2022-10-19 21:32:34 +08:00

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// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package mongo
import (
var (
defaultRunCmdOpts = []*options.RunCmdOptions{options.RunCmd().SetReadPreference(readpref.Primary())}
// Database is a handle to a MongoDB database. It is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.
type Database struct {
client *Client
name string
readConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern
writeConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern
readPreference *readpref.ReadPref
readSelector description.ServerSelector
writeSelector description.ServerSelector
registry *bsoncodec.Registry
func newDatabase(client *Client, name string, opts ...*options.DatabaseOptions) *Database {
dbOpt := options.MergeDatabaseOptions(opts...)
rc := client.readConcern
if dbOpt.ReadConcern != nil {
rc = dbOpt.ReadConcern
rp := client.readPreference
if dbOpt.ReadPreference != nil {
rp = dbOpt.ReadPreference
wc := client.writeConcern
if dbOpt.WriteConcern != nil {
wc = dbOpt.WriteConcern
reg := client.registry
if dbOpt.Registry != nil {
reg = dbOpt.Registry
db := &Database{
client: client,
name: name,
readPreference: rp,
readConcern: rc,
writeConcern: wc,
registry: reg,
db.readSelector = description.CompositeSelector([]description.ServerSelector{
db.writeSelector = description.CompositeSelector([]description.ServerSelector{
return db
// Client returns the Client the Database was created from.
func (db *Database) Client() *Client {
return db.client
// Name returns the name of the database.
func (db *Database) Name() string {
return db.name
// Collection gets a handle for a collection with the given name configured with the given CollectionOptions.
func (db *Database) Collection(name string, opts ...*options.CollectionOptions) *Collection {
return newCollection(db, name, opts...)
// Aggregate executes an aggregate command the database. This requires MongoDB version >= 3.6 and driver version >=
// 1.1.0.
// The pipeline parameter must be a slice of documents, each representing an aggregation stage. The pipeline
// cannot be nil but can be empty. The stage documents must all be non-nil. For a pipeline of bson.D documents, the
// mongo.Pipeline type can be used. See
// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation-pipeline/#db-aggregate-stages for a list of valid
// stages in database-level aggregations.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for this operation (see the options.AggregateOptions documentation).
// For more information about the command, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/aggregate/.
func (db *Database) Aggregate(ctx context.Context, pipeline interface{},
opts ...*options.AggregateOptions) (*Cursor, error) {
a := aggregateParams{
ctx: ctx,
pipeline: pipeline,
client: db.client,
registry: db.registry,
readConcern: db.readConcern,
writeConcern: db.writeConcern,
retryRead: db.client.retryReads,
db: db.name,
readSelector: db.readSelector,
writeSelector: db.writeSelector,
readPreference: db.readPreference,
opts: opts,
return aggregate(a)
func (db *Database) processRunCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd interface{},
cursorCommand bool, opts ...*options.RunCmdOptions) (*operation.Command, *session.Client, error) {
sess := sessionFromContext(ctx)
if sess == nil && db.client.sessionPool != nil {
var err error
sess, err = session.NewClientSession(db.client.sessionPool, db.client.id, session.Implicit)
if err != nil {
return nil, sess, err
err := db.client.validSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return nil, sess, err
ro := options.MergeRunCmdOptions(append(defaultRunCmdOpts, opts...)...)
if sess != nil && sess.TransactionRunning() && ro.ReadPreference != nil && ro.ReadPreference.Mode() != readpref.PrimaryMode {
return nil, sess, errors.New("read preference in a transaction must be primary")
runCmdDoc, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(db.registry, cmd, false, "cmd")
if err != nil {
return nil, sess, err
readSelect := description.CompositeSelector([]description.ServerSelector{
if sess != nil && sess.PinnedServer != nil {
readSelect = makePinnedSelector(sess, readSelect)
var op *operation.Command
switch cursorCommand {
case true:
cursorOpts := db.client.createBaseCursorOptions()
op = operation.NewCursorCommand(runCmdDoc, cursorOpts)
op = operation.NewCommand(runCmdDoc)
return op.Session(sess).CommandMonitor(db.client.monitor).
Timeout(db.client.timeout), sess, nil
// RunCommand executes the given command against the database. This function does not obey the Database's read
// preference. To specify a read preference, the RunCmdOptions.ReadPreference option must be used.
// The runCommand parameter must be a document for the command to be executed. It cannot be nil.
// This must be an order-preserving type such as bson.D. Map types such as bson.M are not valid.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for this operation (see the options.RunCmdOptions documentation).
// The behavior of RunCommand is undefined if the command document contains any of the following:
// - A session ID or any transaction-specific fields
// - API versioning options when an API version is already declared on the Client
// - maxTimeMS when Timeout is set on the Client
func (db *Database) RunCommand(ctx context.Context, runCommand interface{}, opts ...*options.RunCmdOptions) *SingleResult {
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
op, sess, err := db.processRunCommand(ctx, runCommand, false, opts...)
defer closeImplicitSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return &SingleResult{err: err}
err = op.Execute(ctx)
// RunCommand can be used to run a write, thus execute may return a write error
_, convErr := processWriteError(err)
return &SingleResult{
err: convErr,
rdr: bson.Raw(op.Result()),
reg: db.registry,
// RunCommandCursor executes the given command against the database and parses the response as a cursor. If the command
// being executed does not return a cursor (e.g. insert), the command will be executed on the server and an error will
// be returned because the server response cannot be parsed as a cursor. This function does not obey the Database's read
// preference. To specify a read preference, the RunCmdOptions.ReadPreference option must be used.
// The runCommand parameter must be a document for the command to be executed. It cannot be nil.
// This must be an order-preserving type such as bson.D. Map types such as bson.M are not valid.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for this operation (see the options.RunCmdOptions documentation).
// The behavior of RunCommandCursor is undefined if the command document contains any of the following:
// - A session ID or any transaction-specific fields
// - API versioning options when an API version is already declared on the Client
// - maxTimeMS when Timeout is set on the Client
func (db *Database) RunCommandCursor(ctx context.Context, runCommand interface{}, opts ...*options.RunCmdOptions) (*Cursor, error) {
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
op, sess, err := db.processRunCommand(ctx, runCommand, true, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, replaceErrors(err)
if err = op.Execute(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, replaceErrors(err)
bc, err := op.ResultCursor()
if err != nil {
return nil, replaceErrors(err)
cursor, err := newCursorWithSession(bc, db.registry, sess)
return cursor, replaceErrors(err)
// Drop drops the database on the server. This method ignores "namespace not found" errors so it is safe to drop
// a database that does not exist on the server.
func (db *Database) Drop(ctx context.Context) error {
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
sess := sessionFromContext(ctx)
if sess == nil && db.client.sessionPool != nil {
var err error
sess, err = session.NewClientSession(db.client.sessionPool, db.client.id, session.Implicit)
if err != nil {
return err
defer sess.EndSession()
err := db.client.validSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return err
wc := db.writeConcern
if sess.TransactionRunning() {
wc = nil
if !writeconcern.AckWrite(wc) {
sess = nil
selector := makePinnedSelector(sess, db.writeSelector)
op := operation.NewDropDatabase().
err = op.Execute(ctx)
driverErr, ok := err.(driver.Error)
if err != nil && (!ok || !driverErr.NamespaceNotFound()) {
return replaceErrors(err)
return nil
// ListCollectionSpecifications executes a listCollections command and returns a slice of CollectionSpecification
// instances representing the collections in the database.
// The filter parameter must be a document containing query operators and can be used to select which collections
// are included in the result. It cannot be nil. An empty document (e.g. bson.D{}) should be used to include all
// collections.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for the operation (see the options.ListCollectionsOptions
// documentation).
// For more information about the command, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/listCollections/.
// BUG(benjirewis): ListCollectionSpecifications prevents listing more than 100 collections per database when running
// against MongoDB version 2.6.
func (db *Database) ListCollectionSpecifications(ctx context.Context, filter interface{},
opts ...*options.ListCollectionsOptions) ([]*CollectionSpecification, error) {
cursor, err := db.ListCollections(ctx, filter, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var specs []*CollectionSpecification
err = cursor.All(ctx, &specs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, spec := range specs {
// Pre-4.4 servers report a namespace in their responses, so we only set Namespace manually if it was not in
// the response.
if spec.IDIndex != nil && spec.IDIndex.Namespace == "" {
spec.IDIndex.Namespace = db.name + "." + spec.Name
return specs, nil
// ListCollections executes a listCollections command and returns a cursor over the collections in the database.
// The filter parameter must be a document containing query operators and can be used to select which collections
// are included in the result. It cannot be nil. An empty document (e.g. bson.D{}) should be used to include all
// collections.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for the operation (see the options.ListCollectionsOptions
// documentation).
// For more information about the command, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/listCollections/.
// BUG(benjirewis): ListCollections prevents listing more than 100 collections per database when running against
// MongoDB version 2.6.
func (db *Database) ListCollections(ctx context.Context, filter interface{}, opts ...*options.ListCollectionsOptions) (*Cursor, error) {
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
filterDoc, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(db.registry, filter, true, "filter")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sess := sessionFromContext(ctx)
if sess == nil && db.client.sessionPool != nil {
sess, err = session.NewClientSession(db.client.sessionPool, db.client.id, session.Implicit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = db.client.validSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
selector := description.CompositeSelector([]description.ServerSelector{
selector = makeReadPrefSelector(sess, selector, db.client.localThreshold)
lco := options.MergeListCollectionsOptions(opts...)
op := operation.NewListCollections(filterDoc).
cursorOpts := db.client.createBaseCursorOptions()
if lco.NameOnly != nil {
op = op.NameOnly(*lco.NameOnly)
if lco.BatchSize != nil {
cursorOpts.BatchSize = *lco.BatchSize
op = op.BatchSize(*lco.BatchSize)
if lco.AuthorizedCollections != nil {
op = op.AuthorizedCollections(*lco.AuthorizedCollections)
retry := driver.RetryNone
if db.client.retryReads {
retry = driver.RetryOncePerCommand
op = op.Retry(retry)
err = op.Execute(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, replaceErrors(err)
bc, err := op.Result(cursorOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, replaceErrors(err)
cursor, err := newCursorWithSession(bc, db.registry, sess)
return cursor, replaceErrors(err)
// ListCollectionNames executes a listCollections command and returns a slice containing the names of the collections
// in the database. This method requires driver version >= 1.1.0.
// The filter parameter must be a document containing query operators and can be used to select which collections
// are included in the result. It cannot be nil. An empty document (e.g. bson.D{}) should be used to include all
// collections.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for the operation (see the options.ListCollectionsOptions
// documentation).
// For more information about the command, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/listCollections/.
// BUG(benjirewis): ListCollectionNames prevents listing more than 100 collections per database when running against
// MongoDB version 2.6.
func (db *Database) ListCollectionNames(ctx context.Context, filter interface{}, opts ...*options.ListCollectionsOptions) ([]string, error) {
opts = append(opts, options.ListCollections().SetNameOnly(true))
res, err := db.ListCollections(ctx, filter, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Close(ctx)
names := make([]string, 0)
for res.Next(ctx) {
elem, err := res.Current.LookupErr("name")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if elem.Type != bson.TypeString {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("incorrect type for 'name'. got %v. want %v", elem.Type, bson.TypeString)
elemName := elem.StringValue()
names = append(names, elemName)
return names, nil
// ReadConcern returns the read concern used to configure the Database object.
func (db *Database) ReadConcern() *readconcern.ReadConcern {
return db.readConcern
// ReadPreference returns the read preference used to configure the Database object.
func (db *Database) ReadPreference() *readpref.ReadPref {
return db.readPreference
// WriteConcern returns the write concern used to configure the Database object.
func (db *Database) WriteConcern() *writeconcern.WriteConcern {
return db.writeConcern
// Watch returns a change stream for all changes to the corresponding database. See
// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/changeStreams/ for more information about change streams.
// The Database must be configured with read concern majority or no read concern for a change stream to be created
// successfully.
// The pipeline parameter must be a slice of documents, each representing a pipeline stage. The pipeline cannot be
// nil but can be empty. The stage documents must all be non-nil. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/changeStreams/ for
// a list of pipeline stages that can be used with change streams. For a pipeline of bson.D documents, the
// mongo.Pipeline{} type can be used.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for change stream creation (see the options.ChangeStreamOptions
// documentation).
func (db *Database) Watch(ctx context.Context, pipeline interface{},
opts ...*options.ChangeStreamOptions) (*ChangeStream, error) {
csConfig := changeStreamConfig{
readConcern: db.readConcern,
readPreference: db.readPreference,
client: db.client,
registry: db.registry,
streamType: DatabaseStream,
databaseName: db.Name(),
crypt: db.client.cryptFLE,
return newChangeStream(ctx, csConfig, pipeline, opts...)
// CreateCollection executes a create command to explicitly create a new collection with the specified name on the
// server. If the collection being created already exists, this method will return a mongo.CommandError. This method
// requires driver version 1.4.0 or higher.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for the operation (see the options.CreateCollectionOptions
// documentation).
// For more information about the command, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/create/.
func (db *Database) CreateCollection(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...*options.CreateCollectionOptions) error {
cco := options.MergeCreateCollectionOptions(opts...)
// Follow Client-Side Encryption specification to check for encryptedFields.
// Check for encryptedFields from create options.
ef := cco.EncryptedFields
// Check for encryptedFields from the client EncryptedFieldsMap.
if ef == nil {
ef = db.getEncryptedFieldsFromMap(name)
if ef != nil {
return db.createCollectionWithEncryptedFields(ctx, name, ef, opts...)
return db.createCollection(ctx, name, opts...)
// getEncryptedFieldsFromServer tries to get an "encryptedFields" document associated with collectionName by running the "listCollections" command.
// Returns nil and no error if the listCollections command succeeds, but "encryptedFields" is not present.
func (db *Database) getEncryptedFieldsFromServer(ctx context.Context, collectionName string) (interface{}, error) {
// Check if collection has an EncryptedFields configured server-side.
collSpecs, err := db.ListCollectionSpecifications(ctx, bson.D{{"name", collectionName}})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(collSpecs) == 0 {
return nil, nil
if len(collSpecs) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected 1 or 0 results from listCollections, got %v", len(collSpecs))
collSpec := collSpecs[0]
rawValue, err := collSpec.Options.LookupErr("encryptedFields")
if err == bsoncore.ErrElementNotFound {
return nil, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
encryptedFields, ok := rawValue.DocumentOK()
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected encryptedFields of %v to be document, got %v", collectionName, rawValue.Type)
return encryptedFields, nil
// getEncryptedFieldsFromServer tries to get an "encryptedFields" document associated with collectionName by checking the client EncryptedFieldsMap.
// Returns nil and no error if an EncryptedFieldsMap is not configured, or does not contain an entry for collectionName.
func (db *Database) getEncryptedFieldsFromMap(collectionName string) interface{} {
// Check the EncryptedFieldsMap
efMap := db.client.encryptedFieldsMap
if efMap == nil {
return nil
namespace := db.name + "." + collectionName
ef, ok := efMap[namespace]
if ok {
return ef
return nil
// createCollectionWithEncryptedFields creates a collection with an EncryptedFields.
func (db *Database) createCollectionWithEncryptedFields(ctx context.Context, name string, ef interface{}, opts ...*options.CreateCollectionOptions) error {
efBSON, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(db.registry, ef, true /* mapAllowed */, "encryptedFields")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error transforming document: %v", err)
// Create the three encryption-related, associated collections: `escCollection`, `eccCollection` and `ecocCollection`.
stateCollectionOpts := options.CreateCollection().
SetClusteredIndex(bson.D{{"key", bson.D{{"_id", 1}}}, {"unique", true}})
// Create ESCCollection.
escCollection, err := internal.GetEncryptedStateCollectionName(efBSON, name, internal.EncryptedStateCollection)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := db.createCollection(ctx, escCollection, stateCollectionOpts); err != nil {
return err
// Create ECCCollection.
eccCollection, err := internal.GetEncryptedStateCollectionName(efBSON, name, internal.EncryptedCacheCollection)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := db.createCollection(ctx, eccCollection, stateCollectionOpts); err != nil {
return err
// Create ECOCCollection.
ecocCollection, err := internal.GetEncryptedStateCollectionName(efBSON, name, internal.EncryptedCompactionCollection)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := db.createCollection(ctx, ecocCollection, stateCollectionOpts); err != nil {
return err
// Create a data collection with the 'encryptedFields' option.
op, err := db.createCollectionOperation(name, opts...)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := db.executeCreateOperation(ctx, op); err != nil {
return err
// Create an index on the __safeContent__ field in the collection @collectionName.
if _, err := db.Collection(name).Indexes().CreateOne(ctx, IndexModel{Keys: bson.D{{"__safeContent__", 1}}}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating safeContent index: %v", err)
return nil
// createCollection creates a collection without EncryptedFields.
func (db *Database) createCollection(ctx context.Context, name string, opts ...*options.CreateCollectionOptions) error {
op, err := db.createCollectionOperation(name, opts...)
if err != nil {
return err
return db.executeCreateOperation(ctx, op)
func (db *Database) createCollectionOperation(name string, opts ...*options.CreateCollectionOptions) (*operation.Create, error) {
cco := options.MergeCreateCollectionOptions(opts...)
op := operation.NewCreate(name).ServerAPI(db.client.serverAPI)
if cco.Capped != nil {
if cco.Collation != nil {
if cco.ChangeStreamPreAndPostImages != nil {
csppi, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(db.registry, cco.ChangeStreamPreAndPostImages, true, "changeStreamPreAndPostImages")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if cco.DefaultIndexOptions != nil {
idx, doc := bsoncore.AppendDocumentStart(nil)
if cco.DefaultIndexOptions.StorageEngine != nil {
storageEngine, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(db.registry, cco.DefaultIndexOptions.StorageEngine, true, "storageEngine")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
doc = bsoncore.AppendDocumentElement(doc, "storageEngine", storageEngine)
doc, err := bsoncore.AppendDocumentEnd(doc, idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if cco.MaxDocuments != nil {
if cco.SizeInBytes != nil {
if cco.StorageEngine != nil {
storageEngine, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(db.registry, cco.StorageEngine, true, "storageEngine")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if cco.ValidationAction != nil {
if cco.ValidationLevel != nil {
if cco.Validator != nil {
validator, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(db.registry, cco.Validator, true, "validator")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if cco.ExpireAfterSeconds != nil {
if cco.TimeSeriesOptions != nil {
idx, doc := bsoncore.AppendDocumentStart(nil)
doc = bsoncore.AppendStringElement(doc, "timeField", cco.TimeSeriesOptions.TimeField)
if cco.TimeSeriesOptions.MetaField != nil {
doc = bsoncore.AppendStringElement(doc, "metaField", *cco.TimeSeriesOptions.MetaField)
if cco.TimeSeriesOptions.Granularity != nil {
doc = bsoncore.AppendStringElement(doc, "granularity", *cco.TimeSeriesOptions.Granularity)
doc, err := bsoncore.AppendDocumentEnd(doc, idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if cco.ClusteredIndex != nil {
clusteredIndex, err := transformBsoncoreDocument(db.registry, cco.ClusteredIndex, true, "clusteredIndex")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return op, nil
// CreateView executes a create command to explicitly create a view on the server. See
// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/views/ for more information about views. This method requires driver version >=
// 1.4.0 and MongoDB version >= 3.4.
// The viewName parameter specifies the name of the view to create.
// The viewOn parameter specifies the name of the collection or view on which this view will be created
// The pipeline parameter specifies an aggregation pipeline that will be exececuted against the source collection or
// view to create this view.
// The opts parameter can be used to specify options for the operation (see the options.CreateViewOptions
// documentation).
func (db *Database) CreateView(ctx context.Context, viewName, viewOn string, pipeline interface{},
opts ...*options.CreateViewOptions) error {
pipelineArray, _, err := transformAggregatePipeline(db.registry, pipeline)
if err != nil {
return err
op := operation.NewCreate(viewName).
cvo := options.MergeCreateViewOptions(opts...)
if cvo.Collation != nil {
return db.executeCreateOperation(ctx, op)
func (db *Database) executeCreateOperation(ctx context.Context, op *operation.Create) error {
sess := sessionFromContext(ctx)
if sess == nil && db.client.sessionPool != nil {
var err error
sess, err = session.NewClientSession(db.client.sessionPool, db.client.id, session.Implicit)
if err != nil {
return err
defer sess.EndSession()
err := db.client.validSession(sess)
if err != nil {
return err
wc := db.writeConcern
if sess.TransactionRunning() {
wc = nil
if !writeconcern.AckWrite(wc) {
sess = nil
selector := makePinnedSelector(sess, db.writeSelector)
op = op.Session(sess).
return replaceErrors(op.Execute(ctx))