2022-02-28 19:08:48 +08:00

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package admin
import (
. "../../../hotime"
. "../../common"
var CompanyInOutCtr = Ctr{
"upload": func(this *Context) {
orgId := ObjToInt(this.Req.FormValue("org_id"))
if orgId == 0 {
this.Display(3, "参数错误")
//orgId := 1
fi, fheader, err := this.Req.FormFile("file")
if err != nil {
this.Display(3, err)
filePath := this.Config.GetString("filePath")
if filePath == "" {
filePath = "excel/2006/01/02/"
path := time.Now().Format(filePath)
e := os.MkdirAll(this.Config.GetString("tpt")+"/"+path, os.ModeDir)
if e != nil {
this.Display(3, e)
filePath = path + Md5(ObjToStr(RandX(100000, 9999999))) + fheader.Filename[strings.LastIndex(fheader.Filename, "."):]
newFile, e := os.Create(this.Config.GetString("tpt") + "/" + filePath)
if e != nil {
this.Display(3, e)
_, e = io.Copy(newFile, fi)
if e != nil {
this.Display(3, e)
//this.Display(0, filePath)
data := excel(this.Config.GetString("tpt") + "/" + filePath)
if len(data) != 1 {
this.Display(3, "表格不标准,请重新提交")
err = decodeData2Sql(data[0], this, orgId)
if err != nil {
this.Display(4, err)
this.Display(0, "上传成功")
"analyse": func(this *Context) {
orgId := ObjToInt(this.Req.FormValue("org_id"))
if orgId == 0 {
this.Display(3, "参数错误")
companys := this.Db.Select("company", "*", Map{"org_id": orgId})
for _, v := range companys {
data := Org[orgId].analyse(v.GetMap("upload_data"))
for k, _ := range data {
data[k] = data.GetFloat64(k)
v["analyse"] = data
cs := Org[orgId].analyseSort(companys)
for _, v := range cs {
as := v.GetMap("analyse")
//v["analyse"] = as.ToJsonString()
switch as.GetString("PJ") {
case "A":
v["level"] = 0
case "B":
v["level"] = 1
case "C":
v["level"] = 2
case "D":
v["level"] = 3
v["score"] = as.GetFloat64("ZDF")
this.Db.Update("company", Map{"analyse": as.ToJsonString(), "level": v["level"], "score": v["score"]}, Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("id")})
this.Db.Update("company_history", Map{"analyse": as.ToJsonString(), "level": v["level"], "score": v["score"]}, Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("company_history_id")})
this.Display(0, len(companys))
"total_analyse": func(this *Context) {
orgId := ObjToInt(this.Req.FormValue("org_id"))
if orgId == 0 {
this.Display(3, "参数错误")
companys := this.Db.Select("company", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"org_id": orgId}})
home_data, six_item_data, three_item_data, n_item_data := totalAnalyse(companys)
org := this.Db.Get("org", "*", Map{"id": orgId})
data := Map{
"name": org.GetString("name"),
"home_data": home_data.ToJsonString(),
"six_item_data": six_item_data.ToJsonString(),
"three_item_data": three_item_data.ToJsonString(),
"n_item_data": n_item_data.ToJsonString(),
"modify_time": time.Now().Unix(),
org_analyse := this.Db.Get("org_analyse", "id", Map{"org_id": orgId})
if org_analyse == nil {
//data["name"] = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04") + "创建"
data["name"] = org.GetString("name")
data["org_id"] = orgId
data["create_time"] = time.Now().Unix()
id := this.Db.Insert("org_analyse", data)
data["id"] = id
} else {
this.Db.Update("org_analyse", data, Map{"org_id": orgId})
this.Display(0, data)
//"category_analyse": func(this *Context) {
// orgId := 1
// org := this.Db.Get("org", "*", Map{"id": orgId})
// categoryIDS := []int{
// 1369, //电子行业
// 799, //航空航天
// 481, //生物医药
// 990, //绿色能源
// 972, //机械制造
// 1021, //建材制造
// 717, //化工类
// 170, //轻工类
// 260, //纺织类
// 1088, //商贸类
// 1424, //投资管理
// 903, //配套类
// 959, //其他
// }
// totalAnalyse := this.Db.Get("org_analyse", "*", Map{"org_id": orgId})
// for _, id := range categoryIDS {
// companys := this.Db.Select("company", Map{"[><]category": ""},
// ",,company.level,company.score,company.upload_data,company.analyse,company.category_id", Map{"category.index[~]": "," + ObjToStr(id) + ","})
// ctgAn := ctgAnalyse(companys, totalAnalyse)
// data := Map{
// "name": org.GetString("name"),
// "modify_time": time.Now().Unix(),
// "data": ctgAn.ToJsonString(),
// }
// ctgAnalyse := this.Db.Get("category_analyse", "id", Map{"AND": Map{"org_id": orgId, "category_id": id}})
// if ctgAnalyse == nil {
// data["name"] = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04") + "创建"
// data["name"] = org.GetString("name")
// data["org_id"] = orgId
// data["category_id"] = id
// data["create_time"] = time.Now().Unix()
// id := this.Db.Insert("category_analyse", data)
// data["id"] = id
// } else {
// this.Db.Update("category_analyse", data, Map{"AND": Map{"org_id": orgId, "category_id": id}})
// }
// }
// this.Display(0, categoryIDS)
"industry_analyse": func(this *Context) {
orgId := ObjToInt(this.Req.FormValue("org_id"))
if orgId == 0 {
this.Display(3, "参数错误")
industrys := this.Db.Select("industry_analyse", "id,name,industry_id", Map{"org_id": orgId})
totalAnalyse := this.Db.Get("org_analyse", "*", Map{"org_id": orgId})
for _, industry := range industrys {
id := industry.GetCeilInt("industry_id")
companys := this.Db.Select("industry", Map{"[><]company": ""},
",,company.level,company.score,company.upload_data,company.analyse,company.industry_id", Map{"AND": Map{"": id, "company.org_id": orgId}})
ctgAn := ctgAnalyse(companys, totalAnalyse)
data := Map{
"modify_time": time.Now().Unix(),
"data": ctgAn.ToJsonString(),
this.Db.Update("industry_analyse", data, Map{"AND": Map{"org_id": orgId, "industry_id": id}})
this.Display(0, industrys)
func decodeData2Sql(table [][]string, this *Context, orgId int) error {
tags := []Map{} //报错所有的tag记录
tagCtgs := []Map{}
for k, v := range table {
if k == 0 {
for ck, cv := range v {
cv = strings.Replace(cv, " ", "", -1)
cv = strings.Replace(cv, "\r\t", "", -1)
cv = strings.Replace(cv, "\r", "", -1)
v[ck] = cv
if ck == 0 {
if cv == "" {
v[ck] = v[ck-1]
cv = v[ck]
tagCtg := this.Db.Get("tag_ctg", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"name": cv, "org_id": orgId}})
if tagCtg != nil {
tagCtgs = append(tagCtgs, tagCtg)
tagCtg = Map{
"name": cv,
"admin_id": this.Session("admin_id").ToInt(),
"parent_id": 1, //上传分类为1
"org_id": orgId,
"create_time": time.Now().Unix(),
"modify_time": time.Now().Unix(),
id := this.Db.Insert("tag_ctg", tagCtg)
if id != 0 {
tagCtg["id"] = id
this.Db.Update("tag_ctg", Map{
"index": ",1," + ObjToStr(id) + ",",
}, Map{"id": id})
tagCtgs = append(tagCtgs, tagCtg)
if k == 1 {
for ck, cv := range v {
cv = strings.Replace(cv, " ", "", -1)
cv = strings.Replace(cv, "\r\t", "", -1)
cv = strings.Replace(cv, "\r", "", -1)
v[ck] = cv
if ck == 0 {
if ck >= len(table[0]) {
tagCtgs = append(tagCtgs, tagCtgs[len(tagCtgs)-1])
if ck >= len(table[3]) {
table[3] = append(table[3], table[3][len(table[3])-1])
if ck >= len(table[2]) {
table[2] = append(table[2], "")
tag := this.Db.Get("tag", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"name": cv, "type": "0", "org_id": orgId}})
if tag != nil {
tags = append(tags, tag)
sn, err := pinyin.New(cv).Split(" ").Mode(pinyin.InitialsInCapitals).Convert()
if err != nil {
sn = cv
} else {
sns := strings.Split(sn, " ")
sn = "IEDC"
for _, v1 := range sns {
if v1 != "" && !unicode.IsPunct([]rune(v1)[0]) {
sn = sn + string([]rune(v1)[:1])
fmt.Println(sn, v1)
tagsn := this.Db.Get("tag", "id", Map{"AND": Map{"sn": sn, "type": "0", "org_id": orgId}})
if tagsn != nil {
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
tagsn = this.Db.Get("tag", "id", Map{"AND": Map{"sn": sn + ObjToStr(i), "type": "0", "org_id": orgId}})
if tagsn == nil {
sn = sn + ObjToStr(i)
tag = Map{
"name": cv,
"description": table[3][ck], //第三行对应位置为描述
"unit": table[2][ck],
"admin_id": this.Session("admin_id").ToInt(),
"org_id": orgId,
"type": 0,
"sn": sn,
"tag_ctg_id": tagCtgs[ck-1].GetCeilInt("id"),
"create_time": time.Now().Unix(),
"modify_time": time.Now().Unix(),
id := this.Db.Insert("tag", tag)
tag["id"] = id
tags = append(tags, tag)
if k > 3 {
rowData := Map{}
for ck, cv := range v {
if ck == 0 {
cv = strings.Replace(cv, " ", "", -1)
cv = strings.Replace(cv, "\r\t", "", -1)
cv = strings.Replace(cv, "\r", "", -1)
if cv == "" {
cv = "暂无"
//return errors.New("第" + ObjToStr(k+1) + "行," + ObjToStr(ck+1) + "列,数据为空请注意检查")
v[ck] = cv
if ck-1 >= len(tags) {
fmt.Println(cv, "表格错误")
rowData[tags[ck-1].GetString("sn")] = cv
if rowData["IEDCQYMC"] == nil {
companyData := Map{
"name": rowData["IEDCQYMC"],
"sn": rowData["IEDCTYSHXYDM"],
"address": rowData["IEDCQYDZ"],
"unit": rowData["IEDCSDMC"],
"zdmj": rowData["IEDCYDMJ"],
"yysr": rowData["IEDC2NYYSR"],
"lrze": rowData["IEDC2NLRZE"],
"yjsj": rowData["IEDCYNSJ"],
"yfjf": rowData["IEDCNYFFY"],
"zgrs": rowData["IEDCSBRS"],
"zywrwpfdl": rowData["IEDCZYWRWPFDL"],
"zhnh": rowData["IEDCZHNH"],
"admin_id": this.Session("admin_id").ToInt(),
"upload_data": rowData.ToJsonString(),
"org_id": orgId,
//"create_time": time.Now().Unix(),
"modify_time": time.Now().Unix(),
//"lat": lat,
//"lng": lng,
//org := this.Db.Get("org", "id,name", Map{"id": orgId})
//regin := "全国"
//if org != nil {
// regin = org.GetString("name")
//baiduDataStr, _ := baidu.DefaultBaiDuMap.GetPosition(companyData.GetString("address"), regin)
//baiduData := ObjToMap(baiduDataStr)
//city := Map{}
//if baiduData != nil && baiduData.GetCeilInt("status") == 0 {
// address := baiduData.GetSlice("result")
// if len(address) != 0 {
// companyData["lat"] = address.GetMap(0).GetMap("location").GetFloat64("lat")
// companyData["lng"] = address.GetMap(0).GetMap("location").GetFloat64("lng")
// city = this.Db.Get("city", "id", Map{"name[~]": address.GetMap(0).GetString("district"), "ORDER": "`level` DESC"})
// if city == nil {
// city = this.Db.Get("city", "id", Map{"name[~]": address.GetMap(0).GetString("city"), "ORDER": "`level` DESC"})
// }
// }
//if city != nil {
// companyData["city_id"] = city.GetCeilInt("id")
category := this.Db.Get("category", "id", Map{"code": rowData["IEDCSSXYXLDM"]})
if category != nil {
companyData["category_id"] = category.GetCeilInt("id")
//companyData["org_id"] = 3
industry := this.Db.Get("industry", "id", Map{"name": rowData["IEDCCYLB"]})
if industry == nil {
industry = Map{
"admin_id": this.Session("admin_id").ToInt(),
"create_time": time.Now().Unix(),
"modify_time": time.Now().Unix(),
"name": rowData["IEDCCYLB"],
id := this.Db.Insert("industry", industry)
industry["id"] = id
if industry.GetCeilInt("id") != 0 {
industryAnalyse := this.Db.Get("industry_analyse", "id", Map{"AND": Map{"industry_id": industry.GetCeilInt("id"), "org_id": orgId}})
if industryAnalyse == nil {
industryAnalyse = Map{
"name": rowData["IEDCCYLB"],
"create_time": time.Now().Unix(),
"modify_time": time.Now().Unix(),
"org_id": orgId,
"industry_id": industry.GetCeilInt("id"),
//if city != nil {
// industryAnalyse["city_id"] = city.GetCeilInt("id")
this.Db.Insert("industry_analyse", industryAnalyse)
companyData["industry_id"] = industry.GetCeilInt("id")
company := this.Db.Get("company", "id", Map{"sn": companyData["sn"]})
if company == nil {
company = this.Db.Get("company", "id", Map{"name": companyData["name"]})
if company == nil {
companyData["create_time"] = time.Now().Unix()
id := this.Db.Insert("company", companyData)
companyData["company_id"] = id
company = Map{"id": id}
} else {
this.Db.Update("company", companyData, Map{"id": company.GetCeilInt("id")})
companyData["company_id"] = company.GetCeilInt("id")
companyData["create_time"] = time.Now().Unix()
id := this.Db.Insert("company_history", companyData)
this.Db.Update("company", Map{"company_history_id": id}, Map{"id": company.GetCeilInt("id")})
return nil
func excel(filePath string) [][][]string {
xlsx, err := excelize.OpenFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
list := xlsx.GetSheetList()
var data [][][]string
for _, v := range list {
rows, e := xlsx.GetRows(v)
if e != nil {
data = append(data, rows)
return data