forked from golang/hotime
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
//高级加密标准(Adevanced Encryption Standard ,AES)
//16,24,32位字符串的话,分别对应AES-128,AES-192,AES-256 加密方法
var PwdKey = []byte("mif022h3g9geAHUHY432,:da1adag389")
//PKCS7 填充模式
func pKCS7Padding(ciphertext []byte, blockSize int) []byte {
padding := blockSize - len(ciphertext)%blockSize
padtext := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padding)}, padding)
return append(ciphertext, padtext...)
func pKCS7UnPadding(origData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
length := len(origData)
if length == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("加密字符串错误!")
} else {
unpadding := int(origData[length-1])
return origData[:(length - unpadding)], nil
func AesEcrypt(origData []byte, key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blockSize := block.BlockSize()
origData = pKCS7Padding(origData, blockSize)
blocMode := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, key[:blockSize])
crypted := make([]byte, len(origData))
blocMode.CryptBlocks(crypted, origData)
return crypted, nil
func AesDeCrypt(cypted []byte, key []byte) (bytes []byte, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
//that.SetError(errors.New(fmt.Sprint(err)), LOG_FMT)
err = errors.New(common.ObjToStr(e))
block, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blockSize := block.BlockSize()
blockMode := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, key[:blockSize])
origData := make([]byte, len(cypted))
blockMode.CryptBlocks(origData, cypted)
origData, err = pKCS7UnPadding(origData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return origData, err
func EnPwdCode(pwd []byte) (string, error) {
result, err := AesEcrypt(pwd, PwdKey)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(result), err
func DePwdCode(pwd string) ([]byte, error) {
pwdByte, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(pwd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return AesDeCrypt(pwdByte, PwdKey)
//func main() {
// str := []byte("12fff我是ww.topgoer.com的站长枯藤")
// pwd, _ := EnPwdCode(str)
// bytes, _ := DePwdCode(pwd)
// fmt.Println(string(bytes))
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var ArticleCtr = Ctr{
"getdispatchs": func(that *Context) {
tp := that.Req.FormValue("type")
data := Map{"del_flag": 0}
if tp == "notify" {
data["notify_id[!]"] = nil
if tp == "policy" {
data["policy_id[!]"] = nil
if tp == "declare" {
data["declare_id[!]"] = nil
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data, "GROUP": "dispatch_name"}
} else {
data["GROUP"] = "dispatch_name"
res := that.Db.Select("article", "dispatch_name", data)
that.Display(0, res)
"search": func(that *Context) {
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
data := Map{"del_flag": 0}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"title[~]": keywords, "description[~]": keywords, "content[~]": keywords}
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["release_time[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["release_time[<=]"] = finishTime
dispatchName := that.Req.FormValue("dispatch_name")
if dispatchName != "" {
data["dispatch_name"] = dispatchName
tp := that.Req.FormValue("type")
if tp == "notify" {
data["notify_id[!]"] = nil
if tp == "policy" {
data["policy_id[!]"] = nil
if tp == "declare" {
data["declare_id[!]"] = nil
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data, "ORDER": "release_time DESC"}
count := that.Db.Count("article", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("article", "id,title,description,department_id,click_num+click_num_base AS click_num,"+
"favorite_num_base+favorite_num AS favorite_num,dispatch_num,dispatch_name,prepare_date,release_time,expire_date,area_id,status,policy_id,declare_id,notify_id,dispatch_name,policy_level", data)
for _, v := range res {
if v.GetCeilInt("notify_id") > 0 {
v["notify"] = that.Db.Get("notify", "tag", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("notify_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt("policy_id") > 0 {
v["policy"] = that.Db.Get("policy", "tag", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("policy_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt("declare_id") > 0 {
v["declare"] = that.Db.Get("declare", "money_scope_min,money_scope_max,status", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("declare_id")})
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var CompanyCtr = Ctr{
"search": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords == "" {
keywords = that.Req.FormValue("company_name")
if keywords == "" {
keywords = that.Req.FormValue("name")
if len(keywords) < 2 {
that.Display(0, Slice{})
res, err := aliyun.Company.GetCompanyList(keywords)
if err != nil {
that.Display(0, Slice{})
if res.GetCeilInt64("status") != 200 {
that.Display(0, Slice{})
that.Display(0, res.GetMap("data").GetSlice("list"))
"search_info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
name := that.Req.FormValue("name")
if len(name) < 2 {
that.Display(3, "找不到企业")
res, err := aliyun.Company.GetCompanyBaseInfo(name)
if err != nil {
that.Display(4, "查询失败")
if res.GetBool("status") != true {
that.Display(4, "查询失败")
that.Display(0, res.GetMap("data"))
"info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("user_id").Data})
if user == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到用户")
res := that.Db.Get("company", "*", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id")})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到企业")
//if res.GetCeilInt("salesman_id")!=that.Session("salesman_id").ToCeilInt(){
// that.Display(4,"不是你的企业")
// return
//res["technology_center_flag"] = ObjToSlice(res["technology_center_flag"])
//res["engineering_center_flag"] = ObjToSlice(res["engineering_center_flag"])
//res["engineering_laboratory_flag"] = ObjToSlice(res["engineering_laboratory_flag"])
//res["key_laboratory_flag"] = ObjToSlice(res["key_laboratory_flag"])
//res["industrial_design_center_flag"] = ObjToSlice(res["industrial_design_center_flag"])
//res["high_level_talents_flag1"] = ObjToSlice(res["high_level_talents_flag1"])
//res["tags"] = ObjToSlice(res["tags"])
res["technology_center_flag"] = strToArray(res.GetString("technology_center_flag"))
res["engineering_center_flag"] = strToArray(res.GetString("engineering_center_flag"))
res["engineering_laboratory_flag"] = strToArray(res.GetString("engineering_laboratory_flag"))
res["key_laboratory_flag"] = strToArray(res.GetString("key_laboratory_flag"))
res["industrial_design_center_flag"] = strToArray(res.GetString("industrial_design_center_flag"))
res["high_level_talents_flag1"] = strToArray(res.GetString("high_level_talents_flag1"))
res["tags"] = strToArray(res.GetString("tags"))
that.Display(0, res)
"edit": func(that *Context) {
//if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
// that.Display(2, "没有登录")
// return
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
social_code := that.Req.FormValue("social_code")
if social_code == "" {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
company_name := that.Req.FormValue("company_name")
if company_name == "" {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
phone := that.Req.FormValue("phone")
if phone == "" {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
name := that.Req.FormValue("user_name")
if name == "" {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
err := auth(that, phone, company_name, name)
if err != nil {
that.Display(3, err.Error())
business_license := that.Req.FormValue("business_license")
if business_license == "" {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
user_id := that.Session("user_id").Data
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": user_id})
if user == nil {
that.Display(1, "没有找到该用户")
company := that.Db.Get("company", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"id": id, "user_id": user_id}})
if company == nil {
that.Display(4, "不是属于你的企业")
authentication_flag := 1
//if user.GetCeilInt("authentication_flag") == 0 {
// authentication_flag = 1
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"name": name, "phone": phone, "authentication_flag": authentication_flag}, Map{"id": user_id})
that.Db.Update("company", Map{"social_code": social_code, "name": company_name, "phone": phone, "business_license": business_license, "modify_time[#]": "now()"}, Map{"id": id})
data := Map{
"user_id": user_id,
"coupon_id": 1,
"code_no": "SN" + time.Now().Format("20060102150405") + getSn(),
"effective_start_time[#]": "NOW()",
"effective_end_time": time.Now().AddDate(0, 6, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
"source_type": 2,
"status": 0,
"admin_id": user.GetCeilInt("admin_id"),
"create_time[#]": "NOW()",
//先判断是否领取过 source_type=2 是通过认证赠送的券
couponCount := that.Db.Count("coupon_user", Map{"AND": Map{"user_id": user_id, "source_type": 2}})
if couponCount == 0 {
that.Db.Insert("coupon_user", data)
that.Display(0, "认证成功")
"upload": func(this *Context) {
file := this.Req.FormValue("file")
if len(file) < 100 {
this.Display(3, "图片上传错误")
btes, e := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(file[strings.Index(file, ",")+1:]) //成图片文件并把文件写入到buffer
//btes, e := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(file) //成图片文件并把文件写入到buffer
if e != nil {
this.Display(3, "无法解析图片")
path := time.Now().Format(this.Config.GetString("wxFilePath"))
os.MkdirAll(this.Config.GetString("tpt")+"/"+path, os.ModeDir)
filePath := path + Md5(ObjToStr(time.Now().Unix())) + ".jpg"
err2 := ioutil.WriteFile(this.Config.GetString("tpt")+"/"+filePath, btes, 0666) //buffer输出到jpg文件中(不做处理,直接写到文件)
if err2 != nil {
this.Display(3, "图片保存失败")
tp := this.Req.FormValue("type")
if tp == "company" {
data := tencent.Tencent.OCRCOMPANY(file)
c := ObjToMap(data)
if c != nil {
c = c.GetMap("Response")
c["url"] = filePath
} else {
c = Map{"url": filePath}
this.Display(0, c)
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var CouponCtr = Ctr{
"search": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
user_id := that.Session("user_id").Data
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": user_id})
if user == nil {
that.Display(1, "没有找到该用户")
status := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("status"))
var data = Map{
"coupon_user.user_id": user_id,
"coupon_user.state": 0,
if that.Req.FormValue("status") != "" {
data.Put("coupon_user.status", status)
specMap := Map{"AND": data}
if status == 0 {
specMap.Put("ORDER", "coupon_user.status ASC,coupon_user.effective_end_time ASC,coupon_user.create_time DESC")
if status == 1 {
specMap.Put("ORDER", "coupon_user.use_time DESC")
if status == 2 {
specMap.Put("ORDER", "coupon_user.effective_end_time DESC")
count := that.Db.Count("coupon_user", Map{"AND": data})
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("coupon_user",
Map{"[>]coupon": "coupon_user.coupon_id ="},
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var FavoriteCtr = Ctr{
"follow": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
policyId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("policy_id"))
notifyId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("notify_id"))
declareId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("declare_id"))
providerId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("provider_id"))
favorite := Map{}
data := Map{}
if providerId != 0 {
data = Map{"provider_id": providerId, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
favorite = that.Db.Get("favorite", "*", Map{"AND": data})
data["modify_time[#]"] = "now()"
data["del_flag"] = 0
data["type"] = 1
} else if notifyId != 0 {
article := that.Db.Get("article", "id", Map{"notify_id": notifyId})
if article != nil {
data = Map{"notify_id": notifyId, "article_id": article.GetCeilInt("id"), "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
favorite = that.Db.Get("favorite", "*", Map{"AND": data})
data["modify_time[#]"] = "now()"
data["del_flag"] = 0
data["type"] = 2
} else if policyId != 0 {
article := that.Db.Get("article", "id", Map{"policy_id": policyId})
if article != nil {
data = Map{"policy_id": policyId, "article_id": article.GetCeilInt("id"), "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
favorite = that.Db.Get("favorite", "*", Map{"AND": data})
data["modify_time[#]"] = "now()"
data["del_flag"] = 0
data["type"] = 3
} else if declareId != 0 {
article := that.Db.Get("article", "id", Map{"declare_id": declareId})
if article != nil {
data = Map{"declare_id": declareId, "article_id": article.GetCeilInt("id"), "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
favorite = that.Db.Get("favorite", "*", Map{"AND": data})
data["modify_time[#]"] = "now()"
data["del_flag"] = 0
data["type"] = 4
if len(data) != 0 {
isFavorite := int64(0)
if favorite != nil {
isFavorite = that.Db.Update("favorite", data, Map{"id": favorite.GetCeilInt("id")})
} else {
data["create_time[#]"] = "now()"
isFavorite = that.Db.Insert("favorite", data)
if isFavorite != 0 {
if data.GetCeilInt("article_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("article", Map{"favorite_num[#]": "favorite_num+1"}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt("article_id")})
if data.GetCeilInt("notify_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("notify", Map{"favorite_num[#]": "favorite_num+1"}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt("notify_id")})
if data.GetCeilInt("policy_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("policy", Map{"favorite_num[#]": "favorite_num+1"}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt("policy_id")})
if data.GetCeilInt("declare_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("declare", Map{"favorite_num[#]": "favorite_num+1"}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt("declare_id")})
if data.GetCeilInt("provider_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("provider", Map{"favorite_num[#]": "favorite_num+1"}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt("provider_id")})
that.Display(0, "关注成功")
that.Display(4, "找不到关注对象")
"unfollow": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
policyId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("policy_id"))
notifyId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("notify_id"))
declareId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("declare_id"))
providerId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("provider_id"))
favorite := Map{}
data := Map{}
if providerId != 0 {
data = Map{"provider_id": providerId, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
favorite = that.Db.Get("favorite", "*", Map{"AND": data})
data["modify_time[#]"] = "now()"
data["del_flag"] = 1
data["type"] = 1
} else if notifyId != 0 {
article := that.Db.Get("article", "id", Map{"notify_id": notifyId})
if article != nil {
data = Map{"notify_id": notifyId, "article_id": article.GetCeilInt("id"), "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
favorite = that.Db.Get("favorite", "*", Map{"AND": data})
data["modify_time[#]"] = "now()"
data["del_flag"] = 1
data["type"] = 2
} else if policyId != 0 {
article := that.Db.Get("article", "id", Map{"policy_id": policyId})
if article != nil {
data = Map{"policy_id": policyId, "article_id": article.GetCeilInt("id"), "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
favorite = that.Db.Get("favorite", "*", Map{"AND": data})
data["modify_time[#]"] = "now()"
data["del_flag"] = 1
data["type"] = 3
} else if declareId != 0 {
article := that.Db.Get("article", "id", Map{"declare_id": declareId})
if article != nil {
data = Map{"declare_id": declareId, "article_id": article.GetCeilInt("id"), "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
favorite = that.Db.Get("favorite", "*", Map{"AND": data})
data["modify_time[#]"] = "now()"
data["del_flag"] = 1
data["type"] = 4
if len(data) != 0 && favorite != nil {
isFavorite := that.Db.Update("favorite", data, Map{"id": favorite.GetCeilInt("id")})
if isFavorite != 0 {
if data.GetCeilInt("article_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("article", Map{"favorite_num[#]": "favorite_num-1"}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt("article_id")})
if data.GetCeilInt("notify_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("notify", Map{"favorite_num[#]": "favorite_num-1"}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt("notify_id")})
if data.GetCeilInt("policy_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("policy", Map{"favorite_num[#]": "favorite_num-1"}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt("policy_id")})
if data.GetCeilInt("declare_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("declare", Map{"favorite_num[#]": "favorite_num-1"}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt("declare_id")})
if data.GetCeilInt("provider_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("provider", Map{"favorite_num[#]": "favorite_num-1"}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt("provider_id")})
that.Display(0, "取消关注成功")
that.Display(0, "没有关注")
"search": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
tp := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("type"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
if tp != 0 {
data["type"] = tp
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data, "ORDER": "modify_time DESC"}
count := that.Db.Count("favorite", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("favorite", "*", data)
for _, v := range res {
if v.GetCeilInt64("policy_id") != 0 {
v["policy"] = that.Db.Get("policy", "id,tag", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt64("policy_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt64("declare_id") != 0 {
v["declare"] = that.Db.Get("declare", "id,money_scope_min,money_scope_max,status", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt64("declare_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt64("notify_id") != 0 {
v["notify"] = that.Db.Get("notify", "id,tag", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt64("notify_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt64("article_id") != 0 {
v["article"] = that.Db.Get("article", "id,title,description,department_id,click_num+click_num_base AS click_num,"+
"favorite_num_base+favorite_num AS favorite_num,dispatch_num,dispatch_name,prepare_date,release_time,expire_date,area_id,status", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt64("article_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt64("provider_id") != 0 {
v["provider"] = that.Db.Get("provider", "id,name,level,discount,avatar,title,description,"+
"click_num_base+click_num AS click_num,handle_num_base+handle_num AS handle_num,favorite_num_base+favorite_num AS favorite_num,modify_time", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")})
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
func DataToExcel(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, titleList []string, dataList []common.Map, fileName string) {
// 生成一个新的文件
file := xlsx.NewFile()
// 添加sheet页
sheet, _ := file.AddSheet("Sheet1")
// 插入表头
titleRow := sheet.AddRow()
for _, v := range titleList {
cell := titleRow.AddCell()
cell.Value = v
cell.GetStyle().Font.Color = "00FF0000"
for _, v1 := range dataList {
row := sheet.AddRow()
// 插入内容
for _, v := range titleList {
cell := row.AddCell()
fileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.xlsx", fileName)
//_ = file.Save(fileName)
w.Header().Add("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf(`attachment; filename="%s"`, fileName))
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")
var buffer bytes.Buffer
_ = file.Write(&buffer)
content := bytes.NewReader(buffer.Bytes())
http.ServeContent(w, r, fileName, time.Now(), content)
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
// Project 管理端项目
var Project = Proj{
"article": ArticleCtr,
"company": CompanyCtr,
"declare": DeclareCtr,
"favorite": FavoriteCtr,
"lxcx": Lxcx,
"matters": MattersCtr,
"notify": NotifyCtr,
"order": OrderCtr,
"policy": PolicyCtr,
"provider": ProviderCtr,
"search_record": SearchRecordCtr,
"sms": Sms,
"tag": TagCtr,
"upan": UpanCtr,
"user": UserCtr,
"vip_order": VipOrderCtr,
"websocket": WebsocketCtr,
"wechath5": Wechath5,
"wechatmini": Wechath5,
"coupon": CouponCtr,
func getSn() string {
x := Rand(8)
return Substr(Md5(ObjToStr(int64(x)+time.Now().UnixNano()+int64(Rand(6)))), 0, 6)
func getCode() string {
//res := ""
//for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
res := ObjToStr(RandX(1000, 9999))
return res
func strToArray(str string) Slice {
s := Slice{}
olds := strings.Split(str, ",")
for _, v := range olds {
if v != "" {
s = append(s, v)
return s
func arrayToStr(ars Slice) string {
s := ","
if ars == nil {
return s
for k, _ := range ars {
s = s + ars.GetString(k) + ","
return s
func auth(that *Context, phone, companyName, userName string) error {
user := that.Db.Get("user", "id,phone,salesman_id,company_id,provider_id,name", Map{"id": that.Session("user_id").ToCeilInt()})
if user == nil {
return errors.New("找不到用户")
company := that.Db.Get("company", "name,id", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id")})
if company == nil {
return errors.New("找不到企业")
if phone != user.GetString("phone") || companyName != company.GetString("name") || user.GetString("name") != userName {
if that.Session("wechat_phone").ToStr() == phone {
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"phone": phone}, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("id")})
if user.GetCeilInt("company_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("company", Map{"phone": phone}, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id")})
user["phone"] = phone
} else if that.Req.FormValue("code") == "" || that.Session("phone").ToStr() != phone || that.Session("code").ToStr() != that.Req.FormValue("code") {
return errors.New("验证码错误")
} else {
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"phone": phone, "name": userName}, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("id")})
if user.GetCeilInt("company_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("company", Map{"phone": phone}, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id")})
user["phone"] = phone
//company := that.Db.Get("company", "name,id", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id")})
if company != nil {
that.Db.Update("company", Map{"name": companyName}, Map{"id": company.GetCeilInt64("id")})
if user.GetCeilInt64("salesman_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"certification_flag": 1}, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("id")})
return nil
company = Map{"name": companyName,
"user_id": user.GetCeilInt("id"),
if user.GetCeilInt("salesman_id") != 0 {
company["salesman_id"] = user.GetCeilInt("salesman_id")
if user.GetCeilInt("provider_id") != 0 {
company["provider_id"] = user.GetCeilInt("provider_id")
if user.GetString("phone") != "" {
company["phone"] = user.GetString("phone")
company["id"] = that.Db.Insert("company", company)
if company.GetCeilInt64("id") == 0 {
return errors.New("新建企业失败")
upUser := Map{"company_id": company.GetCeilInt64("id")}
if user.GetCeilInt64("salesman_id") != 0 {
upUser["certification_flag"] = 1
that.Db.Update("user", upUser, Map{"id": that.Session("user_id").Data})
return nil
// FilterEmoji 过滤 emoji 表情
func FilterEmoji(content string) string {
new_content := ""
for _, value := range content {
_, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(string(value))
if size <= 3 {
new_content += string(value)
return new_content
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
var Lxcx = Ctr{
"lists": func(that *Context) {
urlStr := ""
companyName := that.Req.FormValue("company")
companyName = url.QueryEscape(url.QueryEscape(companyName))
resp, err := http.Get(urlStr + companyName)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
that.Display(0, common.ObjToMap(string(b)))
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var MattersCtr = Ctr{
"create": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
sn := that.Req.FormValue("sn")
if sn == "" {
that.Display(3, "没有SN码")
serviceContent := that.Req.FormValue("service_content")
if serviceContent == "" {
that.Display(3, "没有服务内容")
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "id,provider_id,name,nickname", Map{"AND": Map{"sn": sn, "del_flag": 0}})
if salesman == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到服务商")
re := that.Db.Insert("matters", Map{
"user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data,
"salesman_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("id"),
"provider_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("provider_id"),
"type": 1,
"service_content": serviceContent,
"complete_flag": 0,
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
res := that.Db.Get("matters", "*", Map{"id": re})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到事项")
res["salesman"] = that.Db.Get("salesman", "name,id", Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("salesman_id")})
res["provider"] = that.Db.Get("provider", "name,id", Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")})
that.Display(0, res)
"info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
res := that.Db.Get("matters", "*", Map{"id": id})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到事项")
res["salesman"] = that.Db.Get("salesman", "name,id", Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("salesman_id")})
res["provider"] = that.Db.Get("provider", "name,id", Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")})
that.Display(0, res)
"edit": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
serviceEvaluation := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("service_evaluation"))
evaluationRemark := that.Req.FormValue("evaluation_remark")
if serviceEvaluation == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
matters := that.Db.Get("matters", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"id": id, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}})
if matters == nil {
that.Display(4, "不是属于你的评价")
if matters.GetCeilInt("complete_flag") == 1 {
that.Display(4, "已完成评价,不可重复评价")
that.Db.Update("matters", Map{"service_evaluation": serviceEvaluation, "evaluation_remark": evaluationRemark, "complete_flag": 1, "modify_time[#]": "now()"}, Map{"id": id})
that.Display(0, "评价成功")
"search": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
tp := that.Req.FormValue("type")
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"title[~]": keywords, "description[~]": keywords, "content[~]": keywords}
if tp != "" {
data["type"] = ObjToInt(tp)
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["modify_time[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["modify_time[<=]"] = finishTime
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data, "ORDER": "modify_time DESC"}
count := that.Db.Count("matters", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("matters", "*", data)
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var NotifyCtr = Ctr{
"info": func(that *Context) {
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
res := that.Db.Get("notify", "*", Map{"id": id})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到通知公告")
res["click_num"] = res.GetCeilInt64("click_num") + res.GetCeilInt64("click_num_base") + 1
delete(res, "click_num_base")
res["favorite_num"] = res.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num") + res.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num_base")
delete(res, "favorite_num_base")
article := that.Db.Get("article", "*", Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("article_id")})
if article != nil {
article["click_num"] = article.GetCeilInt64("click_num") + article.GetCeilInt64("click_num_base") + 1
delete(article, "click_num_base")
article["favorite_num"] = article.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num") + article.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num_base")
delete(article, "favorite_num_base")
res["article"] = article
that.Db.Update("notify", Map{"click_num[#]": "click_num+1"}, Map{"id": id})
that.Db.Update("article", Map{"click_num[#]": "click_num+1"}, Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("article_id")})
if that.Session("user_id").Data != nil {
favorite := that.Db.Get("favorite", "user_id,notify_id", Map{"AND": Map{"notify_id": id, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").ToCeilInt(), "del_flag": 0}})
res["favorite"] = favorite
that.Display(0, res)
"search": func(that *Context) {
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "notify_id[!]": nil}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"title[~]": keywords, "description[~]": keywords, "content[~]": keywords}
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["release_date[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["release_date[<=]"] = finishTime
dispatchName := that.Req.FormValue("dispatch_name")
if dispatchName != "" {
data["dispatch_name"] = dispatchName
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data, "ORDER": "release_time DESC"}
count := that.Db.Count("article", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("article", "id,title,description,department_id,click_num+click_num_base AS click_num,"+
"favorite_num_base+favorite_num AS favorite_num,dispatch_num,dispatch_name,prepare_date,release_time,expire_date,area_id,status,policy_id,declare_id,notify_id,dispatch_name,policy_level", data)
for _, v := range res {
if v.GetCeilInt("notify_id") > 0 {
v["notify"] = that.Db.Get("notify", "id,tag", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("notify_id")})
//if v.GetCeilInt("policy_id")>0{
// v["policy"]=that.Db.Get("policy","tag",Map{"id":v.GetCeilInt("policy_id")})
//if v.GetCeilInt("declare_id")>0{
// v["declare"]=that.Db.Get("declare","money_scope_min,money_scope_max,tag,status",Map{"id":v.GetCeilInt("declare_id")})
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var OrderCtr = Ctr{
"create": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
providerId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("provider_id"))
phone := that.Req.FormValue("phone")
companyName := that.Req.FormValue("company_name")
userName := that.Req.FormValue("user_name")
if providerId == 0 || len(phone) != 11 || len(companyName) < 4 || len(userName) < 2 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
err := auth(that, phone, companyName, userName)
if err != nil {
that.Display(3, err.Error())
declareId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("declare_id"))
tp := that.Req.FormValue("type")
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("user_id").Data})
if user == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到用户")
company := that.Db.Get("company", "name", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id")})
if company == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到企业")
provider := that.Db.Get("provider", "*", Map{"id": providerId})
if provider == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到该服务商")
oldOrder := that.Db.Get("order", "id", Map{"AND": Map{"provider_id": providerId, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data, "del_flag": 0, "status": 0}})
if oldOrder != nil {
orderRecord := Map{
"order_id": oldOrder.GetCeilInt64("id"),
"user_id": user.GetCeilInt64("id"),
"remarks": user.GetString("nickname") + "向“" + provider.GetString("name") + "”服务商再次发起了订单请求",
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
orderRecord["id"] = that.Db.Insert("order_record", orderRecord)
that.Db.Update("order", Map{"order_record_id": orderRecord.GetCeilInt64("id"), "modify_time[#]": "now()"}, Map{"id": oldOrder.GetCeilInt64("id")})
that.Display(0, oldOrder.GetCeilInt64("id"))
data := Map{
"name": "购买“" + provider.GetString("title") + "”服务",
"sn": "SN" + time.Now().Format("20060102150405") + getSn(),
"user_id": user.GetCeilInt64("id"),
"salesman_id": provider.GetCeilInt64("salesman_id"),
"provider_id": provider.GetCeilInt64("id"),
"company_id": company.GetCeilInt64("id"),
"company_name": company.GetString("name"),
"phone": user.GetString("phone"),
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
if declareId != 0 {
data["policy_declare_flag"] = 1
data["declare_id"] = declareId
if tp == "policy_declare_flag" {
data["policy_declare_flag"] = 1
data["id"] = that.Db.Insert("order", data)
if data.GetCeilInt64("id") == 0 {
that.Display(4, "无法生成订单!")
orderRecord := Map{
"order_id": data["id"],
"user_id": user.GetCeilInt64("id"),
"remarks": user.GetString("nickname") + "向“" + provider.GetString("name") + "”服务商发起了订单请求",
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
orderRecord["id"] = that.Db.Insert("order_record", orderRecord)
if orderRecord.GetCeilInt64("id") == 0 {
that.Display(4, "无法生成订单记录!")
that.Db.Update("order", Map{"order_record_id": orderRecord.GetCeilInt64("id")}, Map{"id": data.GetCeilInt64("id")})
that.Display(0, data.GetCeilInt64("id"))
"info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
res := that.Db.Get("order", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"id": id, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到对应订单")
if res.GetCeilInt("provider_id") > 0 {
res["provider"] = that.Db.Get("provider", "name,title,phone", Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt("provider_id")})
res["order_record"] = that.Db.Select("order_record", "remarks,modify_time", Map{"order_id": res.GetCeilInt("id"), "ORDER": "modify_time DESC"})
that.Display(0, res)
"search": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"sn[~]": keywords, "company_name[~]": keywords, "name[~]": keywords}
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["modify_time[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["modify_time[<=]"] = finishTime
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data, "ORDER": "modify_time DESC"}
count := that.Db.Count("order", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("order", "*", data)
for _, v := range res {
//if v.GetCeilInt("policy_id")>0{
// v["policy"]=that.Db.Get("policy","id,tag",Map{"id":v.GetCeilInt("policy_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt("provider_id") > 0 {
v["provider"] = that.Db.Get("provider", "name,title", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("provider_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt("order_record_id") > 0 {
v["order_record"] = that.Db.Get("order_record", "remarks,modify_time", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("order_record_id")})
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var PolicyCtr = Ctr{
"info": func(that *Context) {
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
res := that.Db.Get("policy", "*", Map{"id": id})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到通知公告")
res["click_num"] = res.GetCeilInt64("click_num") + res.GetCeilInt64("click_num_base") + 1
delete(res, "click_num_base")
res["favorite_num"] = res.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num") + res.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num_base")
delete(res, "favorite_num_base")
article := that.Db.Get("article", "*", Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("article_id")})
if article != nil {
article["click_num"] = article.GetCeilInt64("click_num") + article.GetCeilInt64("click_num_base") + 1
delete(article, "click_num_base")
article["favorite_num"] = article.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num") + article.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num_base")
delete(article, "favorite_num_base")
res["article"] = article
that.Db.Update("policy", Map{"click_num[#]": "click_num+1"}, Map{"id": id})
that.Db.Update("article", Map{"click_num[#]": "click_num+1"}, Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("article_id")})
if that.Session("user_id").Data != nil {
favorite := that.Db.Get("favorite", "user_id,policy_id", Map{"AND": Map{"policy_id": id, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").ToCeilInt(), "del_flag": 0}})
res["favorite"] = favorite
that.Display(0, res)
"search": func(that *Context) {
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "policy_id[!]": nil}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"title[~]": keywords, "description[~]": keywords, "content[~]": keywords}
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["release_date[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["release_date[<=]"] = finishTime
dispatchName := that.Req.FormValue("dispatch_name")
if dispatchName != "" {
data["dispatch_name"] = dispatchName
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data, "ORDER": "release_time DESC"}
count := that.Db.Count("article", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("article", "id,title,description,department_id,click_num+click_num_base AS click_num,"+
"favorite_num_base+favorite_num AS favorite_num,dispatch_num,dispatch_name,prepare_date,release_time,expire_date,area_id,status,policy_id,declare_id,policy_id,dispatch_name,policy_level", data)
for _, v := range res {
//if v.GetCeilInt("policy_id")>0{
// v["policy"]=that.Db.Get("policy","id,tag",Map{"id":v.GetCeilInt("policy_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt("policy_id") > 0 {
v["policy"] = that.Db.Get("policy", "tag", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("policy_id")})
//if v.GetCeilInt("declare_id")>0{
// v["declare"]=that.Db.Get("declare","money_scope_min,money_scope_max,tag,status",Map{"id":v.GetCeilInt("declare_id")})
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var ProviderCtr = Ctr{
"info": func(that *Context) {
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
res := that.Db.Get("provider", "*", Map{"id": id})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到服务商")
that.Db.Update("provider", Map{"click_num[#]": "click_num+1"}, Map{"id": id})
if that.Session("user_id").Data != nil {
favorite := that.Db.Get("favorite", "user_id,provider_id", Map{"AND": Map{"provider_id": id, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").ToCeilInt(), "del_flag": 0}})
res["favorite"] = favorite
that.Display(0, res)
"search": func(that *Context) {
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "state": 0}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"name[~]": keywords, "title[~]": keywords}
tp := that.Req.FormValue("type")
if tp != "" {
data[tp] = 1
policyDeclareFlag := that.Req.FormValue("policy_declare_flag")
if policyDeclareFlag != "" {
data["policy_declare_flag"] = ObjToInt(policyDeclareFlag)
intellectualPropertyFlag := that.Req.FormValue("intellectual_property_flag")
if intellectualPropertyFlag != "" {
data["intellectual_property_flag"] = ObjToInt(intellectualPropertyFlag)
taxOnsultingFlag := that.Req.FormValue("tax_onsulting_flag")
if taxOnsultingFlag != "" {
data["tax_onsulting_flag"] = ObjToInt(taxOnsultingFlag)
lawFlag := that.Req.FormValue("law_flag")
if lawFlag != "" {
data["law_flag"] = ObjToInt(lawFlag)
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data, "ORDER": "id DESC"}
count := that.Db.Count("provider", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("provider", "id,name,level,discount,avatar,title,description,"+
"click_num_base+click_num AS click_num,handle_num_base+handle_num AS handle_num,favorite_num_base+favorite_num AS favorite_num,modify_time,policy_declare_flag,intellectual_property_flag,tax_onsulting_flag,law_flag", data)
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var SearchRecordCtr = Ctr{
"search": func(that *Context) {
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
//if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 50
data := Map{"del_flag": 0}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["search_company_name[~]"] = keywords
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["create_time[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["create_time[<=]"] = finishTime
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data}
} else {
data["ORDER"] = "create_time DESC"
count := that.Db.Count("search_record", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("search_record", "id,search_company_name,policy_match_count,money_scope,create_time", data)
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
var Sms = Ctr{
"send": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("wechat_id").Data == nil && that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录不可发送短信")
phone := that.Req.FormValue("phone")
if len(phone) < 11 {
that.Display(3, "手机号格式错误")
code := getCode()
that.Session("phone", phone)
that.Session("code", code)
ddsms.DDY.SendYZM(phone, that.Config.GetString("smsLogin"), map[string]string{"code": code})
that.Display(0, "发送成功")
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var TagCtr = Ctr{
"create": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
name := that.Req.FormValue("name")
oldTag := that.Db.Get("tag", "id", Map{"name": name})
if oldTag != nil {
that.Display(4, "此标签已存在")
re := that.Db.Insert("tag", Map{
"user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data,
"name": name,
"remark": "用户上传",
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"state": 1, //先置为异常状态,等待审核通过
"del_flag": 0,
if re == 0 {
that.Display(4, "添加失败")
that.Display(0, "添加成功")
"search": func(that *Context) {
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 40
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "state": 0}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"name[~]": keywords, "remark[~]": keywords}
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["modify_time[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["modify_time[<=]"] = finishTime
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data}
count := that.Db.Count("tag", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("tag", "id,name,remark", data)
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
var UpanCtr = Ctr{
"login": func(that *Context) {
timestamp := that.Req.FormValue("timestamp")
sn := that.Req.FormValue("sn")
re, e := DePwdCode(sn)
if e != nil {
that.Display(3, "数据异常")
reStr := string(re)
realSn := strings.Replace(reStr, ":"+timestamp, "", -1)
if len(realSn)+len(timestamp)+1 != len(reStr) {
that.Display(4, "数据验证失败")
fmt.Println("U盘校验", realSn)
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", common.Map{"upankey": realSn})
if user == nil {
that.Display(5, "还没有绑定用户")
that.Session("user_id", user.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Display(0, "登录成功")
"create": func(that *Context) {
timestamp := that.Req.FormValue("timestamp")
sn := that.Req.FormValue("sn")
re, e := DePwdCode(sn)
if e != nil {
that.Display(3, "数据异常")
reStr := string(re)
realSn := strings.Replace(reStr, ":"+timestamp, "", -1)
if len(realSn)+len(timestamp)+1 != len(reStr) {
that.Display(4, "数据验证失败")
fmt.Println("U盘校验", realSn)
uuser := that.Db.Get("user", "id", common.Map{"upankey": realSn})
if uuser != nil {
that.Display(4, "已经绑定了其他企业")
phone := that.Req.FormValue("phone")
companyName := that.Req.FormValue("company_name")
userName := that.Req.FormValue("user_name")
if len(phone) != 11 || len(companyName) < 4 || len(userName) < 2 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
err := auth(that, phone, companyName, userName)
if err != nil {
that.Display(3, err.Error())
num := that.Db.Update("user", common.Map{"upankey": realSn}, common.Map{"id": that.Session("user_id").Data})
if num == 0 {
that.Display(4, "更新失败")
that.Display(0, "绑定成功")
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var UserCtr = Ctr{
"test": func(that *Context) {
that.Session("user_id", 1)
that.Session("wechat_id", 1)
that.Display(0, 1)
"info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("user_id").ToCeilInt()})
if user == nil {
that.Display(2, "获取个人信息失败")
if user.GetCeilInt("company_id") == 0 {
companyId := that.Db.Insert("company", Map{
"user_id": user["id"],
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
user["company_id"] = companyId
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"company_id": companyId}, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("id")})
delete(user, "password")
company := that.Db.Get("company", "id,name,social_code,business_license", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id")})
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "id,name", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("salesman_id")})
provider := that.Db.Get("provider", "id,name", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("provider_id")})
if user != nil {
user["company"] = company
user["salesman"] = salesman
user["provider"] = provider
that.Display(0, user)
"edit": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
name := that.Req.FormValue("name")
nickname := that.Req.FormValue("nickname")
sex := that.Req.FormValue("sex")
email := that.Req.FormValue("email")
avatar := that.Req.FormValue("avatar")
address := that.Req.FormValue("address")
phone := that.Req.FormValue("phone") //如果更换手机号则要有新的短信验证码
code := that.Req.FormValue("code")
data := Map{"modify_time[#]": "now()"}
if name != "" {
data["name"] = name
if nickname != "" {
data["nickname"] = nickname
if sex != "" {
data["sex"] = sex
if email != "" {
data["email"] = email
if avatar != "" {
data["avatar"] = avatar
if address != "" {
data["address"] = address
if phone != "" {
if that.Session("wechat_phone").ToStr() == phone {
data["phone"] = phone
} else if code == "" || that.Session("phone").ToStr() != phone || that.Session("code").ToStr() != code {
that.Display(3, "手机短信验证失败")
data["phone"] = phone
re := that.Db.Update("user", data, Map{"id": that.Session("user_id").Data})
if re == 0 {
that.Display(4, "更新失败")
that.Display(0, "修改成功")
@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var VipOrderCtr = Ctr{
"create": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
phone := that.Req.FormValue("phone")
companyName := that.Req.FormValue("company_name")
userName := that.Req.FormValue("user_name")
if len(phone) != 11 || len(companyName) < 4 || len(userName) < 2 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
that.Db.Delete("vip_order", Map{"AND": Map{"user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data, "status": 0}})
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("user_id").Data})
if user == nil {
that.Display(2, "找不到此用户")
wc := that.Db.Get("wechat", "openid", Map{"AND": Map{"appid": that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"), "user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data}})
if wc == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有获取微信个人信息")
err := auth(that, phone, companyName, userName)
if err != nil {
that.Display(3, err.Error())
data := Map{
"sn": "SN" + time.Now().Format("20060102150405") + getSn(),
"amount": 36000, //720元
"user_id": user.GetCeilInt64("id"),
"company_id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id"),
"expiration_time": time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
"status": 0,
tp := "购买"
if user.GetString("expiration_time") != "" {
data["old_expiration_time"] = user.GetString("expiration_time")
t, e := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", user.GetString("expiration_time"))
fmt.Println(e, "时间创建失败")
if t.Unix() >= time.Now().Unix() {
tp = "续订"
data["expiration_time"] = t.Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
if user.GetCeilInt("provider_id") != 0 {
data["provider_id"] = user.GetCeilInt("provider_id")
data["amount"] = 36000
//data["amount"] = 1
if user.GetCeilInt("salesman_id") != 0 {
data["salesman_id"] = user.GetCeilInt("salesman_id")
data["name"] = companyName + tp + "1年VIP会员"
jsParams, e := wechat.WxPay.GetJsOrder(data.GetCeilInt64("amount"), that.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"), wc.GetString("openid"), data.GetString("name"), data.GetString("sn"), that.Config.GetString("wechatAppNotifyUrl"))
if e != nil {
that.Display(4, e)
re := that.Db.Insert("vip_order", data)
that.Display(0, jsParams)
"callback": func(that *Context) {
data, e := wechat.WxPay.CallbackJsOrder(that.Req)
if e != nil {
fmt.Println("返回数据错误", e)
sn := data.OutTradeNo
amount := int64(data.Amount.Total)
state := data.TradeState
//data := Map{"ces": "das"}
//sn := that.Req.FormValue("sn")
//amount := ObjToCeilInt64(that.Req.FormValue("amount"))
if state != "SUCCESS" {
fmt.Println("购买返回失败", data)
vipOrder := that.Db.Get("vip_order", "*", Map{"sn": sn})
if vipOrder == nil {
fmt.Println("找不到订单", vipOrder, data)
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": vipOrder.GetCeilInt("user_id")})
if user == nil {
fmt.Println("找不到用户", vipOrder, data)
if vipOrder.GetCeilInt64("amount") != amount {
fmt.Println("金额不符", user, vipOrder, amount, data)
that.Db.Update("vip_order", Map{"status": 1}, Map{"id": vipOrder.GetCeilInt("id")})
idata := Map{"expiration_time": time.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")}
if user.GetString("expiration_time") != "" {
t, e := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", user.GetString("expiration_time"))
fmt.Println(e, "时间创建失败")
if t.Unix() >= time.Now().Unix() {
idata["expiration_time"] = t.Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
re := that.Db.Update("user", idata, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("id")})
if re == 0 {
fmt.Println("购买失败", user, vipOrder, re, data)
fmt.Println("成功购买", user, vipOrder, re, data)
//user_id := that.Session("user_id").Data
data2 := Map{
"user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data,
"coupon_id": 1,
"code_no": "SN" + time.Now().Format("20060102150405") + getSn(),
"effective_start_time[#]": "NOW()",
"effective_end_time": time.Now().AddDate(0, 6, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
"source_type": 1,
"status": 0,
"admin_id": user.GetCeilInt("admin_id"),
"create_time[#]": "NOW()",
for n := 0; n < 5; n++ {
that.Db.Insert("coupon_user", data2)
data2["effective_end_time"] = time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
for n := 0; n < 5; n++ {
that.Db.Insert("coupon_user", data2)
"export": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
buy_date := ObjToStr(that.Req.FormValue("buy_date"))
if buy_date == "" {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
//data := that.Db.Query("SELECT 订单号, vo.`name` 订单名, vo.user_id 购买用户ID,usr.`name` 购买用户名, 购买用户电话, 企业ID, cp.`name` 企业名,\nvo.expiration_time 过期时间, vo.old_expiration_time 订购前到期时间, vo.amount `订单金额_单位(分)`,\nvo.salesman_id 业务员ID,sm.`name` 业务员名, 业务员电话, pv.`name` 服务商名 \nFROM vip_order vo\nLEFT JOIN salesman sm ON = vo.salesman_id\nLEFT JOIN provider pv ON = vo.provider_id\nLEFT JOIN `user` usr ON = vo.user_id\nLEFT JOIN company cp ON = vo.company_id\nWHERE vo.`status` = 1 AND vo.create_time >= '" + buy_date + "' \nORDER BY vo.create_time")
//data := that.Db.Query("SELECT 订单号, vo.`name` 订单名, vo.user_id 购买用户ID,usr.`name` 购买用户名, 购买用户电话, 企业ID, cp.`name` 企业名,\nvo.expiration_time 过期时间, vo.old_expiration_time 订购前到期时间, vo.amount `订单金额_单位(分)`,\nvo.salesman_id 业务员ID,sm.`name` 业务员名, 业务员电话, pv.`name` 服务商名 \nFROM vip_order vo\n" +
// "LEFT JOIN salesman sm ON = vo.salesman_id\nLEFT JOIN provider pv ON = vo.provider_id\nLEFT JOIN `user` usr" +
// " ON = vo.user_id\nLEFT JOIN company cp ON = vo.company_id\nWHERE" +
// " vo.`status` = 1 AND vo.create_time >= ? \nORDER BY vo.create_time",buy_date)
data := that.Db.Select("vip_order", Map{"[>]salesman": "",
"[>]provider": " = vip_order.provider_id",
"[>]user": " = vip_order.user_id",
"[>]company": " = vip_order.company_id",
}, " 订单号, vip_order.`name` 订单名, vip_order.user_id 购买用户ID,user.`name` 购买用户名, 购买用户电话, 企业ID, company.`name` 企业名,\nvip_order.expiration_time 过期时间, vip_order.amount `订单金额_单位(分)`,\nvip_order.salesman_id 业务员ID,salesman.`name` 业务员名, 业务员电话, provider.`name` 服务商名",
Map{"AND": Map{"vip_order.status": 1, "vip_order.create_time[>=]": buy_date}, "ORDER": "vip_order.create_time DESC"})
if len(data) == 0 {
that.Display(0, "今日没有vip购买信息数据")
var titleList []string
if data != nil {
m := data[0]
for k, _ := range m {
titleList = append(titleList, k)
var dataList []Map
for _, v := range data {
dataList = append(dataList, v)
//appIns.Db.Select("company",common.Map{"[<>]user":""}," as id",common.Map{"AND":common.Map{"id[!]":nil},"ORDER":"id DESC"})
//appIns.Db.Query("select * from user where id = ? and name = ?",common.Slice{1,"nn"})
//titleList:= []string{"aaaa", "vvvvv", "dddd", "eeeee", "gfgggg"}
DataToExcel(that.Resp, that.Req, titleList, dataList, buy_date+"vip购买信息分析数据")
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
type WSClient struct {
ID string
DeadTime time.Time
IsDead bool
var WsUserMap = map[string][]*WSClient{}
var WSMasterID = ""
func WsSendMsg(ws *WSClient, data Map) bool {
if WsUserMap[ws.ID] == nil {
return false
for _, v := range WsUserMap[ws.ID] {
if v.IsDead || v == ws {
str := data.ToJsonString()
return true
var WebsocketCtr = Ctr{
"conn": func(this *Context) {
id := this.SessionId
if WsUserMap[id] == nil {
WsUserMap[id] = []*WSClient{}
hdler := websocket.Handler(func(ws *websocket.Conn) {
client := &WSClient{ID: id, Conn: ws, Time: time.Now(), DeadTime: time.Now(), IsDead: false}
WsUserMap[id] = append(WsUserMap[id], client)
var message string
for true {
err := websocket.Message.Receive(ws, &message)
if err != nil {
client.DeadTime = time.Now()
client.IsDead = true
data := Map{}
WsSendMsg(client, data)
//switch data.GetString("type") {
hdler.ServeHTTP(this.Resp, this.Req)
@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var Wechath5 = Ctr{
"code": func(that *Context) {
if that.Req.FormValue("code") == "" {
that.Display(3, "参数不足")
appid, resToken, userInfo, err := wechat.H5Program.GetUserInfo(that.Req.FormValue("code"))
if err != nil {
that.Display(4, err)
wechatInfo := Map{
"openid": userInfo.OpenID,
"acttoken": resToken.AccessToken,
"retoken": resToken.RefreshToken,
"appid": appid,
"unionid": userInfo.Unionid,
"nickname": FilterEmoji(userInfo.Nickname),
"avatar": userInfo.HeadImgURL,
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
"type": 1,
userId := 0
defer func() {
if userId != 0 {
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": userId})
if user == nil {
that.Display(4, "获取个人信息失败")
delete(user, "password")
company := that.Db.Get("company", "id,name", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id")})
if company == nil {
companyId := that.Db.Insert("company", Map{
"user_id": user["id"],
"provider_id": user["provider_id"],
"salesman_id": user["salesman_id"],
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
user["company_id"] = companyId
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"company_id": companyId}, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("id")})
company = that.Db.Get("company", "*", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id")})
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "id,name", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("salesman_id")})
provider := that.Db.Get("provider", "id,name", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("provider_id")})
user["company"] = company
user["salesman"] = salesman
user["provider"] = provider
that.Display(0, user)
defer func() {
parentId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("parent_id"))
if parentId == 0 {
if userId == 0 || userId == parentId {
puser := that.Db.Get("user", "`index`,id", Map{"id": parentId})
if puser == nil {
user := that.Db.Get("user", "parent_id", Map{"id": userId})
if user.GetCeilInt("parent_id") != 0 {
index1 := puser.GetString("index")
if index1 == "," {
index1 = index1 + ObjToStr(parentId) + ","
//2022/5/11 zpw 添加字段:用户关联parenid的时间 (join_parent_time)
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"parent_id": parentId, "index": index1 + ObjToStr(userId) + ",", "join_parent_time[#]": "NOW()"}, Map{"id": userId})
//在这里做判断 能否通过分享领券
data := Map{
"user_id": parentId,
"coupon_id": 1,
"code_no": "SN" + time.Now().Format("20060102150405") + getSn(),
"effective_start_time[#]": "NOW()",
"effective_end_time": time.Now().AddDate(0, 6, 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"),
"source_type": 3,
"status": 0,
"admin_id": user.GetCeilInt("admin_id"),
"create_time[#]": "NOW()",
//先判断是否领取过 source_type=3 是通过拉新赠送的券
couponCount := that.Db.Count("coupon_user", Map{"AND": Map{"user_id": parentId, "source_type": 3}})
if couponCount < 3 {
that.Db.Insert("coupon_user", data)
defer func() {
sn := that.Req.FormValue("sn")
if sn == "" {
if userId == 0 {
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "*", Map{"sn": sn})
if salesman.GetCeilInt("id") == 0 {
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": userId})
if user == nil {
if user.GetCeilInt("salesman_id") != 0 {
//2022/5/11 zpw 添加字段:用户关联企服商业务人员的时间 (join_salesman_time)
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"salesman_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("id"), "provider_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("provider_id"), "join_salesman_time[#]": "NOW()"}, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt64("id")})
if user.GetCeilInt("company_id") == 0 {
that.Db.Update("company", Map{"salesman_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("id"), "provider_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")}, Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt64("company_id")})
wechat := that.Db.Get("wechat", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"openid": userInfo.OpenID, "del_flag": 0}})
if wechat != nil {
if wechat.GetCeilInt("user_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"login_time[#]": "now()"}, Map{"id": wechat.GetCeilInt("user_id")})
that.Session("wechat_id", wechat.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Session("user_id", wechat.GetCeilInt("user_id"))
userId = wechat.GetCeilInt("user_id")
//that.Display(0, "登录成功")
wechat1 := that.Db.Get("wechat", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"unionid": userInfo.Unionid, "openid[!]": userInfo.OpenID, "user_id[>]": 0, "del_flag": 0}})
if wechat1 != nil {
wechatInfo["user_id"] = wechat1.GetCeilInt("user_id")
that.Db.Update("wechat", wechatInfo, Map{"id": wechat.GetCeilInt("id")})
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"login_time[#]": "now()"}, Map{"id": wechat1.GetCeilInt("user_id")})
that.Session("wechat_id", wechat.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Session("user_id", wechatInfo.GetCeilInt("user_id"))
userId = wechatInfo.GetCeilInt("user_id")
//that.Display(0, "登录成功")
user := Map{
"nickname": wechatInfo.GetString("nickname"),
"avatar": wechatInfo.GetString("avatar"),
"index": ",",
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"login_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
user["id"] = that.Db.Insert("user", user)
user["company_id"] = that.Db.Insert("company", Map{
"user_id": user["id"],
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"company_id": user["company_id"]}, Map{"id": user["id"]})
wechatInfo["user_id"] = user.GetCeilInt("id")
that.Db.Update("wechat", wechatInfo, Map{"id": wechat.GetCeilInt("id")})
that.Session("wechat_id", wechat.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Session("user_id", wechatInfo.GetCeilInt("user_id"))
userId = wechatInfo.GetCeilInt("user_id")
//that.Display(0, "登录成功")
user := Map{
"nickname": wechatInfo.GetString("nickname"),
"avatar": wechatInfo.GetString("avatar"),
"index": ",",
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"login_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
user["id"] = that.Db.Insert("user", user)
user["company_id"] = that.Db.Insert("company", Map{
"user_id": user["id"],
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"company_id": user["company_id"]}, Map{"id": user["id"]})
wechatInfo["user_id"] = user.GetCeilInt("id")
wechatInfo["id"] = that.Db.Insert("wechat", wechatInfo)
if wechatInfo.GetCeilInt("id") == 0 {
that.Display(4, "创建用户失败")
that.Session("wechat_id", wechatInfo.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Session("user_id", wechatInfo.GetCeilInt("user_id"))
userId = wechatInfo.GetCeilInt("user_id")
//that.Display(0, "登录成功")
"sign": func(that *Context) {
signUrl := that.Req.FormValue("url")
if signUrl == "" {
that.Display(3, "参数不足")
cfg1, e := wechat.H5Program.GetSignUrl(signUrl)
if e != nil {
that.Display(4, e)
sign := Map{
"appId": cfg1.AppID,
"timestamp": cfg1.Timestamp,
"nonceStr": cfg1.NonceStr,
"signature": cfg1.Signature,
that.Display(0, sign)
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
. ""
. ""
var WechatMini = Ctr{
"getphone": func(that *Context) {
//sessionKey := that.Req.FormValue("sessionkey")
if that.Session("wechat_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "请先登录")
encryptedData := that.Req.FormValue("encryptedData")
iv := that.Req.FormValue("iv")
if encryptedData == "" || iv == "" {
that.Display(3, "参数不足")
wechatIns := that.Db.Get("wechat", "sessionkey", Map{"id": that.Session("wechat_id").ToCeilInt()})
_, re, e := wechat.MiniProgram.GetPhoneNumber(wechatIns.GetString("sessionkey"), encryptedData, iv)
if e != nil {
that.Display(4, e)
that.Session("wechat_phone", re.PhoneNumber)
that.Display(0, re.PhoneNumber)
"code": func(that *Context) {
code := that.Req.FormValue("code")
if code == "" {
that.Display(3, "缺少code")
appid, re, e := wechat.MiniProgram.GetBaseUserInfo(code)
if e != nil {
that.Display(4, e)
wchat := Map{"openid": re.OpenID,
"appid": appid,
"sessionkey": re.SessionKey,
"unionid": re.UnionID,
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
"type": 2,
userId := 0
defer func() {
if userId != 0 {
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": userId})
company := that.Db.Get("company", "id,name", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("company_id")})
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "id,name", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("salesman_id")})
provider := that.Db.Get("provider", "id,name", Map{"id": user.GetCeilInt("provider_id")})
if user == nil {
that.Display(4, "获取个人信息失败")
delete(user, "password")
user["company"] = company
user["salesman"] = salesman
user["provider"] = provider
that.Display(0, user)
wechat := that.Db.Get("wechat", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"openid": re.OpenID, "user_id[!]": nil, "del_flag": 0}})
if wechat != nil {
that.Session("wechat_id", wechat.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Session("user_id", wechat.GetCeilInt("user_id"))
that.Db.Update("wechat", wchat, Map{"id": wechat.GetCeilInt("id")})
//that.Display(0, "登录成功")
userId = wechat.GetCeilInt("user_id")
wechat = that.Db.Get("wechat", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"unionid": re.UnionID, "user_id[!]": nil, "del_flag": 0}})
if wechat != nil {
wechat1 := that.Db.Get("wechat", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"openid": re.OpenID, "del_flag": 0}})
if wechat1 != nil {
that.Db.Update("wechat", wchat, Map{"id": wechat1.GetCeilInt("id")})
that.Session("wechat_id", wechat1.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Session("user_id", wechat.GetCeilInt("user_id"))
//that.Display(0, "登录成功")
userId = wechat.GetCeilInt("user_id")
wchat["user_id"] = wechat["user_id"]
wchat["create_time[#]"] = "now()"
wchat["id"] = that.Db.Insert("wechat", wchat)
if wchat.GetCeilInt("id") == 0 {
that.Display(5, "创建wechat失败")
that.Session("wechat_id", wchat.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Session("user_id", wchat.GetCeilInt("user_id"))
userId = wchat.GetCeilInt("user_id")
//that.Display(0, "登录成功")
user := Map{
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"login_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
user["id"] = that.Db.Insert("user", user)
user["company_id"] = that.Db.Insert("company", Map{
"user_id": user["id"],
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
that.Db.Update("user", Map{"company_id": user["company_id"]}, Map{"id": user["id"]})
wchat["user_id"] = user.GetCeilInt("id")
wchat["create_time[#]"] = "now()"
wchat["id"] = that.Db.Insert("wechat", wchat)
if wchat.GetCeilInt("id") == 0 {
that.Display(5, "登录失败")
that.Session("wechat_id", wchat.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Session("user_id", wchat.GetCeilInt("user_id"))
userId = wchat.GetCeilInt("user_id")
//that.Display(0, nil)
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
"aliyunCode": "06c6a07e89dd45c88de040ee1489eef7",
"avatarPath": "avatar/2006/01/02/",
"cache": {
"db": {
"db": false,
"session": true
"memory": {
"db": true,
"session": true,
"timeout": 7200
"codeConfig": [
"config": "config/admin.json",
"mode": 0,
"name": "",
"rule": "config/adminRule.json",
"table": "admin"
"crossDomain": "",
"db": {
"mysql": {
"host": "",
"name": "zct_v2_v2",
"password": "kct@2021",
"port": "3306",
"prefix": "",
"user": "root"
"defFile": [
"error": {
"1": "内部系统异常",
"2": "访问权限异常",
"3": "请求参数异常",
"4": "数据处理异常",
"5": "数据结果异常",
"6": "需要进一步获取个人信息"
"imgPath": "img/2006/01/02/",
"mode": 2,
"port": "8081",
"sessionName": "HOTIME",
"smsKey": "b0eb4bf0198b9983cffcb85b69fdf4fa",
"smsLogin": "【政策通】您的验证码为:{code},请在5分钟内使用,切勿将验证码泄露于他人,如非本人操作请忽略。",
"tencentId": "AKIDOgT8cKCQksnY7yKATaYO7j9ORJzSYohP",
"tencentKey": "GNXgjdN4czA9ya0FNMApVJzTmsmU0KSN",
"tpt": "tpt",
"wechatAppID": "wxdcc8d6360661a179",
"wechatAppNotifyUrl": "",
"wechatAppSecret": "4d793683ca915264663a9c9a33530c3c",
"wechatMiniAppID": "wx1c795e883b5b54c4",
"wechatMiniAppSecret": "d2bec12d1fa4d8b5714ccbed1c0671e4",
"wechatPayMApiV3Key": "dh33tyagd1623623GDYGGDhe1d9dh171",
"wechatPayMCHID": "1624888906",
"wechatPayPrivateKey": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQC1vs3i/4sozxsK\noiS2S95rl+csLXQDugg23bcAVzXr7ZeTM/h81sCwraQDMnAJ/V3n7LxFAZeaFwLb\nyrkQ3lv4IEtWVgjVUkjkhvKGWcAp16Q/grOpxWmmn+VlW5ZGwQQ4DL4sC6BeEyxu\nUdtZ7UVc9lqsQX01R0oiegItJGPMMXNgeLFDEeoAwyIQcL0VG2bND7qrEVeQkLTj\nFm9ZkSb0LySPkSgqxMlSpiX1MS+wWWIHpq91CvdVHNowaGFA7ajU3RztbFAuxdpl\ng9RIocbrY1QwGXouQTEOUI2KZaES9rAa2lD6oWom4mRYiQ1oNO12XlUTcKsr84P5\nTq50dOYFAgMBAAECggEAQUns/mncnOlhhn1fANnaaf5kvlsJvTj8MHGPhyDNLxbo\nB6p4zqf7Cr0mGTvqQbxyGpnRvFxpEKLJlRmLSAMJOOapCbfYboGjy+yqfRcK0D02\nNNaIIinX3VK9fp7bKkm2cUgqnPoEPydWI79mNDTnYRDi29Se3R/iAuafl4XmD/js\nOKWG5tlXEatZ+gDbhnug4hp3xEGm4pbTS1HedV7HgYiKpxAT9uc/YmiHelZUUqlG\nwa1Nda2J88pzCSZX6TsRyY9UF/sjorxSNZGfj+5waeYMccj0Cx4uEQYgBv5tm+I+\nFTRgo/riM5gT9oRTnuNuzUrNwUNLyUsldvdQdlheNQKBgQDqwhrW52q3xClFLXR4\nHu9cTPt/p96MYE+xBllO/M9VFcG/hT++9R9l26+o26Lu+iIF5euDQiYSyURniGim\nWfV0I2q8HufhPLJBamvxRPI0V8LHwbY7c6HKnRR3eDAWAVYIcmsV4RLS67bsgtnr\nCgaFUDHXnpPKjxp1b4M5K3GqxwKBgQDGMLgAQn0a3nZwquPD4D+6tjy5xTxDX4Op\nULHBQheX0lBAR9Kcurzy4ca+T5xsyHd6SPwQxobRPei/3TBmc18J1T3nxJkTbEEP\nqy8k7MOWW2es3ou4CRL5lVKPx4YDWb5iT7X3Ue55JjPFAoj6FBOHxdvRQnDYsLFy\nSuSHPc280wKBgQCqfvCZNZcnAbtrd3jIKMd0hKB/dP7HesdF7TN9j1RRGi0NmIvU\ndxgnlOa9v05VO6rsF7D1MlyOdkhM3SAL+PewMmy5VcTYq4lWwyDEKGuzoi1fgIuG\nIBPYID8WCV77DFtcZSTqzf0q3HCM0vfLoQtdVQHt9Ein60ivE579LVUvTwKBgFid\nefgrwnJcG8serb5sKzKZvyc1CE/7igwPl5sYqSHqGJXVR1dqq4dR6iI3yHJfZASa\nU5JQogE21DXNeZGlbk4gOZDCt8sWcTTHTsoMzxsQfZeu3fwImqJb4NGG3eXrn5On\nnm4aBS3IJgelrYdbqKvhjPrQ4VISFxVKZUoPGUmfAoGARZbtbyl3s8cAExWe9dK6\nyWdkA3M2wR4n623W13rTQDc3D7p/hmlgB2x8it88m+580326G4qgwdUbG93EW1WQ\nahbkkcmdxzHgPVJdsyx22fR0TkeT1gjMpoSh4k3HOsbZE4EvlI459yE9fTSLBq2A\nFzGjYRpBTlRyrsSEhyVg4G0=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
"wechatPaySerialNo": "7A92D2D26D212D6BF934BDB10D547274807C3DDB",
"wxFilePath": "wxfile/2006/01/02/"
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
"cache": {
"db": {
"db": "默认false,非必须,缓存数据库,启用后能减少数据库的读写压力",
"session": "默认true,非必须,缓存web session,同时缓存session保持的用户缓存",
"timeout": "默认60 * 60 * 24 * 30,非必须,过期时间,超时自动删除"
"memory": {
"db": "默认true,非必须,缓存数据库,启用后能减少数据库的读写压力",
"session": "默认true,非必须,缓存web session,同时缓存session保持的用户缓存",
"timeout": "默认60 * 60 * 2,非必须,过期时间,超时自动删除"
"redis": {
"db": "默认true,非必须,缓存数据库,启用后能减少数据库的读写压力",
"host": "默认服务ip:,必须,如果需要使用redis服务时配置,",
"password": "默认密码空,必须,如果需要使用redis服务时配置,默认密码空",
"port": "默认服务端口:6379,必须,如果需要使用redis服务时配置,",
"session": "默认true,非必须,缓存web session,同时缓存session保持的用户缓存",
"timeout": "默认60 * 60 * 24 * 15,非必须,过期时间,超时自动删除"
"注释": "可配置memory,db,redis,默认启用memory,默认优先级为memory\u003eredis\u003edb,memory与数据库缓存设置项一致,缓存数据填充会自动反方向反哺,加入memory缓存过期将自动从redis更新,但memory永远不会更新redis,如果是集群建议不要开启memory,配置即启用"
"codeConfig": [
"config": "默认config/app.json,必须,接口描述配置文件",
"mode": "默认0,非必须,0为内嵌代码模式,1为生成代码模式",
"name": "默认无,非必须,有则生成代码到此目录,无则采用缺省模式使用表名,如设置为:admin,将在admin目录生成包名为admin的代码",
"rule": "默认config/rule.json,非必须,有则按改规则生成接口,无则按系统内嵌方式生成",
"table": "默认admin,必须,根据数据库内当前表名做为用户生成数据"
"crossDomain": "默认空 非必须,空字符串为不开启,如果需要跨域设置,auto为智能开启所有网站允许跨域,为指定域允许跨域",
"db": {
"mysql": {
"host": "默认127.0.0.1,必须,数据库ip地址",
"name": "默认test,必须,数据库名称",
"password": "默认root,必须,数据库密码",
"port": "默认3306,必须,数据库端口",
"prefix": "默认空,非必须,数据表前缀",
"slave": {
"host": "默认127.0.0.1,必须,数据库ip地址",
"name": "默认test,必须,数据库名称",
"password": "默认root,必须,数据库密码",
"port": "默认3306,必须,数据库端口",
"user": "默认root,必须,数据库用户名",
"注释": "从数据库配置,mysql里配置slave项即启用主从读写,减少数据库压力"
"user": "默认root,必须,数据库用户名",
"注释": "除prefix及主从数据库slave项,其他全部必须"
"sqlite": {
"path": "默认config/data.db,必须,数据库位置"
"注释": "配置即启用,非必须,默认使用sqlite数据库"
"defFile": "默认访问index.html或者index.htm文件,必须,默认访问文件类型",
"error": {
"1": "内部系统异常,在环境配置,文件访问权限等基础运行环境条件不足造成严重错误时使用",
"2": "访问权限异常,没有登录或者登录异常等时候使用",
"3": "请求参数异常,request参数不满足要求,比如参数不足,参数类型错误,参数不满足要求等时候使用",
"4": "数据处理异常,数据库操作或者三方请求返回的结果非正常结果,比如数据库突然中断等时候使用",
"5": "数据结果异常,一般用于无法给出response要求的格式要求下使用,比如response需要的是string格式但你只能提供int数据时",
"注释": "web服务内置错误提示,自定义异常建议10开始"
"logFile": "无默认,非必须,如果需要存储日志文件时使用,保存格式为:a/b/c/20060102150405.txt,将生成:a/b/c/年月日时分秒.txt,按需设置",
"logLevel": "默认0,必须,0关闭,1打印,日志等级",
"mode": "默认0,非必须,0生产模式,1,测试模式,2开发模式,3内嵌代码模式,在开发模式下会显示更多的数据用于开发测试,并能够辅助研发,自动生成配置文件、代码等功能,web无缓存,数据库不启用缓存",
"modeRouterStrict": "默认false,必须,路由严格模式false,为大小写忽略必须匹配,true必须大小写匹配",
"port": "默认80,必须,web服务开启Http端口,0为不启用http服务,默认80",
"sessionName": "默认HOTIME,必须,设置session的cookie名",
"tlsCert": "默认空,非必须,https证书",
"tlsKey": "默认空,非必须,https密钥",
"tlsPort": "默认空,非必须,web服务https端口,0为不启用https服务",
"tpt": "默认tpt,必须,web静态文件目录,默认为程序目录下tpt目录",
"webConnectLogFile": "无默认,非必须,webConnectLogShow开启之后才能使用,如果需要存储日志文件时使用,保存格式为:a/b/c/20060102150405.txt,将生成:a/b/c/年月日时分秒.txt,按需设置",
"webConnectLogShow": "默认true,非必须,访问日志如果需要web访问链接、访问ip、访问时间打印,false为关闭true开启此功能"
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
. ""
//. ""
func main() {
date, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")+" 14:00")
fmt.Println(date, date.Unix())
//t["t"]="2006-01-02 15:04:05"
//t["t"]="2006-01-02 15"
appIns := Init("config/config.json")
wechat.H5Program.Init(appIns.Config.GetString("wechatAppID"), appIns.Config.GetString("wechatAppSecret"))
wechat.MiniProgram.Init(appIns.Config.GetString("wechatMiniAppID"), appIns.Config.GetString("wechatMiniAppSecret"))
tencent.Tencent.Init(appIns.Config.GetString("tencentId"), appIns.Config.GetString("tencentKey"))
appIns.SetConnectListener(func(that *Context) (isFinished bool) {
//that.RespFunc = func() {
// go func(Form url.Values, RespData common.Map) {
// fmt.Println(Form)
// fmt.Println(RespData)
// }(that.Req.Form, that.RespData)
return isFinished
//appIns.SetConnectListener(func(that *Context) (isFinished bool) {
// return isFinished
//appIns.Db.Action(func(db db.HoTimeDB) (isSuccess bool) {
// return isSuccess
"provider": provider.Project,
"app": app.Project,
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
package provider
import (
. ""
. ""
var CompanyCtr = Ctr{
"search": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords == "" {
keywords = that.Req.FormValue("company_name")
if keywords == "" {
keywords = that.Req.FormValue("name")
if len(keywords) < 2 {
that.Display(0, Slice{})
res, err := aliyun.Company.GetCompanyList(keywords)
if err != nil {
that.Display(0, Slice{})
if res.GetCeilInt64("status") != 200 {
that.Display(0, Slice{})
that.Display(0, res.GetMap("data").GetSlice("list"))
"search_info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
name := that.Req.FormValue("name")
if len(name) < 2 {
that.Display(3, "找不到企业")
res, err := aliyun.Company.GetCompanyBaseInfo(name)
if err != nil {
that.Display(4, "查询失败")
if res.GetBool("status") != true {
that.Display(4, "查询失败")
that.Display(0, res.GetMap("data"))
"info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
res := that.Db.Get("company", "*", Map{"id": id})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到企业")
//if res.GetCeilInt("salesman_id")!=that.Session("salesman_id").ToCeilInt(){
// that.Display(4,"不是你的企业")
// return
res["technology_center_flag"] = strToArray(res.GetString("technology_center_flag"))
res["engineering_center_flag"] = strToArray(res.GetString("engineering_center_flag"))
res["engineering_laboratory_flag"] = strToArray(res.GetString("engineering_laboratory_flag"))
res["key_laboratory_flag"] = strToArray(res.GetString("key_laboratory_flag"))
res["industrial_design_center_flag"] = strToArray(res.GetString("industrial_design_center_flag"))
res["high_level_talents_flag1"] = strToArray(res.GetString("high_level_talents_flag1"))
res["tags"] = strToArray(res.GetString("tags"))
that.Display(0, res)
"edit": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
company := that.Db.Get("company", "*", Map{"id": id})
delete(company, "id")
delete(company, "salesman_id")
delete(company, "provider_id")
delete(company, "user_id")
delete(company, "del_flag")
delete(company, "state")
delete(company, "create_time")
delete(company, "modify_time")
data := Map{}
for k, _ := range company {
if that.Req.Form[k] != nil {
if k == "tags" || k == "high_level_talents_flag1" || k == "technology_center_flag" || k == "engineering_center_flag" || k == "engineering_laboratory_flag" || k == "key_laboratory_flag" || k == "industrial_design_center_flag" {
data[k] = arrayToStr(ObjToSlice(that.Req.Form[k]))
} else {
data[k] = that.Req.FormValue(k)
that.Db.Update("company", data, Map{"id": id})
that.Display(0, "更新成功")
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
package provider
import (
. ""
. ""
var DeclareCtr = Ctr{
"info": func(that *Context) {
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
res := that.Db.Get("declare", "*", Map{"id": id})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到通知公告")
res["click_num"] = res.GetCeilInt64("click_num") + res.GetCeilInt64("click_num_base") + 1
delete(res, "click_num_base")
res["favorite_num"] = res.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num") + res.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num_base")
delete(res, "favorite_num_base")
article := that.Db.Get("article", "*", Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("article_id")})
if article != nil {
article["click_num"] = article.GetCeilInt64("click_num") + article.GetCeilInt64("click_num_base") + 1
delete(article, "click_num_base")
article["favorite_num"] = article.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num") + article.GetCeilInt64("favorite_num_base")
delete(article, "favorite_num_base")
res["article"] = article
that.Db.Update("declare", Map{"click_num[#]": "click_num+1"}, Map{"id": id})
that.Db.Update("article", Map{"click_num[#]": "click_num+1"}, Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("article_id")})
if that.Session("user_id").Data != nil {
favorite := that.Db.Get("favorite", "user_id,declare_id", Map{"AND": Map{"declare_id": id, "user_id": that.Session("user_id").ToCeilInt(), "del_flag": 0}})
res["favorite"] = favorite
that.Display(0, res)
"search": func(that *Context) {
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "declare_id[!]": nil}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"title[~]": keywords, "description[~]": keywords, "content[~]": keywords}
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["release_date[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["release_date[<=]"] = finishTime
dispatchName := that.Req.FormValue("dispatch_name")
if dispatchName != "" {
data["dispatch_name"] = dispatchName
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data, "ORDER": "release_time DESC"}
count := that.Db.Count("article", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("article", "id,title,description,department_id,click_num+click_num_base AS click_num,"+
"favorite_num_base+favorite_num AS favorite_num,dispatch_num,dispatch_name,prepare_date,release_time,expire_date,area_id,status,declare_id,declare_id,declare_id,dispatch_name,policy_level", data)
for _, v := range res {
//if v.GetCeilInt("declare_id")>0{
// v["declare"]=that.Db.Get("declare","id,tag",Map{"id":v.GetCeilInt("declare_id")})
//if v.GetCeilInt("declare_id")>0{
// v["declare"]=that.Db.Get("declare","tag",Map{"id":v.GetCeilInt("declare_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt("declare_id") > 0 {
v["declare"] = that.Db.Get("declare", "money_scope_min,money_scope_max,status", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("declare_id")})
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
package provider
import (
. ""
. ""
// Project 管理端项目
var Project = Proj{
"company": CompanyCtr,
"declare": DeclareCtr,
"matters": MattersCtr,
"order": OrderCtr,
"salesman": Salesman,
"sms": Sms,
"tag": TagCtr,
"user": UserCtr,
"wechat": Wechat,
func strToArray(str string) Slice {
s := Slice{}
olds := strings.Split(str, ",")
for _, v := range olds {
if v != "" {
s = append(s, v)
return s
func arrayToStr(ars Slice) string {
s := ","
if ars == nil {
return s
for k, _ := range ars {
s = s + ars.GetString(k) + ","
return s
func getSn() string {
x := Rand(8)
return Substr(Md5(ObjToStr(int64(x)+time.Now().UnixNano()+int64(Rand(6)))), 0, 6)
func getCode() string {
//res := ""
//for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
res := ObjToStr(RandX(1000, 9999))
return res
// 过滤 emoji 表情
func FilterEmoji(content string) string {
new_content := ""
for _, value := range content {
_, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(string(value))
if size <= 3 {
new_content += string(value)
return new_content
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
package provider
import (
. ""
. ""
var MattersCtr = Ctr{
"info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
res := that.Db.Get("matters", "*", Map{"id": id})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到事项")
if res.GetCeilInt("salesman_id") != that.Session("salesman_id").ToCeilInt() {
that.Display(4, "不是你的事项")
res["user"] = that.Db.Get("user", "id,name,nickname,company_id", Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt64("user_id")})
if res.GetMap("user") != nil && res.GetMap("user").GetCeilInt64("company_id") != 0 {
res["company"] = that.Db.Get("company", "id,name", Map{"id": res.GetMap("user").GetCeilInt64("company_id")})
that.Display(0, res)
"search": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
userId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
tp := that.Req.FormValue("type")
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "salesman_id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"title[~]": keywords, "description[~]": keywords, "content[~]": keywords}
if userId != 0 {
user := that.Db.Get("user", "id", Map{"AND": Map{"id": userId, "salesman_id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data}})
if user != nil {
data["user_id"] = userId
if tp != "" {
data["type"] = ObjToInt("tp")
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["modify_time[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["modify_time[<=]"] = finishTime
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data}
count := that.Db.Count("matters", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("matters", "*", data)
for _, v := range res {
if v.GetCeilInt64("user_id") != 0 {
v["user"] = that.Db.Get("user", "id,avatar,name,nickname,company_id", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt64("user_id")})
if v.GetMap("user") != nil && v.GetMap("user").GetCeilInt64("company_id") != 0 {
v["company"] = that.Db.Get("company", "id,name", Map{"id": v.GetMap("user").GetCeilInt64("company_id")})
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
package provider
import (
. ""
. ""
var OrderCtr = Ctr{
"info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data})
if salesman == nil {
that.Display(2, "登录错误")
res := that.Db.Get("order", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"id": id, "provider_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")}})
if res == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到对应订单")
//if res.GetCeilInt("salesman_id") != that.Session("salesman_id").ToCeilInt() {
// that.Display(4, "不是你的订单")
// return
if res.GetCeilInt("user_id") > 0 {
res["user"] = that.Db.Get("user", "name,nickname,avatar", Map{"id": res.GetCeilInt("user_id")})
res["order_record"] = that.Db.Select("order_record", "remarks,modify_time", Map{"order_id": res.GetCeilInt("id"), "ORDER": "modify_time DESC"})
that.Display(0, res)
"create_order_record": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
remarks := that.Req.FormValue("remarks")
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data})
if salesman == nil {
that.Display(2, "登录错误")
order := that.Db.Get("order", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"id": id, "provider_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")}})
if order == nil {
that.Display(4, "不是属于你的订单")
if order.GetCeilInt("status") != 0 {
that.Display(4, "已完结订单,不可操作")
orderRecordId := that.Db.Insert("order_record", Map{
"order_id": id,
"user_id": order.GetCeilInt64("user_id"),
"remarks": salesman.GetString("name") + ":" + remarks,
"salesman_id": order.GetCeilInt64("salesman_id"),
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
that.Db.Update("order", Map{"order_record_id": orderRecordId}, Map{"id": id})
that.Display(0, "新增订单记录成功")
"edit": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
id := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if id == 0 {
that.Display(3, "请求参数异常")
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data})
if salesman == nil {
that.Display(2, "登录错误")
policyDeclareFlag := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("policy_declare_flag"))
declareId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("declare_id"))
intellectualPropertyFlag := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("intellectual_property_flag"))
intellectualPropertyCount := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("intellectual_property_count"))
taxOnsultingFlag := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("tax_onsulting_flag"))
lawFlag := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("law_flag"))
status := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("status"))
data := Map{
"policy_declare_flag": policyDeclareFlag,
"intellectual_property_flag": intellectualPropertyFlag,
"intellectual_property_count": intellectualPropertyCount,
"tax_onsulting_flag": taxOnsultingFlag,
"law_flag": lawFlag,
"status": status,
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
if declareId != 0 {
data["declare_id"] = declareId
order := that.Db.Get("order", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"id": id, "provider_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")}})
if order == nil {
that.Display(4, "不是属于你的订单")
if order.GetCeilInt("status") != 0 {
that.Display(4, "已完结订单,不可操作")
data["order_record_id"] = that.Db.Insert("order_record", Map{
"order_id": id,
"user_id": order.GetCeilInt64("user_id"),
"remarks": salesman.GetString("name") + "变更了订单服务内容",
"salesman_id": order.GetCeilInt64("salesman_id"),
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
re := that.Db.Update("order", data, Map{"id": id})
if re == 0 {
that.Display(4, "变更订单内容失败")
that.Display(0, "变更订单内容成功")
"search": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
userId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data})
if salesman == nil {
that.Display(2, "登录错误")
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "provider_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"sn[~]": keywords, "name[~]": keywords}
if userId != 0 {
user := that.Db.Get("user", "id", Map{"AND": Map{"id": userId, "salesman_id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data}})
if user != nil {
data["user_id"] = userId
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["modify_time[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["modify_time[<=]"] = finishTime
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data}
count := that.Db.Count("order", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("order", "*", data)
for _, v := range res {
//if v.GetCeilInt("policy_id")>0{
// v["policy"]=that.Db.Get("policy","id,tag",Map{"id":v.GetCeilInt("policy_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt("user_id") > 0 {
v["user"] = that.Db.Get("user", "name,nickname,avatar", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("user_id")})
if v.GetCeilInt("order_record_id") > 0 {
v["order_record"] = that.Db.Get("order_record", "remarks,modify_time", Map{"id": v.GetCeilInt("order_record_id")})
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
package provider
import (
. ""
. ""
var Salesman = Ctr{
"test": func(that *Context) {
that.Session("salesman_id", 1)
that.Session("wechat_id", 1)
that.Display(0, 1)
"info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data})
if salesman == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到该业务员")
if salesman.GetString("nickname") == "" {
wechat := that.Db.Get("wechat", "*", Map{"salesman_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("id")})
if wechat != nil {
salesman["nickname"] = wechat.GetString("nickname")
salesman["avatar"] = wechat.GetString("avatar")
that.Db.Update("salesman", Map{"nickname": wechat.GetString("nickname"), "avatar": wechat.GetString("avatar")}, Map{"id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("id")})
salesman["user"] = that.Db.Count("user", Map{"AND": Map{"salesman_id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data, "del_flag": 0}})
salesman["matters"] = that.Db.Count("matters", Map{"AND": Map{"salesman_id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data, "del_flag": 0}})
salesman["admin"] = that.Db.Get("admin", "id,name,avatar", Map{"id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("admin_id")})
salesman["provider"] = that.Db.Get("provider", "*", Map{"id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")})
if salesman["provider"] != nil {
salesman["provider_salesman"] = that.Db.Get("salesman", "id,nickname,name,avatar", Map{"id": salesman.GetMap("provider").GetCeilInt64("salesman_id")})
that.Display(0, salesman)
"search": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data})
if salesman == nil {
that.Display(4, "找不到该业务员")
provider := that.Db.Get("provider", "*", Map{"id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")})
if provider.GetCeilInt("salesman_id") != salesman.GetCeilInt("id") {
that.Display(0, Slice{})
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "provider_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("provider_id")}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"name[~]": keywords, "nickname[~]": keywords, "phone[~]": keywords}
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["modifye_time[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["modifye_time[<=]"] = finishTime
count := that.Db.Count("salesman", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("salesman", "id,name,nickname,avatar", data)
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
"login": func(that *Context) {
code := that.Req.FormValue("code")
phone := that.Req.FormValue("phone")
if phone != that.Session("phone").ToStr() && code == that.Session("code").ToStr() {
that.Display(3, "手机号或者验证码错误")
if that.Session("wechat_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "还未登录")
wechat := that.Db.Get("wechat", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("wechat_id").ToCeilInt()})
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "*", Map{"phone": phone})
if salesman == nil {
that.Display(3, "找不到企服商")
if wechat == nil {
that.Display(2, "还未绑定微信")
if wechat.GetCeilInt("salesman_id") != 0 && wechat.GetCeilInt64("salesman_id") != salesman.GetCeilInt64("id") {
that.Display(5, "你已经绑定了其他商户")
that.Db.Update("wechat", Map{"salesman_id": salesman.GetCeilInt64("id")}, Map{"id": wechat.GetCeilInt64("id")})
that.Db.Update("salesman", Map{"login_time[#]": "now()", "modify_time[#]": "now()"},
Map{"id": salesman.GetCeilInt("id")})
wechat["salesman_id"] = salesman.GetCeilInt64("id")
that.Session("salesman_id", salesman.GetCeilInt64("id"))
that.Display(0, "登录成功!")
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
package provider
import (
. ""
var Sms = Ctr{
"send": func(that *Context) {
phone := that.Req.FormValue("phone")
if len(phone) < 11 {
that.Display(3, "手机号格式错误")
if that.Session("wechat_id").Data == nil && that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录不可发送短信")
salesman := that.Db.Get("salesman", "id", common.Map{"phone": phone})
if salesman == nil {
that.Display(3, "你还不是企服人员,请联系管理员")
code := getCode()
that.Session("phone", phone)
that.Session("code", code)
ddsms.DDY.SendYZM(phone, that.Config.GetString("smsLogin"), map[string]string{"code": code})
that.Display(0, "发送成功")
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
package provider
import (
. ""
. ""
var TagCtr = Ctr{
"create": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("user_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
name := that.Req.FormValue("name")
oldTag := that.Db.Get("tag", "id", Map{"name": name})
if oldTag != nil {
that.Display(4, "此标签已存在")
re := that.Db.Insert("tag", Map{
"user_id": that.Session("user_id").Data,
"name": name,
"remark": "用户上传",
"create_time[#]": "now()",
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"state": 1, //先置为异常状态,等待审核通过
"del_flag": 0,
if re == 0 {
that.Display(4, "添加失败")
that.Display(0, "添加成功")
"search": func(that *Context) {
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 40
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "state": 0}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"name[~]": keywords, "remark[~]": keywords}
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["modify_time[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["modify_time[<=]"] = finishTime
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data}
count := that.Db.Count("tag", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("tag", "id,name,remark", data)
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
package provider
import (
. ""
. ""
var UserCtr = Ctr{
"info": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
userId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if userId == 0 {
that.Display(3, "参数错误")
user := that.Db.Get("user", "*", Map{"id": that.Session("user_id").ToCeilInt()})
if user == nil {
that.Display(4, "获取个人信息失败")
delete(user, "password")
that.Display(0, user)
"edit": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
userId := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("id"))
if userId == 0 {
that.Display(3, "参数错误")
name := that.Req.FormValue("name")
nickname := that.Req.FormValue("nickname")
sex := that.Req.FormValue("sex")
email := that.Req.FormValue("email")
avatar := that.Req.FormValue("avatar")
address := that.Req.FormValue("address")
phone := that.Req.FormValue("phone") //如果更换手机号则要有新的短信验证码
data := Map{"modify_time[#]": "now()"}
if name != "" {
data["name"] = name
if nickname != "" {
data["nickname"] = nickname
if sex != "" {
data["sex"] = sex
if email != "" {
data["email"] = email
if avatar != "" {
data["avatar"] = avatar
if address != "" {
data["address"] = address
if phone != "" {
data["phone"] = phone
re := that.Db.Update("user", data, Map{"id": userId})
if re == 0 {
that.Display(4, "更新失败")
that.Display(4, "修改成功")
"search": func(that *Context) {
if that.Session("salesman_id").Data == nil {
that.Display(2, "没有登录")
page := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("page"))
pageSize := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("pageSize"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
if pageSize <= 0 {
pageSize = 20
tp := ObjToInt(that.Req.FormValue("type")) //0,无操作,1,已扫码未认证,2,已认证,3,VIP会员
data := Map{"del_flag": 0, "salesman_id": that.Session("salesman_id").Data}
keywords := that.Req.FormValue("keywords")
if keywords != "" {
data["OR"] = Map{"name[~]": keywords, "nickname[~]": keywords, "phone[~]": keywords}
startTime := that.Req.FormValue("starttime")
finishTime := that.Req.FormValue("finishtime")
if startTime != "" {
data["modifye_time[>=]"] = startTime
if finishTime != "" {
data["modifye_time[<=]"] = finishTime
if tp == 1 {
data["certification_flag"] = 0
if tp == 2 {
data["certification_flag"] = 1
data["OR"] = Map{"expiration_time": nil, "expiration_time[#]": "now()"}
if tp == 3 {
data["certification_flag"] = 1
data["expiration_time[>]"] = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
if len(data) > 1 {
data = Map{"AND": data, "ORDER": "modify_time DESC"}
count := that.Db.Count("user", data)
res := that.Db.Page(page, pageSize).PageSelect("user", "*", data)
for _, v := range res {
delete(v, "password")
that.Display(0, Map{"total": count, "data": res})
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
package provider
import (
. ""
. ""
var Wechat = Ctr{
"code": func(that *Context) {
if that.Req.FormValue("code") == "" {
that.Display(3, "参数不足")
appid, resToken, userInfo, err := wechat.H5Program.GetUserInfo(that.Req.FormValue("code"))
if err != nil {
that.Display(4, err)
wechatInfo := Map{
"openid": userInfo.OpenID,
"acttoken": resToken.AccessToken,
"retoken": resToken.RefreshToken,
"appid": appid,
"unionid": userInfo.Unionid,
"nickname": FilterEmoji(userInfo.Nickname),
"avatar": userInfo.HeadImgURL,
"modify_time[#]": "now()",
"del_flag": 0,
"type": 1,
wechat := that.Db.Get("wechat", "*", Map{"AND": Map{"openid": userInfo.OpenID, "del_flag": 0}})
if wechat != nil {
if wechat.GetCeilInt("salesman_id") != 0 {
that.Db.Update("salesman", Map{"login_time[#]": "now()"},
Map{"id": wechat.GetCeilInt("salesman_id")})
that.Session("salesman_id", wechat.GetCeilInt("salesman_id"))
that.Display(0, "登录成功")
that.Session("wechat_id", wechat.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Display(2, "暂未绑定")
wechatInfo["create_time[#]"] = "now()"
wechatInfo["id"] = that.Db.Insert("wechat", wechatInfo)
if wechatInfo.GetCeilInt("id") == 0 {
that.Display(4, "创建用户失败")
that.Session("wechat_id", wechatInfo.GetCeilInt("id"))
that.Display(2, "暂未绑定")
"sign": func(that *Context) {
signUrl := that.Req.FormValue("url")
if signUrl == "" {
that.Display(3, "参数不足")
cfg1, e := wechat.H5Program.GetSignUrl(signUrl)
if e != nil {
that.Display(4, e)
sign := Map{
"appId": cfg1.AppID,
"timestamp": cfg1.Timestamp,
"nonceStr": cfg1.NonceStr,
"signature": cfg1.Signature,
that.Display(0, sign)
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
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var qrcode = new QRCode(document.getElementById("qrcode"), {
width: 117,
height: 117
function run() {
var data={"timestamp": window.H.getParam("timestamp"),"sn":window.H.getParam("sn")}
// if(data.code==null){
// location.href=''+location.href+'&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_userinfo&state=STATE#wechat_redirect'
// return
// }
||||"/app/upan/login", data, function (res) {
if (res.status != 0) {
let url = 'https://''/#/qrcode?timestamp='+ window.H.getParam("timestamp")+"&sn="+ encodeURIComponent(window.H.getParam("sn"))
// let res = { "result": { "acttoken": "56_ogEfWa4mglG-Ilf2kD50FfekZWimJXUouZ4gMKmkVP2CwcLwv2lHO35LOn5NSLOQ-yEAZcIs3FvgIBhk2uF9CA", "appid": "wx4d97696b9ecb49fc", "avatar": "", "nickname": "候鸟半夏", "openid": "oPoZT6juCkF6fvnMHrCFI6SK_vK8", "retoken": "56_tjuJPobvbLVvOPtqPRZjTzQHR7i3Vmx_aGXOy9j0WsNTFS_JRnb4ArmUGhWtq6e7eCpUnPNKulIQ44CPiBnYEA", "unionid": "ofKK36PEkbIt0xMMUgch4H-bVaFI" }, "status": 0 }
Reference in New Issue
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