2022-09-02 00:04:23 +08:00

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package hotime
import (
. ""
. ""
. ""
. ""
type Application struct {
MakeCodeRouter map[string]*code.MakeCode
Log *logrus.Logger
WebConnectLog *logrus.Logger
Port string //端口号
TLSPort string //ssl访问端口号
connectListener []func(that *Context) bool //所有的访问监听,true按原计划继续使用false表示有监听器处理
connectDbFunc func(err ...*Error) (master, slave *sql.DB)
configPath string
Config Map
Db HoTimeDB
func (that *Application) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
that.handler(w, req)
// Run 启动实例
func (that *Application) Run(router Router) {
if that.configPath == "" || len(that.Config) == 0 {
if that.HoTimeCache == nil {
//if that.sessionShort == nil && that.sessionLong == nil {
// if that.connectDbFunc == nil {
// that.SetSession(CacheIns(&CacheMemory{}), nil)
// } else {
// that.SetSession(CacheIns(&CacheMemory{}), CacheIns(&CacheDb{Db: &that.Db, Time: that.Config.GetInt64("cacheLongTime")}))
// }
//that.Router = router
if that.Router == nil {
that.Router = Router{}
for k, v := range router {
if that.Router[k] == nil {
that.Router[k] = v
for k1, v1 := range v {
if that.Router[k][k1] == nil {
that.Router[k][k1] = v1
for k2, v2 := range v1 {
that.Router[k][k1][k2] = v2
that.MethodRouter = MethodRouter{}
modeRouterStrict := true
if that.Config.GetBool("modeRouterStrict") == false {
modeRouterStrict = false
if that.Router != nil {
for pk, pv := range that.Router {
if !modeRouterStrict {
pk = strings.ToLower(pk)
if pv != nil {
for ck, cv := range pv {
if !modeRouterStrict {
ck = strings.ToLower(ck)
if cv != nil {
for mk, mv := range cv {
if !modeRouterStrict {
mk = strings.ToLower(mk)
that.MethodRouter["/"+pk+"/"+ck+"/"+mk] = mv
//that.Port = port
that.Port = that.Config.GetString("port")
that.TLSPort = that.Config.GetString("tlsPort")
if that.connectDbFunc != nil && (that.Db.DB == nil || that.Db.DB.Ping() != nil) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
//that.SetError(errors.New(fmt.Sprint(err)), LOG_FMT)
that.Server = &http.Server{}
if !IsRun {
IsRun = true
ch := make(chan int)
if ObjToCeilInt(that.Port) != 0 {
go func() {
App[that.Port] = that
that.Server.Handler = that
that.Server.Addr = ":" + that.Port
err := that.Server.ListenAndServe()
ch <- 1
if ObjToCeilInt(that.TLSPort) != 0 {
go func() {
App[that.TLSPort] = that
that.Server.Handler = that
that.Server.Addr = ":" + that.TLSPort
err := that.Server.ListenAndServeTLS(that.Config.GetString("tlsCert"), that.Config.GetString("tlsKey"))
ch <- 2
if ObjToCeilInt(that.Port) == 0 && ObjToCeilInt(that.TLSPort) == 0 {
value := <-ch
that.Log.Error("启动服务失败 : " + ObjToStr(value))
// SetConnectDB 启动实例
func (that *Application) SetConnectDB(connect func(err ...*Error) (master, slave *sql.DB)) {
that.connectDbFunc = connect
that.Db.SetConnect(that.connectDbFunc, &that.Error)
// SetDefault 默认配置缓存和session实现
func (that *Application) SetDefault(connect func(err ...*Error) (*sql.DB, *sql.DB)) {
if connect != nil {
that.connectDbFunc = connect
// SetCache 设置配置文件路径全路径或者相对路径
func (that *Application) SetCache() {
cacheIns := HoTimeCache{}
cacheIns.Init(that.Config.GetMap("cache"), HoTimeDBInterface(&that.Db), &that.Error)
that.HoTimeCache = &cacheIns
if that.Config.GetInt("mode") == 0 {
that.Db.HoTimeCache = &cacheIns
// SetConfig 设置配置文件路径全路径或者相对路径
func (that *Application) SetConfig(configPath ...string) {
that.Log = GetLog("", true)
that.Error = Error{Logger: that.Log}
if len(configPath) != 0 {
that.configPath = configPath[0]
if that.configPath == "" {
that.configPath = "config/config.json"
btes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(that.configPath)
that.Config = DeepCopyMap(Config).(Map)
if err == nil {
cmap := Map{}
cmap.JsonToMap(string(btes), &that.Error)
for k, v := range cmap {
that.Config[k] = v //程序配置
Config[k] = v //系统配置
} else {
if that.Error.GetError() != nil {
if that.Error.GetError() == nil {
//var configByte bytes.Buffer
configStr := that.Config.ToJsonString()
if len(btes) != 0 && configStr == string(btes) {
//var configNoteByte bytes.Buffer
configNoteStr := ConfigNote.ToJsonString()
//_ = json.Indent(&configNoteByte, []byte(ConfigNote.ToJsonString()), "", "\t")
_ = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(that.configPath), os.ModeDir)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(that.configPath, []byte(configStr), os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
_ = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Dir(that.configPath)+"/configNote.json", []byte(configNoteStr), os.ModePerm)
that.Log = GetLog(that.Config.GetString("logFile"), true)
that.Error = Error{Logger: that.Log}
if that.Config.Get("webConnectLogShow") == nil || that.Config.GetBool("webConnectLogShow") {
that.WebConnectLog = GetLog(that.Config.GetString("webConnectLogFile"), false)
// SetConnectListener 连接判断,返回false继续传输至控制层true则停止传输
func (that *Application) SetConnectListener(lis func(that *Context) (isFinished bool)) {
that.connectListener = append(that.connectListener, lis)
//func (that *Application) session(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
func (that *Application) urlSer(url string) (string, []string) {
q := strings.Index(url, "?")
if q == -1 {
q = len(url)
o := Substr(url, 0, q)
r := strings.SplitN(o, "/", -1)
var s = make([]string, 0)
for i := 0; i < len(r); i++ {
if !strings.EqualFold("", r[i]) {
s = append(s, r[i])
return o, s
func (that *Application) handler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
nowUnixTime := time.Now()
_, s := that.urlSer(req.RequestURI)
// 如果cookie存在直接将sessionId赋值为cookie.Value
// 如果cookie不存在就查找传入的参数中是否有token
// 如果token不存在就生成随机的sessionId
// 如果token存在就判断token是否在Session中有保存
// 如果有取出token并复制给cookie
// 没有保存就生成随机的session
cookie, err := req.Cookie(that.Config.GetString("sessionName"))
sessionId := Md5(strconv.Itoa(Rand(10)))
needSetCookie := ""
token := req.Header.Get("Authorization")
if len(token) != 32 {
token = req.FormValue("token")
if len(token) == 32 {
sessionId = token
} else if err == nil && cookie.Value != "" {
sessionId = cookie.Value
} else {
needSetCookie = sessionId
unescapeUrl, err := url.QueryUnescape(req.RequestURI)
if err != nil {
unescapeUrl = req.RequestURI
context := Context{SessionIns: SessionIns{SessionId: sessionId, HoTimeCache: that.HoTimeCache},
Resp: w, Req: req, Application: that, RouterString: s, Config: that.Config, Db: &that.Db,
HandlerStr: unescapeUrl}
header := w.Header()
header.Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
context.HandlerStr, context.RouterString = that.urlSer(context.HandlerStr)
that.crossDomain(&context, needSetCookie)
defer func() {
if that.WebConnectLog != nil {
ipStr := ""
if req.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For") != "" {
ipStr = req.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For")
} else if req.Header.Get("X-Real-IP") != "" {
ipStr = req.Header.Get("X-Real-IP")
if ipStr == "" {
//RemoteAddr := that.Req.RemoteAddr
ipStr = Substr(context.Req.RemoteAddr, 0, strings.Index(context.Req.RemoteAddr, ":"))
that.WebConnectLog.Infoln(ipStr, context.Req.Method,
"time cost:", ObjToFloat64(time.Now().UnixNano()-nowUnixTime.UnixNano())/1000000.00, "ms",
"data length:", ObjToFloat64(context.DataSize)/1000.00, "KB", context.HandlerStr)
connectListenerLen := len(that.connectListener) - 1
for true {
if connectListenerLen < 0 {
if that.connectListener[connectListenerLen](&context) {
modeRouterStrict := that.Config.GetBool("modeRouterStrict")
tempHandlerStr := context.HandlerStr
if !modeRouterStrict {
tempHandlerStr = strings.ToLower(tempHandlerStr)
if that.MethodRouter[tempHandlerStr] != nil {
path := that.Config.GetString("tpt") + tempHandlerStr
if path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
defFile := that.Config.GetSlice("defFile")
for i := 0; i < len(defFile); i++ {
temp := path + defFile.GetString(i)
_, err := os.Stat(temp)
if err == nil {
path = temp
if path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
if strings.Contains(path, "/.") {
delete(header, "Content-Type")
if that.Config.GetInt("mode") == 0 {
header.Set("Cache-Control", "public")
} else {
header.Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
t := strings.LastIndex(path, ".")
if t != -1 {
tt := path[t:]
if MimeMaps[tt] != "" {
header.Add("Content-Type", MimeMaps[tt])
http.ServeFile(w, req, path)
func (that *Application) crossDomain(context *Context, sessionId string) {
if context.Config.GetString("crossDomain") == "" {
if sessionId != "" {
http.SetCookie(context.Resp, &http.Cookie{Name: that.Config.GetString("sessionName"), Value: sessionId, Path: "/"})
header := context.Resp.Header()
remoteHost := context.Req.Host
if context.Config.GetString("port") == "80" || context.Config.GetString("port") == "443" {
remoteHost = remoteHost + ":" + context.Config.GetString("port")
if context.Config.GetString("crossDomain") != "auto" {
if strings.Contains(context.Config.GetString("crossDomain"), remoteHost) {
if sessionId != "" {
http.SetCookie(context.Resp, &http.Cookie{Name: that.Config.GetString("sessionName"), Value: sessionId, Path: "/"})
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", that.Config.GetString("crossDomain"))
// 后端设置2592000单位秒这里是30天
header.Set("Access-Control-Max-Age", "2592000")
//header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE")
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
header.Set("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "*")
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Access-Token")
if sessionId != "" {
context.Resp.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", that.Config.GetString("sessionName")+"="+sessionId+"; Path=/; SameSite=None; Secure")
origin := context.Req.Header.Get("Origin")
refer := context.Req.Header.Get("Referer")
if (origin != "" && strings.Contains(origin, remoteHost)) || strings.Contains(refer, remoteHost) {
if sessionId != "" {
http.SetCookie(context.Resp, &http.Cookie{Name: that.Config.GetString("sessionName"), Value: sessionId, Path: "/"})
if origin != "" {
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", origin)
} else if refer != "" {
tempInt := 0
lastInt := strings.IndexFunc(refer, func(r rune) bool {
if r == '/' && tempInt > 8 {
return true
return false
if lastInt < 0 {
lastInt = len(refer)
refer = Substr(refer, 0, lastInt)
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", refer)
//header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE")
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
header.Set("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "*")
header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Access-Token")
if sessionId != "" {
context.Resp.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", that.Config.GetString("sessionName")+"="+sessionId+"; Path=/; SameSite=None; Secure")
//Init 初始化application
func Init(config string) *Application {
appIns := Application{}
codeConfig := appIns.Config.GetSlice("codeConfig")
if codeConfig != nil {
for k, _ := range codeConfig {
codeMake := codeConfig.GetMap(k)
if codeMake == nil {
//codeMake["table"] = k
if appIns.MakeCodeRouter == nil {
appIns.MakeCodeRouter = map[string]*code.MakeCode{}
if codeMake.GetString("name") == "" {
codeMake["name"] = codeMake.GetString("table")
appIns.MakeCodeRouter[codeMake.GetString("name")] = &code.MakeCode{Error: appIns.Error}
appIns.MakeCodeRouter[codeMake.GetString("name")].Db2JSON(&appIns.Db, codeMake)
if appIns.Router == nil {
appIns.Router = Router{}
//appIns.Router[codeMake.GetString("name")] = TptProject
appIns.Router[codeMake.GetString("name")] = Proj{}
for k2, _ := range TptProject {
appIns.Router[codeMake.GetString("name")][k2] = Ctr{}
for k3, v3 := range TptProject[k2] {
appIns.Router[codeMake.GetString("name")][k2][k3] = v3
for k1, _ := range appIns.MakeCodeRouter[codeMake.GetString("name")].TableColumns {
appIns.Router[codeMake.GetString("name")][k1] = appIns.Router[codeMake.GetString("name")]["hotimeCommon"]
setMakeCodeListener(codeMake.GetString("name"), &appIns)
return &appIns
// SetDB 智能数据库设置
func SetDB(appIns *Application) {
db := appIns.Config.GetMap("db")
dbSqlite := db.GetMap("sqlite")
dbMysql := db.GetMap("mysql")
if db != nil && dbSqlite != nil {
SetSqliteDB(appIns, dbSqlite)
if db != nil && dbMysql != nil {
SetMysqlDB(appIns, dbMysql)
func SetMysqlDB(appIns *Application, config Map) {
appIns.Db.Type = "mysql"
appIns.Db.DBName = config.GetString("name")
appIns.Db.Prefix = config.GetString("prefix")
appIns.Db.Log = appIns.Log
appIns.Db.Mode = appIns.Config.GetCeilInt("mode")
appIns.SetConnectDB(func(err ...*Error) (master, slave *sql.DB) {
query := config.GetString("user") + ":" + config.GetString("password") +
"@tcp(" + config.GetString("host") + ":" + config.GetString("port") + ")/" + config.GetString("name") + "?charset=utf8"
DB, e := sql.Open("mysql", query)
if e != nil && len(err) != 0 {
master = DB
configSlave := config.GetMap("slave")
if configSlave != nil {
query := configSlave.GetString("user") + ":" + configSlave.GetString("password") +
"@tcp(" + config.GetString("host") + ":" + configSlave.GetString("port") + ")/" + configSlave.GetString("name") + "?charset=utf8"
DB1, e := sql.Open("mysql", query)
if e != nil && len(err) != 0 {
slave = DB1
return master, slave
//return DB
func SetSqliteDB(appIns *Application, config Map) {
appIns.Db.Type = "sqlite"
appIns.Db.Prefix = config.GetString("prefix")
appIns.Db.Mode = appIns.Config.GetCeilInt("mode")
appIns.Db.Log = appIns.Log
appIns.SetConnectDB(func(err ...*Error) (master, slave *sql.DB) {
db, e := sql.Open("sqlite3", config.GetString("path"))
if e != nil && len(err) != 0 {
master = db
return master, slave
func setMakeCodeListener(name string, appIns *Application) {
appIns.SetConnectListener(func(context *Context) (isFinished bool) {
codeIns := appIns.MakeCodeRouter[name]
if len(context.RouterString) < 2 || appIns.MakeCodeRouter[context.RouterString[0]] == nil {
return isFinished
if len(context.RouterString) > 1 && context.RouterString[0] == name {
if context.RouterString[1] == "hotime" && context.RouterString[2] == "login" {
return isFinished
if context.RouterString[1] == "hotime" && context.RouterString[2] == "logout" {
return isFinished
if context.RouterString[1] == "hotime" && context.RouterString[2] == "config" {
return isFinished
if context.Session(codeIns.FileConfig.GetString("table")+"_id").Data == nil {
context.Display(2, "你还没有登录")
return true
if len(context.RouterString) < 2 || len(context.RouterString) > 3 ||
!(context.Router[context.RouterString[0]] != nil &&
context.Router[context.RouterString[0]][context.RouterString[1]] != nil) {
return isFinished
if len(context.RouterString) == 2 &&
context.Req.Method != "GET" &&
context.Req.Method != "POST" {
return isFinished
if len(context.RouterString) == 3 && context.Router[context.RouterString[0]] != nil && context.Router[context.RouterString[0]][context.RouterString[1]] != nil && context.Router[context.RouterString[0]][context.RouterString[1]][context.RouterString[2]] != nil {
return isFinished
if len(context.RouterString) == 2 &&
context.Req.Method == "GET" {
if context.Router[context.RouterString[0]][context.RouterString[1]]["search"] == nil {
return isFinished
if len(context.RouterString) == 2 &&
context.Req.Method == "POST" {
if context.Router[context.RouterString[0]][context.RouterString[1]]["add"] == nil {
return true
if len(context.RouterString) == 3 &&
context.Req.Method == "POST" {
return isFinished
if len(context.RouterString) == 3 &&
context.Req.Method == "GET" {
if context.Router[context.RouterString[0]][context.RouterString[1]]["info"] == nil {
return isFinished
if len(context.RouterString) == 3 &&
context.Req.Method == "PUT" {
if context.Router[context.RouterString[0]][context.RouterString[1]]["update"] == nil {
return true
if len(context.RouterString) == 3 &&
context.Req.Method == "DELETE" {
if context.Router[context.RouterString[0]][context.RouterString[1]]["remove"] == nil {
return true
return true