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2022-05-24 13:49:25 +08:00
package util
import (
// 微信签名算法方式
const (
SignTypeMD5 = `MD5`
SignTypeHMACSHA256 = `HMAC-SHA256`
// EncryptMsg 加密消息
func EncryptMsg(random, rawXMLMsg []byte, appID, aesKey string) (encrtptMsg []byte, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("panic error: err=%v", e)
var key []byte
key, err = aesKeyDecode(aesKey)
if err != nil {
ciphertext := AESEncryptMsg(random, rawXMLMsg, appID, key)
encrtptMsg = []byte(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(ciphertext))
// AESEncryptMsg ciphertext = AES_Encrypt[random(16B) + msg_len(4B) + rawXMLMsg + appId]
// 参考github.com/chanxuehong/wechat.v2
func AESEncryptMsg(random, rawXMLMsg []byte, appID string, aesKey []byte) (ciphertext []byte) {
const (
BlockSize = 32 // PKCS#7
BlockMask = BlockSize - 1 // BLOCK_SIZE 为 2^n 时, 可以用 mask 获取针对 BLOCK_SIZE 的余数
appIDOffset := 20 + len(rawXMLMsg)
contentLen := appIDOffset + len(appID)
amountToPad := BlockSize - contentLen&BlockMask
plaintextLen := contentLen + amountToPad
plaintext := make([]byte, plaintextLen)
// 拼接
copy(plaintext[:16], random)
encodeNetworkByteOrder(plaintext[16:20], uint32(len(rawXMLMsg)))
copy(plaintext[20:], rawXMLMsg)
copy(plaintext[appIDOffset:], appID)
// PKCS#7 补位
for i := contentLen; i < plaintextLen; i++ {
plaintext[i] = byte(amountToPad)
// 加密
block, err := aes.NewCipher(aesKey)
if err != nil {
mode := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, aesKey[:16])
mode.CryptBlocks(plaintext, plaintext)
ciphertext = plaintext
// DecryptMsg 消息解密
func DecryptMsg(appID, encryptedMsg, aesKey string) (random, rawMsgXMLBytes []byte, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("panic error: err=%v", e)
var encryptedMsgBytes, key, getAppIDBytes []byte
encryptedMsgBytes, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encryptedMsg)
if err != nil {
key, err = aesKeyDecode(aesKey)
if err != nil {
random, rawMsgXMLBytes, getAppIDBytes, err = AESDecryptMsg(encryptedMsgBytes, key)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("消息解密失败,%v", err)
if appID != string(getAppIDBytes) {
err = fmt.Errorf("消息解密校验APPID失败")
func aesKeyDecode(encodedAESKey string) (key []byte, err error) {
if len(encodedAESKey) != 43 {
err = fmt.Errorf("the length of encodedAESKey must be equal to 43")
key, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encodedAESKey + "=")
if err != nil {
if len(key) != 32 {
err = fmt.Errorf("encodingAESKey invalid")
// AESDecryptMsg ciphertext = AES_Encrypt[random(16B) + msg_len(4B) + rawXMLMsg + appId]
// 参考github.com/chanxuehong/wechat.v2
func AESDecryptMsg(ciphertext []byte, aesKey []byte) (random, rawXMLMsg, appID []byte, err error) {
const (
BlockSize = 32 // PKCS#7
BlockMask = BlockSize - 1 // BLOCK_SIZE 为 2^n 时, 可以用 mask 获取针对 BLOCK_SIZE 的余数
if len(ciphertext) < BlockSize {
err = fmt.Errorf("the length of ciphertext too short: %d", len(ciphertext))
if len(ciphertext)&BlockMask != 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("ciphertext is not a multiple of the block size, the length is %d", len(ciphertext))
plaintext := make([]byte, len(ciphertext)) // len(plaintext) >= BLOCK_SIZE
// 解密
block, err := aes.NewCipher(aesKey)
if err != nil {
mode := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, aesKey[:16])
mode.CryptBlocks(plaintext, ciphertext)
// PKCS#7 去除补位
amountToPad := int(plaintext[len(plaintext)-1])
if amountToPad < 1 || amountToPad > BlockSize {
err = fmt.Errorf("the amount to pad is incorrect: %d", amountToPad)
plaintext = plaintext[:len(plaintext)-amountToPad]
// 反拼接
// len(plaintext) == 16+4+len(rawXMLMsg)+len(appId)
if len(plaintext) <= 20 {
err = fmt.Errorf("plaintext too short, the length is %d", len(plaintext))
rawXMLMsgLen := int(decodeNetworkByteOrder(plaintext[16:20]))
if rawXMLMsgLen < 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("incorrect msg length: %d", rawXMLMsgLen)
appIDOffset := 20 + rawXMLMsgLen
if len(plaintext) <= appIDOffset {
err = fmt.Errorf("msg length too large: %d", rawXMLMsgLen)
random = plaintext[:16:20]
rawXMLMsg = plaintext[20:appIDOffset:appIDOffset]
appID = plaintext[appIDOffset:]
// 把整数 n 格式化成 4 字节的网络字节序
func encodeNetworkByteOrder(orderBytes []byte, n uint32) {
orderBytes[0] = byte(n >> 24)
orderBytes[1] = byte(n >> 16)
orderBytes[2] = byte(n >> 8)
orderBytes[3] = byte(n)
// 从 4 字节的网络字节序里解析出整数
func decodeNetworkByteOrder(orderBytes []byte) (n uint32) {
return uint32(orderBytes[0])<<24 |
uint32(orderBytes[1])<<16 |
uint32(orderBytes[2])<<8 |
// CalculateSign 计算签名
func CalculateSign(content, signType, key string) (string, error) {
var h hash.Hash
if signType == SignTypeHMACSHA256 {
h = hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(key))
} else {
h = md5.New()
if _, err := h.Write([]byte(content)); err != nil {
return ``, err
return strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))), nil
// ParamSign 计算所传参数的签名
func ParamSign(p map[string]string, key string) (string, error) {
bizKey := "&key=" + key
str := OrderParam(p, bizKey)
var signType string
switch p["sign_type"] {
case SignTypeMD5, SignTypeHMACSHA256:
signType = p["sign_type"]
case ``:
signType = SignTypeMD5
return ``, errors.New(`invalid sign_type`)
return CalculateSign(str, signType, key)
// ECB provides confidentiality by assigning a fixed ciphertext block to each plaintext block.
// See NIST SP 800-38A, pp 08-09
// reference: https://codereview.appspot.com/7860047/patch/23001/24001
type ecb struct {
b cipher.Block
blockSize int
func newECB(b cipher.Block) *ecb {
return &ecb{
b: b,
blockSize: b.BlockSize(),
// ECBEncryptor -
type ECBEncryptor ecb
// NewECBEncryptor returns a BlockMode which encrypts in electronic code book mode, using the given Block.
func NewECBEncryptor(b cipher.Block) cipher.BlockMode {
return (*ECBEncryptor)(newECB(b))
// BlockSize implement BlockMode.BlockSize
func (x *ECBEncryptor) BlockSize() int {
return x.blockSize
// CryptBlocks implement BlockMode.CryptBlocks
func (x *ECBEncryptor) CryptBlocks(dst, src []byte) {
if len(src)%x.blockSize != 0 {
panic("crypto/cipher: input not full blocks")
if len(dst) < len(src) {
panic("crypto/cipher: output smaller than input")
for len(src) > 0 {
x.b.Encrypt(dst, src[:x.blockSize])
src = src[x.blockSize:]
dst = dst[x.blockSize:]
// ECBDecryptor -
type ECBDecryptor ecb
// NewECBDecryptor returns a BlockMode which decrypts in electronic code book mode, using the given Block.
func NewECBDecryptor(b cipher.Block) cipher.BlockMode {
return (*ECBDecryptor)(newECB(b))
// BlockSize implement BlockMode.BlockSize
func (x *ECBDecryptor) BlockSize() int {
return x.blockSize
// CryptBlocks implement BlockMode.CryptBlocks
func (x *ECBDecryptor) CryptBlocks(dst, src []byte) {
if len(src)%x.blockSize != 0 {
panic("crypto/cipher: input not full blocks")
if len(dst) < len(src) {
panic("crypto/cipher: output smaller than input")
for len(src) > 0 {
x.b.Decrypt(dst, src[:x.blockSize])
src = src[x.blockSize:]
dst = dst[x.blockSize:]
// AesECBDecrypt will decrypt data with PKCS5Padding
func AesECBDecrypt(ciphertext []byte, aesKey []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(ciphertext) < aes.BlockSize {
return nil, errors.New("ciphertext too short")
// ECB mode always works in whole blocks.
if len(ciphertext)%aes.BlockSize != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("ciphertext is not a multiple of the block size")
block, err := aes.NewCipher(aesKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
NewECBDecryptor(block).CryptBlocks(ciphertext, ciphertext)
return PKCS5UnPadding(ciphertext), nil
// PKCS5Padding -
func PKCS5Padding(ciphertext []byte, blockSize int) []byte {
padding := blockSize - len(ciphertext)%blockSize
padText := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padding)}, padding)
return append(ciphertext, padText...)
// PKCS5UnPadding -
func PKCS5UnPadding(origData []byte) []byte {
length := len(origData)
unPadding := int(origData[length-1])
return origData[:(length - unPadding)]