package common import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "reflect" "sort" "time" ) //hotime的常用map type Map map[string]interface{} //获取string func (that Map) GetString(key string, err ...*Error) string { if len(err) != 0 { err[0].SetError(nil) } return ObjToStr((that)[key]) } func (that *Map) Pointer() *Map { return that } //增加接口 func (that Map) Put(key string, value interface{}) { //if that==nil{ // that=Map{} //} that[key] = value } //删除接口 func (that Map) Delete(key string) { delete(that, key) } //获取Int func (that Map) GetInt(key string, err ...*Error) int { v := ObjToInt((that)[key], err...) return v } //获取Int func (that Map) GetInt64(key string, err ...*Error) int64 { v := ObjToInt64((that)[key], err...) return v } //获取向上取整Int64 func (that Map) GetCeilInt64(key string, err ...*Error) int64 { v := ObjToCeilInt64((that)[key], err...) return v } //获取向上取整Int func (that Map) GetCeilInt(key string, err ...*Error) int { v := ObjToCeilInt((that)[key], err...) return v } //获取向上取整float64 func (that Map) GetCeilFloat64(key string, err ...*Error) float64 { v := ObjToCeilFloat64((that)[key], err...) return v } //获取Float64 func (that Map) GetFloat64(key string, err ...*Error) float64 { v := ObjToFloat64((that)[key], err...) return v } func (that Map) GetSlice(key string, err ...*Error) Slice { //var v Slice v := ObjToSlice((that)[key], err...) return v } func (that Map) GetBool(key string, err ...*Error) bool { //var v Slice v := ObjToBool((that)[key], err...) return v } func (that Map) GetTime(key string, err ...*Error) *time.Time { v := ObjToTime((that)[key], err...) return v } func (that Map) RangeSort(callback func(k string, v interface{}) (isEnd bool)) { testQu := []string{} //testQuData:= qu[0].(Map) for key, _ := range that { //fmt.Println(key, ":", value) testQu = append(testQu, key) } sort.Strings(testQu) for _, k := range testQu { re := callback(k, that[k]) if re { return } } } func (that Map) GetMap(key string, err ...*Error) Map { //var data Slice v := ObjToMap((that)[key], err...) return v } func (that Map) Get(key string, err ...*Error) interface{} { if v, ok := (that)[key]; ok { return v } e := errors.New("没有存储key及对应的数据") if len(err) != 0 { err[0].SetError(e) } return nil } //请传递指针过来 func (that Map) ToStruct(stct interface{}) { data := reflect.ValueOf(stct).Elem() for k, v := range that { ks := StrFirstToUpper(k) dkey := data.FieldByName(ks) if !dkey.IsValid() { continue } switch dkey.Type().String() { case "int": dkey.SetInt(that.GetInt64(k)) case "int64": dkey.Set(reflect.ValueOf(that.GetInt64(k))) case "float64": dkey.Set(reflect.ValueOf(that.GetFloat64(k))) case "string": dkey.Set(reflect.ValueOf(that.GetString(k))) case "interface{}": dkey.Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) } } } func (that Map) ToJsonString() string { return ObjToStr(that) } func (that Map) JsonToMap(jsonStr string, err ...*Error) { e := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonStr), &that) if e != nil && len(err) != 0 { err[0].SetError(e) } }