package app import ( . "" . "" "" "fmt" "time" ) var VipOrderCtr = Ctr{ //创建V订单 "create": func(that *Context) { if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil { that.Display(2, "没有登录") return } phone := that.Req.FormValue("phone") companyName := that.Req.FormValue("company_name") userName := that.Req.FormValue("user_name") if len(phone) != 11 || len(companyName) < 4 || len(userName) < 2 { that.Display(3, "请求参数异常") return } that.Db.Delete("vip_order", Map{"AND": Map{"user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data, "status": 0}}) user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("user_id").Data}) if user == nil { that.Display(2, "找不到此用户") return } wc := that.Db.Get("wechat", "openid", Map{"AND": Map{"appid": that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"), "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}}) if wc == nil { that.Display(2, "没有获取微信个人信息") return } err := auth(that, phone, companyName, userName) if err != nil { that.Display(3, err.Error()) return } data := Map{ "sn": "SN" + time.Now().Format("20060102150405") + getSn(), //"name":"1年VIP会员", "amount": 36000, //720元 "user_id": user.GetCeilInt64("id"), "company_id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id"), "expiration_time": time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "create_time[#]": "now()", "modify_time[#]": "now()", "del_flag": 0, "status": 0, } tp := "购买" if user.GetString("expiration_time") != "" { data["old_expiration_time"] = user.GetString("expiration_time") t, e := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", user.GetString("expiration_time")) fmt.Println(e, "时间创建失败") if t.Unix() >= time.Now().Unix() { tp = "续订" data["expiration_time"] = t.Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") } } if user.GetCeilInt("provider_id") != 0 { data["provider_id"] = user.GetCeilInt("provider_id") data["amount"] = 36000 //tp=tp } //data["amount"] = 1 if user.GetCeilInt("salesman_id") != 0 { data["salesman_id"] = user.GetCeilInt("salesman_id") } data["name"] = companyName + tp + "1年VIP会员" jsParams, e := wechat.WxPay.GetJsOrder(data.GetCeilInt64("amount"), that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"), wc.GetString("openid"), data.GetString("name"), data.GetString("sn"), that.Config.GetString("wechatAppNotifyUrl")) if e != nil { fmt.Println(e) that.Display(4, e) return } re := that.Db.Insert("vip_order", data) fmt.Println(re) that.Display(0, jsParams) }, "callback": func(that *Context) { data, e := wechat.WxPay.CallbackJsOrder(that.Req) if e != nil { fmt.Println(e) //that.Display(4,e) fmt.Println("返回数据错误", e) return } sn := data.OutTradeNo amount := int64(data.Amount.Total) state := data.TradeState //state:="SUCCESS" //data := Map{"ces": "das"} //sn := that.Req.FormValue("sn") //amount := ObjToCeilInt64(that.Req.FormValue("amount")) if state != "SUCCESS" { fmt.Println("购买返回失败", data) return } vipOrder := that.Db.Get("vip_order", "*", Map{"sn": sn}) if vipOrder == nil { fmt.Println("找不到订单", vipOrder, data) return } user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": vipOrder.GetCeilInt("user_id")}) if user == nil { fmt.Println("找不到用户", vipOrder, data) return } if vipOrder.GetCeilInt64("amount") != amount { fmt.Println("金额不符", user, vipOrder, amount, data) return } that.Db.Update("vip_order", Map{"status": 1}, Map{"id": vipOrder.GetCeilInt("id")}) idata := Map{"expiration_time": time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")} if user.GetString("expiration_time") != "" { t, e := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", user.GetString("expiration_time")) fmt.Println(e, "时间创建失败") if t.Unix() >= time.Now().Unix() { idata["expiration_time"] = t.Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") } } re := that.Db.Update("user", idata, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("id")}) if re == 0 { fmt.Println("购买失败", user, vipOrder, re, data) return } fmt.Println("成功购买", user, vipOrder, re, data) //购买成功后赠送10张券 //user_id := that.Session("user_id").Data data2 := Map{ "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data, "coupon_id": 1, "code_no": "SN" + time.Now().Format("20060102150405") + getSn(), "effective_start_time[#]": "NOW()", "effective_end_time": time.Now().AddDate(0, 6, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), "source_type": 1, "status": 0, "admin_id": user.GetCeilInt("admin_id"), "create_time[#]": "NOW()", } for n := 0; n < 5; n++ { that.Db.Insert("coupon_user", data2) } data2["effective_end_time"] = time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05") for n := 0; n < 5; n++ { that.Db.Insert("coupon_user", data2) } return }, "export": func(that *Context) { if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil { that.Display(2, "没有登录") return } buy_date := ObjToStr(that.Req.FormValue("buy_date")) if buy_date == "" { that.Display(3, "请求参数异常") return } //data := that.Db.Query("SELECT 订单号, vo.`name` 订单名, vo.user_id 购买用户ID,usr.`name` 购买用户名, 购买用户电话, 企业ID, cp.`name` 企业名,\nvo.expiration_time 过期时间, vo.old_expiration_time 订购前到期时间, vo.amount `订单金额_单位(分)`,\nvo.salesman_id 业务员ID,sm.`name` 业务员名, 业务员电话, pv.`name` 服务商名 \nFROM vip_order vo\nLEFT JOIN salesman sm ON = vo.salesman_id\nLEFT JOIN provider pv ON = vo.provider_id\nLEFT JOIN `user` usr ON = vo.user_id\nLEFT JOIN company cp ON = vo.company_id\nWHERE vo.`status` = 1 AND vo.create_time >= '" + buy_date + "' \nORDER BY vo.create_time") //data := that.Db.Query("SELECT 订单号, vo.`name` 订单名, vo.user_id 购买用户ID,usr.`name` 购买用户名, 购买用户电话, 企业ID, cp.`name` 企业名,\nvo.expiration_time 过期时间, vo.old_expiration_time 订购前到期时间, vo.amount `订单金额_单位(分)`,\nvo.salesman_id 业务员ID,sm.`name` 业务员名, 业务员电话, pv.`name` 服务商名 \nFROM vip_order vo\n" + // "LEFT JOIN salesman sm ON = vo.salesman_id\nLEFT JOIN provider pv ON = vo.provider_id\nLEFT JOIN `user` usr" + // " ON = vo.user_id\nLEFT JOIN company cp ON = vo.company_id\nWHERE" + // " vo.`status` = 1 AND vo.create_time >= ? \nORDER BY vo.create_time",buy_date) data := that.Db.Select("vip_order", Map{"[>]salesman": "", "[>]provider": " = vip_order.provider_id", "[>]user": " = vip_order.user_id", "[>]company": " = vip_order.company_id", }, " 订单号, vip_order.`name` 订单名, vip_order.user_id 购买用户ID,user.`name` 购买用户名, 购买用户电话, 企业ID, company.`name` 企业名,\nvip_order.expiration_time 过期时间, vip_order.old_expiration_time 订购前到期时间, vip_order.amount `订单金额_单位(分)`,\nvip_order.salesman_id 业务员ID,salesman.`name` 业务员名, 业务员电话, provider.`name` 服务商名", Map{"AND": Map{"vip_order.status": 1, "vip_order.create_time[>=]": buy_date}, "ORDER": "vip_order.create_time DESC"}) if len(data) == 0 { that.Display(0, "今日没有vip购买信息数据") return } var titleList []string if data != nil { m := data[0] for k, _ := range m { titleList = append(titleList, k) } } var dataList []Map for _, v := range data { dataList = append(dataList, v) } //打印最后一次sql语句 //that.Db.LastQuery //请求的数据 //that.Db.LastData //that.Db.LastErr //appIns.Db.Select("company",common.Map{"[<>]user":""}," as id",common.Map{"AND":common.Map{"id[!]":nil},"ORDER":"id DESC"}) //appIns.Db.Query("select * from user where id = ? and name = ?",common.Slice{1,"nn"}) //titleList:= []string{"aaaa", "vvvvv", "dddd", "eeeee", "gfgggg"} DataToExcel(that.Resp, that.Req, titleList, dataList, buy_date+"vip购买信息分析数据") }, }