2022-07-11 11:07:17 +08:00
package main
import (
. "code.hoteas.com/golang/hotime"
. "code.hoteas.com/golang/hotime/common"
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2022-07-11 19:13:20 +08:00
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2022-07-11 11:07:17 +08:00
2022-07-24 00:00:36 +08:00
func convertToTitle ( columnNumber int ) string {
var res [ ] byte
for columnNumber > 0 {
a := columnNumber % 26
if a == 0 {
a = 26
res = append ( res , 'A' + byte ( a - 1 ) )
columnNumber = ( columnNumber - a ) / 26
// 上面输出的res是反着的, 前后交换
for i , n := 0 , len ( res ) ; i < n / 2 ; i ++ {
res [ i ] , res [ n - 1 - i ] = res [ n - 1 - i ] , res [ i ]
return string ( res )
2022-07-11 11:07:17 +08:00
func main ( ) {
appIns := Init ( "config/config.json" )
appIns . Run ( Router { "app" : Proj {
"user" : Ctr {
"test" : func ( that * Context ) {
fmt . Println ( "dasdasd" )
2022-07-11 19:13:20 +08:00
//id := that.Db.Insert("user", Map{"name": "test"})
//ok := that.Db.Update("user", Map{"name": "test1"}, Map{"name": "test"})
2022-07-11 11:07:17 +08:00
ps := that . Db . Select ( "user" , "*" )
p := that . Db . Get ( "user" , "*" )
2022-07-11 19:13:20 +08:00
//row := that.Db.Delete("user", Map{"id": id})
//that.Display(0, Slice{id, ok, ps, p, row})
that . Display ( 0 , Slice { ps , p } )
2022-07-11 11:07:17 +08:00
} ,
2022-07-24 00:00:36 +08:00
"download" : func ( that * Context ) {
orgId := ObjToInt ( that . Req . FormValue ( "org_id" ) )
if orgId == 0 {
that . Display ( 3 , "参数错误" )
filePath := "temp/home" + ObjToStr ( orgId ) + ".xlsx"
f , e := excelize . OpenFile ( that . Config . GetString ( "tpt" ) + "/" + filePath )
// 设置单元格的值
questions := that . Db . Query ( "SELECT user.name AS user_name,user.phone,company.name AS company_name,question_company.name,question_company.question_data,question_company.status,question_company.modify_time FROM question_company INNER JOIN `user` ON question_company.`user_id`=`user`.id INNER JOIN `company` ON question_company.`company_id`=`company`.id WHERE question_company.org_id=?" , orgId )
if e != nil {
f = excelize . NewFile ( )
// 创建一个工作表
f . NewSheet ( "企业填报" )
f . DeleteSheet ( "Sheet1" )
//cs := append(NewCompanys{}, companys...)
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 1 ) + "1" , "调查名" )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 2 ) + "1" , "企业名" )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 3 ) + "1" , "姓名" )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 4 ) + "1" , "手机号" )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 5 ) + "1" , "状态" )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 6 ) + "1" , "修改时间" )
for k , question := range questions {
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 1 ) + ObjToStr ( k + 5 ) , question . GetString ( "name" ) )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 2 ) + ObjToStr ( k + 5 ) , question . GetString ( "company_name" ) )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 3 ) + ObjToStr ( k + 5 ) , question . GetString ( "user_name" ) )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 4 ) + ObjToStr ( k + 5 ) , question . GetString ( "phone" ) )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 5 ) + ObjToStr ( k + 5 ) , question . GetString ( "status" ) )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( 6 ) + ObjToStr ( k + 5 ) , time . Unix ( question . GetCeilInt64 ( "modify_time" ) , 0 ) . Format ( "2006-01-02 15:04" ) )
questionData := question . GetSlice ( "question_data" )
for k1 , _ := range questionData {
v1 := questionData . GetMap ( k1 )
if k == 0 {
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( k1 + 7 ) + "1" , v1 . GetString ( "label" ) )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( k1 + 7 ) + "2" , v1 . GetString ( "unit" ) )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( k1 + 7 ) + "3" , v1 . GetString ( "remarks" ) )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( k1 + 7 ) + "4" , v1 . GetString ( "type" ) )
value := v1 . GetString ( "value" )
extend := v1 . GetSlice ( "extend" )
if extend != nil && len ( extend ) > 0 {
for k2 , _ := range extend {
v2 := extend . GetMap ( k2 )
value = value + ";" + v2 . GetString ( "value" )
f . SetCellValue ( "企业填报" , convertToTitle ( k1 + 7 ) + ObjToStr ( k + 5 ) , value )
os . MkdirAll ( that . Config . GetString ( "tpt" ) + "/temp/" , os . ModeDir )
// 根据指定路径保存文件
if err := f . SaveAs ( that . Config . GetString ( "tpt" ) + "/" + filePath ) ; err != nil {
fmt . Println ( err )
that . Display ( 4 , "输出异常" )
f . Save ( )
that . Resp . Header ( ) . Set ( "Location" , "/" + filePath )
that . Resp . WriteHeader ( 307 ) //关键在这里!
that . Display ( 0 , filePath )
} ,
2022-07-11 19:13:20 +08:00
"websocket" : func ( that * Context ) {
hdler := websocket . Handler ( func ( ws * websocket . Conn ) {
for true {
msg := make ( [ ] byte , 5120 )
n , err := ws . Read ( msg )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "Receive: %s\n" , msg [ : n ] )
send_msg := "[" + string ( msg [ : n ] ) + "]"
m , err := ws . Write ( [ ] byte ( send_msg ) )
if err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "Send: %s\n" , msg [ : m ] )
} )
hdler . ServeHTTP ( that . Resp , that . Req )
} ,
} } } )
2022-07-11 11:07:17 +08:00