package hotime import ( . "./cache" "./code" . "./common" . "./db" . "./log" "database/sql" "" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" ) type Application struct { *code.MakeCode MethodRouter Router ContextBase Error Log *logrus.Logger WebConnectLog *logrus.Logger Port string //端口号 TLSPort string //ssl访问端口号 connectListener []func(this *Context) bool //所有的访问监听,true按原计划继续使用,false表示有监听器处理 connectDbFunc func(err ...*Error) (master, slave *sql.DB) configPath string Config Map Db HoTimeDB *HoTimeCache *http.Server http.Handler } func (that *Application) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { that.handler(w, req) } // Run 启动实例 func (that *Application) Run(router Router) { //如果没有设置配置自动生成配置 if that.configPath == "" || len(that.Config) == 0 { that.SetConfig() } //防止手动设置缓存误伤 if that.HoTimeCache == nil { that.SetCache() } //防止手动设置session误伤 //if that.sessionShort == nil && that.sessionLong == nil { // if that.connectDbFunc == nil { // that.SetSession(CacheIns(&CacheMemory{}), nil) // } else { // that.SetSession(CacheIns(&CacheMemory{}), CacheIns(&CacheDb{Db: &that.Db, Time: that.Config.GetInt64("cacheLongTime")})) // } // //} that.Router = router //重新设置MethodRouter//直达路由 that.MethodRouter = MethodRouter{} modeRouterStrict := true if that.Config.GetBool("modeRouterStrict") == false { modeRouterStrict = false } if router != nil { for pk, pv := range router { if !modeRouterStrict { pk = strings.ToLower(pk) } if pv != nil { for ck, cv := range pv { if !modeRouterStrict { ck = strings.ToLower(ck) } if cv != nil { for mk, mv := range cv { if !modeRouterStrict { mk = strings.ToLower(mk) } that.MethodRouter["/"+pk+"/"+ck+"/"+mk] = mv } } } } } } //that.Port = port that.Port = that.Config.GetString("port") that.TLSPort = that.Config.GetString("tlsPort") if that.connectDbFunc != nil && (that.Db.DB == nil || that.Db.DB.Ping() != nil) { that.Db.SetConnect(that.connectDbFunc) } //异常处理 defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { //that.SetError(errors.New(fmt.Sprint(err)), LOG_FMT) that.Log.Warn(err) that.Run(router) } }() that.Server = &http.Server{} if !IsRun { IsRun = true } ch := make(chan int) if ObjToCeilInt(that.Port) != 0 { go func() { App[that.Port] = that that.Server.Handler = that //启动服务 that.Server.Addr = ":" + that.Port err := that.Server.ListenAndServe() that.Log.Error(err) ch <- 1 }() } if ObjToCeilInt(that.TLSPort) != 0 { go func() { App[that.TLSPort] = that that.Server.Handler = that //启动服务 that.Server.Addr = ":" + that.TLSPort err := that.Server.ListenAndServeTLS(that.Config.GetString("tlsCert"), that.Config.GetString("tlsKey")) that.Log.Error(err) ch <- 2 }() } if ObjToCeilInt(that.Port) == 0 && ObjToCeilInt(that.TLSPort) == 0 { that.Log.Error("没有端口启用") return } value := <-ch that.Log.Error("启动服务失败 : " + ObjToStr(value)) } // SetConnectDB 启动实例 func (that *Application) SetConnectDB(connect func(err ...*Error) (master, slave *sql.DB)) { that.connectDbFunc = connect that.Db.SetConnect(that.connectDbFunc, &that.Error) } // SetDefault 默认配置缓存和session实现 func (that *Application) SetDefault(connect func(err ...*Error) (*sql.DB, *sql.DB)) { that.SetConfig() if connect != nil { that.connectDbFunc = connect that.Db.SetConnect(that.connectDbFunc) } } // SetCache 设置配置文件路径全路径或者相对路径 func (that *Application) SetCache() { cacheIns := HoTimeCache{} cacheIns.Init(that.Config.GetMap("cache"), HoTimeDBInterface(&that.Db), &that.Error) that.HoTimeCache = &cacheIns //mode生产模式开启的时候才开启数据库缓存,防止调试出问题 if that.Config.GetInt("mode") == 0 { that.Db.HoTimeCache = &cacheIns } } // SetConfig 设置配置文件路径全路径或者相对路径 func (that *Application) SetConfig(configPath ...string) { that.Log = GetLog("", true) that.Error = Error{Logger: that.Log} if len(configPath) != 0 { that.configPath = configPath[0] } if that.configPath == "" { that.configPath = "config/config.json" } //加载配置文件 btes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(that.configPath) that.Config = DeepCopyMap(Config).(Map) if err == nil { cmap := Map{} //文件是否损坏 cmap.JsonToMap(string(btes), &that.Error) for k, v := range cmap { that.Config[k] = v //程序配置 Config[k] = v //系统配置 } } else { that.Log.Error("配置文件不存在,或者配置出错,使用缺省默认配置") } that.Log = GetLog(that.Config.GetString("logFile"), true) that.Error = Error{Logger: that.Log} if that.Config.Get("webConnectLogShow") == nil || that.Config.GetBool("webConnectLogShow") { that.WebConnectLog = GetLog(that.Config.GetString("webConnectLogFile"), false) } //文件如果损坏则不写入配置防止配置文件数据丢失 if that.Error.GetError() == nil { //var configByte bytes.Buffer //判断配置文件是否序列有变化,有则修改配置,无则不变 //fmt.Println(len(btes)) configStr := that.Config.ToJsonString() if len(btes) != 0 && configStr == string(btes) { return } //写入配置说明 //var configNoteByte bytes.Buffer configNoteStr := ConfigNote.ToJsonString() //_ = json.Indent(&configNoteByte, []byte(ConfigNote.ToJsonString()), "", "\t") _ = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(that.configPath), os.ModeDir) err = ioutil.WriteFile(that.configPath, []byte(configStr), os.ModePerm) if err != nil { that.Error.SetError(err) } _ = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Dir(that.configPath)+"/configNote.json", []byte(configNoteStr), os.ModePerm) } } // SetConnectListener 连接判断,返回true继续传输至控制层,false则停止传输 func (that *Application) SetConnectListener(lis func(this *Context) bool) { that.connectListener = append(that.connectListener, lis) } //网络错误 //func (this *Application) session(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { // //} //序列化链接 func (that *Application) urlSer(url string) (string, []string) { q := strings.Index(url, "?") if q == -1 { q = len(url) } o := Substr(url, 0, q) r := strings.SplitN(o, "/", -1) var s = make([]string, 0) for i := 0; i < len(r); i++ { if !strings.EqualFold("", r[i]) { s = append(s, r[i]) } } return o, s } //访问 func (that *Application) handler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { _, s := that.urlSer(req.RequestURI) //获取cookie // 如果cookie存在直接将sessionId赋值为cookie.Value // 如果cookie不存在就查找传入的参数中是否有token // 如果token不存在就生成随机的sessionId // 如果token存在就判断token是否在Session中有保存 // 如果有取出token并复制给cookie // 没有保存就生成随机的session cookie, err := req.Cookie(that.Config.GetString("sessionName")) sessionId := Md5(strconv.Itoa(Rand(10))) token := req.FormValue("token") if err != nil || (len(token) == 32 && cookie.Value != token) { if len(token) == 32 { sessionId = token } //http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{Name: that.Config.GetString("sessionName"), Value: sessionId+";SameSite=Strict", Path: "/"}) //http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{Name: "SameSite", Value: "Strict", Path: "/"}) w.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", that.Config.GetString("sessionName")+"="+sessionId+"; SameSite=None; Secure") } else { sessionId = cookie.Value } unescapeUrl, err := url.QueryUnescape(req.RequestURI) if err != nil { unescapeUrl = req.RequestURI } //访问实例 context := Context{SessionIns: SessionIns{SessionId: sessionId, HoTimeCache: that.HoTimeCache}, Resp: w, Req: req, Application: that, RouterString: s, Config: that.Config, Db: &that.Db, HandlerStr: unescapeUrl} //header默认设置 header := w.Header() header.Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") //url去掉参数并序列化 context.HandlerStr, context.RouterString = that.urlSer(context.HandlerStr) //跨域设置 that.crossDomain(&context) //是否展示日志 if that.WebConnectLog != nil { that.WebConnectLog.Infoln(Substr(context.Req.RemoteAddr, 0, strings.Index(context.Req.RemoteAddr, ":")), context.Req.Method, context.HandlerStr) } //访问拦截true继续false暂停 connectListenerLen := len(that.connectListener) if connectListenerLen != 0 { for i := 0; i < connectListenerLen; i++ { if !that.connectListener[i](&context) { context.View() return } } } //接口服务 //验证接口严格模式 modeRouterStrict := that.Config.GetBool("modeRouterStrict") tempHandlerStr := context.HandlerStr if !modeRouterStrict { tempHandlerStr = strings.ToLower(tempHandlerStr) } //执行接口 if that.MethodRouter[tempHandlerStr] != nil { that.MethodRouter[tempHandlerStr](&context) context.View() return } //url赋值 path := that.Config.GetString("tpt") + tempHandlerStr //判断是否为默认 if path[len(path)-1] == '/' { defFile := that.Config.GetSlice("defFile") for i := 0; i < len(defFile); i++ { temp := path + defFile.GetString(i) _, err := os.Stat(temp) if err == nil { path = temp break } } if path[len(path)-1] == '/' { w.WriteHeader(404) return } } if strings.Contains(path, "/.") { w.WriteHeader(404) return } //设置header delete(header, "Content-Type") if that.Config.GetInt("mode") == 0 { header.Set("Cache-Control", "public") } else { header.Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache") } if strings.Index(path, ".m3u8") != -1 { header.Add("Content-Type", "audio/mpegurl") } //w.Write(data) http.ServeFile(w, req, path) } func (that *Application) crossDomain(context *Context) { //没有跨域设置 if context.Config.GetString("crossDomain") == "" { return } header := context.Resp.Header() //header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE") header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true") header.Set("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "*") header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Access-Token") if context.Config.GetString("crossDomain") != "auto" { header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", that.Config.GetString("crossDomain")) // 后端设置,2592000单位秒,这里是30天 header.Set("Access-Control-Max-Age", "2592000") return } origin := context.Req.Header.Get("Origin") if origin != "" { header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin) return } refer := context.Req.Header.Get("Referer") if refer != "" { tempInt := 0 lastInt := strings.IndexFunc(refer, func(r rune) bool { if r == '/' && tempInt > 8 { return true } tempInt++ return false }) if lastInt < 0 { lastInt = len(refer) } refer = Substr(refer, 0, lastInt) header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", refer) } } //Init 初始化application func Init(config string) Application { appIns := Application{} //手动模式, appIns.SetConfig(config) SetDB(&appIns) appIns.SetCache() appIns.MakeCode = &code.MakeCode{} codeConfig := appIns.Config.GetMap("codeConfig") if codeConfig != nil && appIns.Config.GetInt("mode") == 2 { for k, _ := range codeConfig { appIns.MakeCode.Db2JSON(k, codeConfig.GetString(k), appIns.Db) } } return appIns } // SetDB 智能数据库设置 func SetDB(appIns *Application) { db := appIns.Config.GetMap("db") dbSqlite := db.GetMap("sqlite") dbMysql := db.GetMap("mysql") if db != nil && dbSqlite != nil { SetSqliteDB(appIns, dbSqlite) } if db != nil && dbMysql != nil { SetMysqlDB(appIns, dbMysql) } } func SetMysqlDB(appIns *Application, config Map) { appIns.Db.Type = "mysql" appIns.Db.DBName = config.GetString("name") appIns.Db.Prefix = config.GetString("prefix") appIns.SetConnectDB(func(err ...*Error) (master, slave *sql.DB) { //master数据库配置 query := config.GetString("user") + ":" + config.GetString("password") + "@tcp(" + config.GetString("host") + ":" + config.GetString("port") + ")/" + config.GetString("name") + "?charset=utf8" DB, e := sql.Open("mysql", query) if e != nil && len(err) != 0 { err[0].SetError(e) } master = DB //slave数据库配置 configSlave := config.GetMap("slave") if configSlave != nil { query := configSlave.GetString("user") + ":" + configSlave.GetString("password") + "@tcp(" + config.GetString("host") + ":" + configSlave.GetString("port") + ")/" + configSlave.GetString("name") + "?charset=utf8" DB1, e := sql.Open("mysql", query) if e != nil && len(err) != 0 { err[0].SetError(e) } slave = DB1 } return master, slave //return DB }) } func SetSqliteDB(appIns *Application, config Map) { appIns.Db.Type = "sqlite" appIns.Db.Prefix = config.GetString("prefix") appIns.SetConnectDB(func(err ...*Error) (master, slave *sql.DB) { db, e := sql.Open("sqlite3", config.GetString("path")) if e != nil && len(err) != 0 { err[0].SetError(e) } master = db return master, slave }) }