "_id").ToCeilInt()}) //相同则 if tableName == fileConfig.GetString("table") { if data.GetCeilInt64("id") == ObjToCeilInt64(that.RouterString[2]) { that.Display(4, "你不能删除自己") return } } else { flow := conf.GetMap("flow").GetMap(tableName) if flow != nil && flow.GetBool("stop") { if data.GetCeilInt64(tableName+"_id") == ObjToCeilInt64(that.RouterString[2]) { that.Display(4, "你没有权限修改当前数据") return } } } re := int64(0) //有索引则删除对应的参数 if that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[tableName]["parent_id"] != nil { re = that.Db.Delete(tableName, Map{"parent_ids[~]": "," + that.RouterString[2] + ","}) } else { re = that.Db.Delete(tableName, Map{"id": that.RouterString[2]}) } if re == 0 { that.Display(4, "删除数据失败") return } that.Display(0, "删除成功") }, "search": func(that *Context) { hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig tableName := that.RouterString[1] data := that.Db.Get(fileConfig.GetString("table"), "*", Map{"id": that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table") + "_id").ToCeilInt()}) where := Map{} //树状结构不允许修改自身的属性,修改别人的可以 btes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileConfig.GetString("config")) if err != nil { that.Display(4, "找不到权限配置文件") return } conf := ObjToMap(string(btes)) //相同则 //if tableName!=fileConfig.GetString("table"){ flow := conf.GetMap("flow").GetMap(tableName) if flow != nil && flow.GetMap("sql") != nil { sql := ObjToMap(DeepCopyMap(flow.GetMap("sql"))) for k, _ := range sql { //for uk,_:=range data{ // if sql[uk]==nil{ // continue // } // uv:=data.GetString(uk) // // tv:=strings.Replace(sql.GetString(uk),uk,uv,-1) // if tv!=uv{ // where[k]=tv // break // } //} if k == "parent_ids[~]" && tableName == fileConfig.GetString("table") { where[tableName+"."+k] = strings.Replace(sql.GetString(k), "id", data.GetString("id"), -1) continue } if k == "parent_ids[~]" && data[tableName+"_id"] != nil { where[tableName+"."+k] = strings.Replace(sql.GetString(k), tableName+"_id", data.GetString(tableName+"_id"), -1) continue } if data[sql.GetString(k)] != nil { where[tableName+"."+k] = data[sql.GetString(k)] } } } //} columnStr, where := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].Search(tableName, data, where, that.Req, that.Db) page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page")) pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize")) download := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("download")) if page < 1 { page = 1 } if pageSize <= 0 { pageSize = 20 } var count int var reData []Map //是否下载 if download == 0 { count = that.Db.Count(tableName, where) reData = that.Db.Page(page, pageSize). PageSelect(tableName, columnStr, where) } if download == 1 { reData = that.Db.Select(tableName, columnStr, where) } for _, v := range reData { for k, _ := range v { //v1:=v.GetMap(k) //v.RangeSort(func(k string, v1 interface{}) (isEnd bool) { //如果有table字段则代为link if v["table"] != nil && v["table_id"] != nil { id := v.GetCeilInt64("table_id") tableNameLabel := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableConfig.GetMap(v.GetString("table")).GetString("label") //v["table_table_name"] = strings.Replace(tableNameLabel, "管理", "", -1) v["table_table_name"] = tableNameLabel sname := "name" if that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[v.GetString("table")][sname] == nil { sname = "title" if that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[v.GetString("table")][sname] == nil { sname = "id" } } parentC := that.Db.Get(v.GetString("table"), sname, Map{"id": id}) v["table_table_id_name"] = "" if parentC != nil { v["table_table_id_name"] = parentC.GetString(sname) } } column := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[tableName][k] if column == nil || column["link"] == nil || !(column["list"] == nil || column["list"] == true) || v.GetCeilInt64(column.GetString("name")) == 0 { continue } if column["name"] == "parent_id" { parentC := that.Db.Get(column.GetString("link"), column.GetString("value"), Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt(k)}) v[column.GetString("link")+"_"+column.GetString("name")+"_"+column.GetString("value")] = "" if parentC != nil { v[column.GetString("link")+"_"+column.GetString("name")+"_"+column.GetString("value")] = parentC.GetString(column.GetString("value")) } } if column.GetString("name") != "parent_id" { reStr := "" if column.GetString("value") == "name" && that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[column.GetString("link")]["nickname"] != nil { reStr += "nickname," } if that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[column.GetString("link")]["phone"] != nil { reStr += "phone," } reStr += column.GetString("value") joinData := that.Db.Get(column.GetString("link"), reStr, Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt64(column.GetString("name"))}) if joinData != nil { for kj, vj := range joinData { v[column.GetString("link")+"_"+column.GetString("name")+"_"+kj] = vj } } } //return isEnd } } if download == 1 { tableNameLabel := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableConfig.GetMap(tableName).GetString("label") f := excelize.NewFile() // 创建一个工作表 f.NewSheet(tableNameLabel) f.DeleteSheet("Sheet1") columns := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableConfig.GetMap(tableName).GetSlice("columns") //单列 n := 0 for k, _ := range columns { v := columns.GetMap(k) if v["list"] != nil && v.GetBool("list") == false { continue } n++ //第一个要加状态行 //单行 for k1, v1 := range reData { if k1 == 0 { f.SetCellValue(tableNameLabel, convertToTitle(n)+"1", v.GetString("label")) } if v.GetString("link") != "" { f.SetCellValue(tableNameLabel, convertToTitle(n)+ObjToStr(k1+2), v1.GetString(v.GetString("link")+"_"+v.GetString("name")+"_"+v.GetString("value"))) continue } if v.GetString("name") == "table" { f.SetCellValue(tableNameLabel, convertToTitle(n)+ObjToStr(k1+2), v1.GetString("table_"+v.GetString("name")+"_name")) continue } if v.GetString("name") == "table_id" { f.SetCellValue(tableNameLabel, convertToTitle(n)+ObjToStr(k1+2), v1.GetString("table_"+v.GetString("name")+"_name")) continue } //select类型 options := v.GetSlice("options") if len(options) != 0 { isEnd := false for ok, _ := range options { ov := options.GetMap(ok) if ov.GetString("value") == v1.GetString(v.GetString("name")) { f.SetCellValue(tableNameLabel, convertToTitle(n)+ObjToStr(k1+2), ov.GetString("name")) isEnd = true break } } if isEnd { continue } } f.SetCellValue(tableNameLabel, convertToTitle(n)+ObjToStr(k1+2), v1.GetString(v.GetString("name"))) } } filePath := that.Config.GetString("filePath") if filePath == "" { filePath = "/file/temp/" } //path := time.Now().Format(filePath) e := os.MkdirAll(that.Config.GetString("tpt")+filePath, os.ModeDir) if e != nil { that.Display(3, e) return } filePath = filePath + tableName + time.Now().Format("2006-01-02-15-04-05") + ".xlsx" // 根据指定路径保存文件 if err := f.SaveAs(that.Config.GetString("tpt") + filePath); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) that.Display(4, "输出异常") return } f.Save() //that.Resp.Header().Set("Location", filePath) //that.Resp.WriteHeader(307) //关键在这里! that.Display(0, filePath) return } that.Display(0, Map{"count": count, "data": reData}) }, "analyse": func(that *Context) { hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] //hotimeName := "super" fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig tableName := that.RouterString[1] data := that.Db.Get(fileConfig.GetString("table"), "*", Map{"id": that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table") + "_id").ToCeilInt()}) where := Map{} //树状结构不允许修改自身的属性,修改别人的可以 btes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileConfig.GetString("config")) if err != nil { that.Display(4, "找不到权限配置文件") return } conf := ObjToMap(string(btes)) //相同则 //if tableName!=fileConfig.GetString("table"){ flow := conf.GetMap("flow").GetMap(tableName) if flow != nil && flow.GetMap("sql") != nil { sql := ObjToMap(DeepCopyMap(flow.GetMap("sql"))) for k, _ := range sql { //for uk,_:=range data{ // if sql[uk]==nil{ // continue // } // uv:=data.GetString(uk) // // tv:=strings.Replace(sql.GetString(uk),uk,uv,-1) // if tv!=uv{ // where[k]=tv // break // } //} if k == "parent_ids[~]" && tableName == fileConfig.GetString("table") { where[k] = strings.Replace(sql.GetString(k), "id", data.GetString("id"), -1) continue } if k == "parent_ids[~]" && data[tableName+"_id"] != nil { where[k] = strings.Replace(sql.GetString(k), tableName+"_id", data.GetString(tableName+"_id"), -1) continue } if data[sql.GetString(k)] != nil { where[k] = data[sql.GetString(k)] } } } //} _, where = that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].Search(tableName, data, where, that.Req, that.Db) delete(where, "ORDER") //page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page")) //pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize")) //download := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("download")) // //if page < 1 { // page = 1 //} // //if pageSize <= 0 { // pageSize = 20 //} redData := Map{} data["count"] = that.Db.Count(tableName, where) testQu := []string{} testQuData := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[tableName] for key, _ := range testQuData { //fmt.Println(key, ":", value) testQu = append(testQu, key) } sort.Strings(testQu) for _, k := range testQu { v := testQuData[k] //不可使用,未在前端展示,但在内存中保持有 if v.GetBool("notUse") { continue } if strings.Contains(k, "state") { continue } if strings.Contains(k, "scope") { continue } if strings.Contains(k, "_code") { continue } //检索查询 if v.GetString("type") == "select" { ops := v.GetSlice("options") for k1, _ := range ops { v1 := ops.GetMap(k1) where1 := DeepCopyMap(where).(Map) if where1["AND"] != nil { and := where1.GetMap("AND") and[k] = v1.GetString("value") } else { where1[k] = v1.GetString("value") where1 = Map{"AND": where1} } v1["count"] = that.Db.Count(tableName, where1) ops[k1] = v1 } redData[k] = ops } //检索查询 if v.GetString("type") == "number" { if strings.Contains(k, "area_id") { areas := that.Db.Select("area", "id,name", Map{"parent_id": 533301}) for ak, av := range areas { where1 := DeepCopyMap(where).(Map) if where1["AND"] != nil { and := where1.GetMap("AND") and["area_id"] = av.GetCeilInt64("id") } else { where1["area_id"] = av.GetCeilInt64("id") where1 = Map{"AND": where1} } av["count"] = that.Db.Count(tableName, where1) areas[ak] = av } redData["area"] = areas continue } if strings.Contains(k, "_id") { continue } if k == "id" { continue } if strings.Contains(k, "percent") { continue } if strings.Contains(k, "exp_") { continue } if strings.Contains(k, "side") { continue } if strings.Contains(k, "lat") { continue } if strings.Contains(k, "lng") { continue } if strings.Contains(k, "distance") { continue } where1 := DeepCopyMap(where).(Map) redData[k] = that.Db.Sum(tableName, k, where1) } } that.Display(0, redData) }, }, "hotime": Ctr{ "file": func(that *Context) { //文件上传接口 hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig if that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table")+"_id").Data == nil { that.Display(2, "你还没有登录") return } //读取网络文件 fi, fheader, err := that.Req.FormFile("file") if err != nil { that.Display(3, err) return } filePath := that.Config.GetString("filePath") if filePath == "" { filePath = "/file/2006/01/02/" } path := time.Now().Format(filePath) e := os.MkdirAll(that.Config.GetString("tpt")+path, os.ModeDir) if e != nil { that.Display(3, e) return } filePath = path + Md5(ObjToStr(RandX(100000, 9999999))) + fheader.Filename[strings.LastIndex(fheader.Filename, "."):] newFile, e := os.Create(that.Config.GetString("tpt") + filePath) if e != nil { that.Display(3, e) return } _, e = io.Copy(newFile, fi) if e != nil { that.Display(3, e) return } that.Display(0, filePath) }, "info": func(that *Context) { hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig tableName := fileConfig.GetString("table") data := that.Db.Get(fileConfig.GetString("table"), "*", Map{"id": that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table") + "_id").ToCeilInt()}) str, inData := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].Info(tableName, data, that.Db) where := Map{"id": that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table") + "_id").ToCeilInt()} if len(inData) == 1 { inData["id"] = where["id"] where = Map{"AND": inData} } else if len(inData) > 1 { where["OR"] = inData where = Map{"AND": where} } re := that.Db.Get(tableName, str, where) if re == nil { that.Display(4, "找不到对应信息") return } for k, v := range re { column := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[tableName][k] if column == nil { continue } if (column["list"] == nil || column.GetBool("list")) && column.GetString("link") != "" { seStr := "id," + column.GetString("value") if that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[column.GetString("link")]["phone"] != nil { seStr = seStr + ",phone" } link := strings.Replace(column.GetString("name"), "_id", "", -1) if link == "parent" { link = tableName } re[link] = that.Db.Get(column.GetString("link"), seStr, Map{"id": v}) } } //如果有table字段则代为link if re["table"] != nil && re["table_id"] != nil { column := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[tableName][re.GetString("table")] v := re.GetCeilInt64("table_id") seStr := "id," + column.GetString("value") if that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[column.GetString("link")]["phone"] != nil { seStr = seStr + ",phone" } link := strings.Replace(column.GetString("name"), "_id", "", -1) if link == "parent" { link = tableName } re[link] = that.Db.Get(column.GetString("link"), seStr, Map{"id": v}) } re["table"] = fileConfig.GetString("table") that.Display(0, re) }, "login": func(that *Context) { hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig name := that.Req.FormValue("name") password := that.Req.FormValue("password") if name == "" || password == "" { that.Display(3, "参数不足") return } where := Map{"name": name} if that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[fileConfig.GetString("table")]["phone"] != nil { where["phone"] = name where = Map{"OR": where, "password": Md5(password)} } else { where["password"] = Md5(password) } if len(where) > 1 { where = Map{"AND": where} } user := that.Db.Get(fileConfig.GetString("table"), "*", where) if user == nil { that.Display(5, "登录失败") return } that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table")+"_id", user.GetCeilInt("id")) that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table")+"_name", name) delete(user, "password") user["table"] = fileConfig.GetString("table") user["token"] = that.SessionId that.Display(0, user) }, "logout": func(that *Context) { hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table")+"_id", nil) that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table")+"_name", nil) that.Display(0, "退出登录成功") }, "config": func(that *Context) { hotimeName := that.RouterString[0] fileConfig := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].FileConfig btes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileConfig.GetString("config")) if err != nil { that.Display(4, "找不到配置文件") return } if that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table")+"_id").Data == nil { conf := ObjToMap(string(btes)) delete(conf, "menus") delete(conf, "tables") //没有登录只需要返回这些信息 that.Display(0, conf) return } //可读写配置 conf := ObjToMap(string(btes)) menus := conf.GetSlice("menus") user := that.Db.Get(fileConfig.GetString("table"), "*", Map{"id": that.Session(fileConfig.GetString("table") + "_id").Data}) if user == nil { that.Display(2, "暂未登录") return } for _, v := range that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[fileConfig.GetString("table")] { if v.GetString("link") != "" { linkHasAuth := that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].TableColumns[v.GetString("link")]["auth"] if linkHasAuth == nil { continue } linkAuthMap := that.Db.Get(v.GetString("link"), "auth", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt(v.GetString("name"))}) oldLinkAuth := linkAuthMap.GetMap("auth") linkAuth := Map{} //conf := ObjToMap(string(btes)) //menus := conf.GetSlice("menus") if oldLinkAuth != nil { linkAuth = oldLinkAuth } for k1, _ := range menus { v1 := menus.GetMap(k1) name := v1.GetString("name") if name == "" { name = v1.GetString("table") } if v1["auth"] != nil { if oldLinkAuth == nil { linkAuth[name] = v1["auth"] } else { newAuth := Slice{} for k2, _ := range linkAuth.GetSlice(name) { v2 := linkAuth.GetSlice(name).GetString(k2) if strings.Contains(v1.GetString("auth"), v2) { newAuth = append(newAuth, v2) } } linkAuth[name] = newAuth } } menusChild := v1.GetSlice("menus") for k2, _ := range menusChild { v2 := menusChild.GetMap(k2) name := v2.GetString("name") if name == "" { name = v2.GetString("table") } if v2["auth"] != nil { if oldLinkAuth == nil { linkAuth[name] = v2["auth"] } else { newAuth := Slice{} for k3, _ := range linkAuth.GetSlice(name) { v3 := linkAuth.GetSlice(name).GetString(k3) if strings.Contains(v2.GetString("auth"), v3) { newAuth = append(newAuth, v3) } } linkAuth[name] = newAuth continue } } } } for k1, _ := range menus { v1 := menus.GetMap(k1) name := v1.GetString("name") if name == "" { name = v1.GetString("table") } if len(linkAuth.GetSlice(name)) != 0 { v1["auth"] = linkAuth[name] } else //保证个人权限可用 if fileConfig.GetString("table") == v1.GetString("table") { v1["auth"] = Slice{"info", "edit"} } else { v1["auth"] = linkAuth[name] } v1menus := v1.GetSlice("menus") for k2, _ := range v1menus { v2 := v1menus.GetMap(k2) //保证个人权限可用 name := v2.GetString("name") if name == "" { name = v2.GetString("table") } if len(linkAuth.GetSlice(name)) != 0 { v2["auth"] = linkAuth[name] } else if fileConfig.GetString("table") == v2.GetString("table") { v2["auth"] = Slice{"info", "edit"} } else { v2["auth"] = linkAuth[name] } } } break } } //不可读写数据 config := DeepCopyMap(that.MakeCodeRouter[hotimeName].Config).(Map) config["menus"] = menus newTables := Map{} newTables[fileConfig.GetString("table")] = config.GetMap("tables").GetMap(fileConfig.GetString("table")) for k1, _ := range menus { v1 := menus.GetMap(k1) if config.GetMap("tables").GetMap(v1.GetString("table")) != nil && len(v1.GetSlice("auth")) != 0 { config.GetMap("tables").GetMap(v1.GetString("table"))["auth"] = Slice{} newTables[v1.GetString("table")] = config.GetMap("tables").GetMap(v1.GetString("table")) } v1menus := v1.GetSlice("menus") for k2, _ := range v1.GetSlice("menus") { v2 := v1menus.GetMap(k2) if config.GetMap("tables").GetMap(v2.GetString("table")) != nil && len(v2.GetSlice("auth")) != 0 { //有自定义配置文件 if conf.GetMap("tables") != nil && conf.GetMap("tables").GetMap(v2.GetString("table")) != nil { columns := config.GetMap("tables").GetMap(v2.GetString("table")).GetSlice("columns") columnsConf := conf.GetMap("tables").GetMap(v2.GetString("table")).GetSlice("columns") for k3, _ := range columns { v3 := columns.GetMap(k3) for k4, _ := range columnsConf { v4 := columnsConf.GetMap(k4) if v3.GetString("name") == v4.GetString("name") { columns[k3] = columnsConf[k4] break } } } } config.GetMap("tables").GetMap(v2.GetString("table"))["auth"] = Slice{} newTables[v2.GetString("table")] = config.GetMap("tables").GetMap(v2.GetString("table")) } } } conf["tables"] = newTables that.Display(0, conf) }, //壁纸 "wallpaper": func(that *Context) { random := ObjToCeilInt(that.Req.FormValue("random")) //壁纸随机,0为默认,1,为随机 tp := ObjToCeilInt(that.Req.FormValue("type")) //返回类型,0,json,1,302跳转到图片 images := that.Application.Cache("wallpaper").ToSlice() if images == nil || len(images) == 0 { url := "" res, e := http.Get(url) if e != nil { that.Display(4, "无法取得数据0") return } defer res.Body.Close() b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { that.Display(4, "无法取得数据1") return } w := ObjToMap(string(b)) if len(w) == 0 { that.Display(4, "无法取得数据2") return } images = w.GetSlice("images") that.Application.Cache("wallpaper", images) } if random == 1 { random = RandX(0, len(images)-1) } img := images.GetMap(random) if !strings.Contains(img.GetString("url"), "http") { img["url"] = "" + img.GetString("url") } if tp == 0 { that.Display(0, img) return } that.Resp.Header().Set("Location", img.GetString("url")) that.Resp.WriteHeader(302) }, }, } func convertToTitle(columnNumber int) string { var res []byte for columnNumber > 0 { a := columnNumber % 26 if a == 0 { a = 26 } res = append(res, 'A'+byte(a-1)) columnNumber = (columnNumber - a) / 26 } // 上面输出的res是反着的,前后交换 for i, n := 0, len(res); i < n/2; i++ { res[i], res[n-1-i] = res[n-1-i], res[i] } return string(res) }