
This commit is contained in:
hoteas 2022-03-16 09:58:24 +08:00
parent ce515d991a
commit 5945ed64c6
6 changed files with 262 additions and 163 deletions

@ -70,7 +70,13 @@ func (that *Application) Run(router Router) {
that.Router = Router{}
for k, v := range router {
that.Router[k] = v
if that.Router[k] == nil {
that.Router[k] = v
for k1, v1 := range v {
that.Router[k][k1] = v1
that.MethodRouter = MethodRouter{}

@ -3,94 +3,21 @@ package app
import (
. "code.hoteas.com/golang/hotime"
. "code.hoteas.com/golang/hotime/common"
// Project 管理端项目
var Project = Proj{
"wechat": Wechat,
"wechat": Wechat,
"websocket": WebsocketCtr,
var weixin *wechat.Wechat //微信登录实例
var officialAccount *officialaccount.OfficialAccount
var miniProgram *miniprogram.MiniProgram
//var appIns = Application{}
var wxpayClient *core.Client
func init() {
func getCode() string {
//res := ""
//for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
res := ObjToStr(RandX(1000, 9999))
return res
//func Weixin(that *Context) *wechat.Wechat {
// if weixin == nil {
// cache1 := cache.Cache(WechatCache{that.CacheIns})
// config := wechat.Config{Cache: cache1, AppID: that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"), AppSecret: that.Config.GetString("wechatAppSecret")}
// weixin = wechat.NewWechat(&config)
// }
// return weixin
func WxPayClient(that *Context, sn string, money int64, openid string) Map {
if wxpayClient == nil {
wxpayClient = core.NewClient(that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"), that.Config.GetString("wechatChid"), that.Config.GetString("wechatChkey"), nil)
res, err := pay.UnifiedOrder2(wxpayClient, &pay.UnifiedOrderRequest{
// 必选参数
Body: "微信充值", // 商品或支付单简要描述
OutTradeNo: sn, // 商户系统内部的订单号,32个字符内、可包含字母, 其他说明见商户订单号
TotalFee: money, // ObjToInt64(umoney*100), // `xml:"total_fee"` // 订单总金额,单位为分,详见支付金额
//SpbillCreateIP string `xml:"spbill_create_ip"` // APP和网页支付提交用户端ipNative支付填调用微信支付API的机器IP。
NotifyURL: that.Config.GetString("wechatPayCallBack"), // string `xml:"notify_url"` // 接收微信支付异步通知回调地址通知url必须为直接可访问的url不能携带参数。
TradeType: "JSAPI", // string `xml:"trade_type"` // 取值如下JSAPINATIVEAPP详细说明见参数规定
// 可选参数
DeviceInfo: "WEB", // string `xml:"device_info"` // 终端设备号(门店号或收银设备ID)注意PC网页或公众号内支付请传"WEB"
// NonceStr string `xml:"nonce_str"` // 随机字符串不长于32位。NOTE: 如果为空则系统会自动生成一个随机字符串。
//SignType string `xml:"sign_type"` // 签名类型默认为MD5支持HMAC-SHA256和MD5。
// Detail:"充值",// string `xml:"detail"` // 商品名称明细列表
//Attach string `xml:"attach"` // 附加数据在查询API和支付通知中原样返回该字段主要用于商户携带订单的自定义数据
//FeeType string `xml:"fee_type"` // 符合ISO 4217标准的三位字母代码默认人民币CNY其他值列表详见货币类型
//TimeStart time.Time `xml:"time_start"` // 订单生成时间格式为yyyyMMddHHmmss如2009年12月25日9点10分10秒表示为20091225091010。其他详见时间规则
//TimeExpire time.Time `xml:"time_expire"` // 订单失效时间格式为yyyyMMddHHmmss如2009年12月27日9点10分10秒表示为20091227091010。其他详见时间规则
//GoodsTag string `xml:"goods_tag"` // 商品标记,代金券或立减优惠功能的参数,说明详见代金券或立减优惠
// ProductId :"CHONGZHI",// string `xml:"product_id"` // trade_type=NATIVE此参数必传。此id为二维码中包含的商品ID商户自行定义。
// LimitPay string `xml:"limit_pay"` // no_credit--指定不能使用信用卡支付
OpenId: openid, //user.GetString("wuid"), // string `xml:"openid"` // rade_type=JSAPI此参数必传用户在商户appid下的唯一标识。
// SubOpenId string `xml:"sub_openid"` // trade_type=JSAPI此参数必传用户在子商户appid下的唯一标识。openid和sub_openid可以选传其中之一如果选择传sub_openid,则必须传sub_appid。
// SceneInfo string `xml:"scene_info"` // 该字段用于上报支付的场景信息,针对H5支付有以下三种场景,请根据对应场景上报,H5支付不建议在APP端
if err != nil {
return nil
wcpay := Map{
"appId": that.Config.Get("wechatAppID"),
"timeStamp": ObjToStr(time.Now().Unix()),
"nonceStr": getSn(),
"package": "prepay_id=" + res.PrepayId,
"signType": "MD5",
wcpay["paySign"] = core.JsapiSign(that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"), wcpay.GetString("timeStamp"), wcpay.GetString("nonceStr"), wcpay.GetString("package"), "MD5", that.Config.GetString("wechatChkey"))
return wcpay

example/app/websocket.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package app
import (
. "code.hoteas.com/golang/hotime"
. "code.hoteas.com/golang/hotime/common"
type WSClient struct {
ID string
DeadTime time.Time
IsDead bool
var WsUserMap = map[string][]*WSClient{}
var WSMasterID = ""
func WsSendMsg(ws *WSClient, data Map) bool {
if WsUserMap[ws.ID] == nil {
return false
for _, v := range WsUserMap[ws.ID] {
if v.IsDead || v == ws {
str := data.ToJsonString()
return true
var WebsocketCtr = Ctr{
"conn": func(this *Context) {
id := this.SessionId
if WsUserMap[id] == nil {
WsUserMap[id] = []*WSClient{}
hdler := websocket.Handler(func(ws *websocket.Conn) {
client := &WSClient{ID: id, Conn: ws, Time: time.Now(), DeadTime: time.Now(), IsDead: false}
WsUserMap[id] = append(WsUserMap[id], client)
var message string
for true {
err := websocket.Message.Receive(ws, &message)
if err != nil {
client.DeadTime = time.Now()
client.IsDead = true
data := Map{}
WsSendMsg(client, data)
//switch data.GetString("type") {
hdler.ServeHTTP(this.Resp, this.Req)

@ -2,50 +2,149 @@ package app
import (
. "code.hoteas.com/golang/hotime"
. "code.hoteas.com/golang/hotime/cache"
. "code.hoteas.com/golang/hotime/common"
type WechatCache struct {
func (that WechatCache) Get(key string) interface{} {
return that.Cache("x" + key).Data
//return nil
func (that WechatCache) Set(key string, val interface{}, timeout time.Duration) error {
that.Cache("x"+key, val, ObjToInt64(timeout.Seconds()))
return nil
func (that WechatCache) IsExist(key string) bool {
c := that.Cache("x" + key).Data
if c != nil {
return true
return false
func (that WechatCache) Delete(key string) error {
that.Cache("x"+key, nil)
return nil
var Wechat = Ctr{
"user": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("wechatInfo").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
"login": func(that *Context) {
nickname := that.Req.FormValue("nickname")
avatar := that.Req.FormValue("avatarUrl")
encryptedData := that.Req.FormValue("encryptedData")
iv := that.Req.FormValue("iv")
if that.Session("wechat_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "还没有获取token")
that.Display(0, that.Session("wechatInfo").ToMap())
if nickname == "" || avatar == "" || encryptedData == "" || iv == "" {
that.Display(3, "参数不足")
if weixin == nil {
weixin = wechat.NewWechat()
memory := cache.NewMemory()
cfg := &config.Config{
AppID: that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"),
AppSecret: that.Config.GetString("wechatAppSecret"),
//Token: "xxx",
//EncodingAESKey: "xxxx",
Cache: memory,
miniProgram = weixin.GetMiniProgram(cfg)
wechatId := that.Session("wechat_id").ToCeilInt()
wchat := that.Db.Get("wechat", "*", Map{"id": wechatId})
if wchat == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到该用户")
eny := miniProgram.GetEncryptor()
re, e := eny.Decrypt(wchat.GetString("retoken"), encryptedData, iv)
if e != nil {
that.Display(4, e)
admin := that.Db.Get("admin", "*", Map{"phone": re.PhoneNumber})
if admin == nil {
that.Display(5, "你不是本系统用户,无法使用本系统")
t := time.Now().Unix()
path := time.Now().Format(that.Config.GetString("imgPath"))
filename := Md5(ObjToStr(t)) + ".jpg"
down := download.Down(avatar, that.Config.GetString("tpt")+"/"+path, filename)
if down {
avatar = path + filename
that.Db.Update("wechat", Map{"admin_id": admin.GetCeilInt("id"), "modify_time": t, "avatar": avatar, "nickname": nickname}, Map{"id": wchat.GetCeilInt64("id")})
that.Db.Update("admin", Map{"avatar_img": avatar, "modify_time": t}, Map{"id": admin.GetCeilInt64("id")})
that.Session("admin_id", admin.GetCeilInt64("id"))
that.Display(0, "成功!")
"code": func(that *Context) {
that.Session("admin_id", 1)
that.Display(0, Map{"status": 1, "token": that.SessionId})
code := that.Req.FormValue("code")
if code == "" {
that.Display(3, "缺少code")
if weixin == nil {
weixin = wechat.NewWechat()
memory := cache.NewMemory()
cfg := &config.Config{
AppID: that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"),
AppSecret: that.Config.GetString("wechatAppSecret"),
//Token: "xxx",
//EncodingAESKey: "xxxx",
Cache: memory,
miniProgram = weixin.GetMiniProgram(cfg)
//mini := weixin.GetMiniProgram(cfg)
a := miniProgram.GetAuth()
re, e := a.Code2Session(code)
if e != nil {
that.Display(4, e)
wchat := that.Db.Get("wechat", "*", Map{"openid": re.OpenID})
if wchat == nil {
wchat = Map{"openid": re.OpenID,
"appid": a.AppID,
"state": 0,
"retoken": re.SessionKey,
"modify_time": time.Now().Unix(),
"create_time": time.Now().Unix(),
"unionid": re.UnionID,
wchat["id"] = that.Db.Insert("wechat", wchat)
} else {
wchat["modify_time"] = time.Now().Unix()
wchat["retoken"] = re.SessionKey
wchat["unionid"] = re.UnionID
that.Db.Update("wechat", wchat, Map{"id": wchat.GetCeilInt("id")})
that.Session("wechat_id", wchat.GetCeilInt("id"))
if wchat.GetCeilInt("admin_id") == 0 {
that.Display(0, Map{"status": 0, "token": that.SessionId})
that.Session("admin_id", wchat.GetCeilInt("admin_id"))
that.Display(0, Map{"status": 1, "token": that.SessionId})
//"codebase": func(that *Context) {
@ -147,45 +246,32 @@ var Wechat = Ctr{
// that.Display(0, Map{"type": 1, "token": that.SessionId})
"sign": func(that *Context) {
if that.Req.FormValue("sign_url") == "" {
that.Display(2, "参数不足")
signUrl := that.Req.FormValue("sign_url")
signUrl = "https://hycb.hoteas.com/wxapp"
if weixin == nil {
weixin = wechat.NewWechat()
memory := cache.NewMemory()
cfg := &config.Config{
AppID: that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"),
AppSecret: that.Config.GetString("wechatAppSecret"),
//Token: "xxx",
//EncodingAESKey: "xxxx",
Cache: memory,
//config := wechat.Config{ AppID: that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"), AppSecret: that.Config.GetString("wechatAppSecret")}
//weixin = wechat.NewWechat()
officialAccount = weixin.GetOfficialAccount(cfg)
js := officialAccount.GetJs()
//js := weixin.GetJs()
cfg1, e := js.GetConfig(signUrl)
if e != nil {
that.Display(7, e)
sign := Map{
"appId": cfg1.AppID,
"timestamp": cfg1.Timestamp,
"nonceStr": cfg1.NonceStr,
"signature": cfg1.Signature,
that.Display(0, sign)
//"sign": func(that *Context) {
// if that.Req.FormValue("sign_url") == "" {
// that.Display(2, "参数不足")
// return
// }
// signUrl := that.Req.FormValue("sign_url")
// signUrl = "https://hycb.hoteas.com/wxapp"
// js := officialAccount.GetJs()
// //js.GetConfig()
// //js := weixin.GetJs()
// cfg1, e := js.GetConfig(signUrl)
// if e != nil {
// that.Display(7, e)
// return
// }
// sign := Map{
// "appId": cfg1.AppID,
// "timestamp": cfg1.Timestamp,
// "nonceStr": cfg1.NonceStr,
// "signature": cfg1.Signature,
// }
// that.Display(0, sign)

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
"smsKey": "b0eb4bf0198b9983cffcb85b69fdf4fa",
"smsLogin": "【政企超链接】您的验证码为:{code}请在5分钟内使用切勿将验证码泄露于他人如非本人操作请忽略。",
"tpt": "tpt",
"wechatAppID": "wx2edb802f5c3ae1ae",
"wechatAppSecret": "4ff97e523c3de6bad47051b568522386",
"wechatAppID": "wx6126460a528a20e5",
"wechatAppSecret": "1dfdd8079414c795950d71bc92d0f1bd",
"wxFilePath": "wxfile/2006/01/02/"

@ -17,14 +17,22 @@ func main() {
appIns.SetConnectListener(func(that *Context) (isFinished bool) {
that.Session("admin_id", 1)
//if len(that.RouterString) == 3 {
// if that.HandlerStr == "/app/hotime/test" {
// that.Session("admin_id", 1)
// that.Display(0, "开始测试")
// return true
// }
//that.Session("admin_id", 1)
if len(that.RouterString) == 3 {
if that.HandlerStr == "/app/hotime/test" {
that.Session("admin_id", 1)
that.Display(0, that.SessionId)
return true
if that.RouterString[1] == "wechat" || that.RouterString[1] == "websocket" {
if appIns.MethodRouter[that.HandlerStr] != nil {
return true
return isFinished
//appIns.Db.Action(func(db db.HoTimeDB) (isSuccess bool) {